Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Post from Bob: Choosing a Candidate

At the State and National level, we select our candidates based on what they say about the running of our State and our Country governments.  We do not personally know these candidates.  They are not our neighbors or our family members. These State and National candidates are known by what they want to accomplish, their history of work on behalf of the State or Federal government and their ethics.

Why should it be any different for our County elections? 

What do we know about our local candidates?  

What do we know about what they want to accomplish if they are elected?  

How do they say they will improve our County?  

Which candidate has published their agenda?

What do we know about their history of work in any capacity that supports the County?  

Which candidates spent years working to improve the lives of Tunica County residents?  

Which candidates have chosen to do nothing?

What do we know about their ethics?  

Which candidate has a history of faithfully finding facts and making our County aware of these facts?
If simply shaking your hand and smiling is all you got from a candidate, what are you guaranteed to get from this candidate if elected?  

Does a free dinner take the place of knowledge, ethics, honesty or truthful communication?   

When did being a friend of a candidate make that person ready to work for the people of this county? 

You do not know those running for high political office for this State or for the Presidency.  Yet you listen to their statements.  You evaluate their behavior.  You try to understand what those candidates can do for our State and for our Country.
Why should it be different for the County candidates?  That is because it should not be different.

VOTE for those who serve.

On Tuesday, 3 Nov
VOTE for Transparency
Elect Barbara R. Tuchel
Supervisor Beat 2

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