Monday, November 2, 2015

Initiative 42

Have you all seen the Facebook pictures showing Marilyn Young speaking about and educating people about Initiative 42?  Yeah, what about that Tunica?  Young is doing the work of our Representative and we can't make sure she is elected to the MS House of Representatives?

Again, we have shot ourselves in the foot.

And what about our sitting Representative Clara Burnett?  What has she done to educate Tunicans about Initiative 42?  Nothing that I've seen.  Have you seen any activity from Burnett on this very important piece of legislation?

And what about her son, Cedric Burnett.  He's on the ballot tomorrow.  Has anyone seen him helping people to understand the importance of Initiative 42.

Tunica, we need to elect people who work for us.  I don't believe Burnett needs to be our Representative in the MS House.

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