Monday, November 2, 2015

Updated 6 Nov 2015: NOT GUILTY! NOT GUILTY!

That's right folks.  Our County Administrator, Michael Thompson, is not guilty of the charges brought by the Tunica County Comptroller, Adrian McKay.

I couldn't hear all that went on at the Judge's bench.  So, I've asked for copies of the signed documents.  As soon as I get them, I will post them here.

Yes, post them here.  I've upgraded to Windows 10 and I'm hoping this will allow me to upload documents.  We will see.

But for now:

Michael Thompson

Update: 6 Nov 2015

Last night I received an email saying that I had this above post wrong and that I needed to delete this post.  Please reread this post.  I clearly say, I am waiting for copies of the signed documents.  To date, I have not received them and quite frankly have been too busy to follow-up.  

Perhaps what I intended as a spoof of what I imagined to be a Tunica Times headline didn't come across as such.  But this bold statement above is exactly that.  

Both Brooks Taylor and I were in the court room during this case and yet, there was no mention of this event in the 6 Nov 2015 issue of the newspaper.  Did I miss something?

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