Monday, November 2, 2015

Candidate Financial Reporting

So, before going to Municipal Court this morning, I went by the Circuit Clerk's Office to examine the candidates' financial reports.  Hmm....Interesting.

Recently, I had reported that one candidate for Supervisor Beat 2 had filed only one report and that report contained only one page.  When I had previously examined the financial reports on 24 Oct 2015, the Circuit Clerk herself looked twice and found only my reports and this other one page submission.  Really?!

Then today, there were reports for all candidates for Supervisor Beat 2.  Beat 2 voters, we have a problem.  The devil is in the details and it is important that Supervisors get the details right and that they are transparent.

Candidates submit financial reporting on specific dates.  Each report contains at least 3 pages: a consolidation page, a receipt page and an expense page. The last report was due on 27 Oct 2015.

This morning, this is what I found:

Barbara Tuchel's reports were completed, filed and stamped.

Perry Turner filed one report on 2 May 2015.  There was not a file stamp on this report.  There are contributions listed and no distribution of the funds are stated.  Have you seen any signs for a Turner campaign?  Me neither.

Robert Leflore, Jr. filed one report on 10 Jul 2015 and stated he had not received any contributions and had not spent any money.  I have seen Leflore campaign signs.  So, why wasn't this expense reported?  Additionally, Leflore ran as a Democrat in the Primary and the filing fee is $15.  He can't take the time to fill-out and file this simple report?

Lynn Henson filed his completed reports and they are all file stamped.  Incidently, it was Henson's one page that the Circuit Clerk showed me on 24 Oct 2015.  What's up with that, Sharon?

And then we get to Michael Johnson:  Johnson reported income of $2,000 and expenses of $6,951.28.  His contributions came from two sources: Pat Johnson ($1,000) and Becky and Ken Whittington ($1,000).  So, I guess the $4,951.28 came out of Johnson's own pocket?  Wondering if Johnson and the Whittington's are the only contributors.  Didn't his parents contribute to his campaign?

I also found a contribution to the Curley Matthews campaign of...I think...$500 from Dick Taylor.  I'm using this as an example to show that it is important to know who is contributing to whose campaign.

I know that the devil is in the details.  I know that every "i" must be dotted and every "t" crossed.

Tomorrow, 3 Nov 2015
VOTE for Transparency
Elect Barbara R. Tuchel
Supervisor Beat 2  

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