This lady has in the past commented on this blog and recently she started commenting again. I didn't understand her thought processes before and I don't understand her thought processes now. So, I deleted her latest comments.
Apparently, this person attended the 29 Oct 2015 meeting and she didn't remember or understand what was happening. Her comments are not helpful in educating and informing the public.
On with this post:
What I am starting to understand about too many white people in Tunica is that they only hear what fits the conclusion they have already established. And the conclusion that they have already established is a part of their group think. There is very little critical thinking. This has to change.
Stop complaining that Michael Thompson does not live in Tunica County unless you are willing to ask for a policy change for all employees to be required to live in Tunica County. And this idea that Thompson is imposing taxes that he too is not paying? He's not responsible for our financial situation. We are through our choices in prior elections. Thompson has been hired to help get us to a sound financial footing.
I am sick to death of people who insist that others accept their choices but are unwilling to accept choices made by others. This is what I am talking about:
I am sick to death of the unfounded remarks about Michael Thompson. Some of you will not acknowledge that 3 duly elected Supervisors voted to hire Michael Thompson and Ellis Pittman. These 3 Supervisors were elected to make decisions for three fifths of our residents. Show some respect.
AND I am sick to death of them attacking anything that is not their choice.
AND I am sick to death of them asking for this internal audit. Michael Thompson was hired to do an internal audit. Why was this necessary? Because the former County Administrator would not give the three new Supervisors the information they needed to make decisions. Who told him he could do that? What was being hidden and how dare the former County Administrator do such a thing? Again, those three Supervisors represent three fifths of the citizens in this County. Show some respect.
AND some Boards of our Component Units thought they didn't have to comply with the Internal Audit that the Board of Supervisors had ordered? These people weren't elected to these Boards. They were appointed. What were you trying to hide from the public? Show some respect or resign. BTW, didn't the audit find around $900,000 in CD's at the Museum? The new Supervisors didn't know about this. Wasn't it their right to know? Wasn't it the citizens' right to know? What is wrong with you people.
AND when Thompson was hired as the County Administrator the internal audit stopped. AND one of the reasons for hiring Thompson as the new County Administrator was because you, Component Unit Boards, would not give Michael Thompson the information the Board of Supervisors wanted from the internal audit. What is so hard to understand about that? You have a question about anything? Make an appointment with Thompson and get your answer. Nothing is being hidden from you.
AND as far as this suit between the County and the Town and the School District? I want this settled just as badly as you do so we can get on with our lives. Has anybody given a second thought to the fact that this whole deal may have been set-up wrong from the get go? It seems to me that on too many occasions when something couldn't legally be done, those who were in power ran down to the State Legislature and got themselves some special legislation. Isn't this just another one of those deals?
AND what about all of these Component Units carrying a 501(3)(c) IRS Code? What's up with that? And don't go trying to make me believe it was set-up like this because the County couldn't do what these Component Units were doing. That's a bunch of BS and you know it.
Oh, and tell me this: Where was all of the white community when some of us were working with the State to get Chandler removed? Some of you voted for him. What was your problem? What is it that I don't understand about that? What I think is that you didn't and don't want to do any of the dirty work. I didn't vote for Chandler but when it became apparent that he was hurting our children and making it even more difficult to attract new businesses and residents to Tunica County, Bob and I joined the Educational Committee to have Chandler removed. Where were you? Here's a good thing that came from all of this: We will never again elect a Superintendent of Education in Tunica County because Tunica County has shown we do not make good choices when we elected Chandler.
AND in closing stop making your comments about the DEC. You didn't step up and voluntarily take on the job and yet you have done nothing but criticize these citizens as if they are paid employees. Where were you when these tough decisions needed to be made? I didn't see any of your hands raised to help. I didn't see any of your personal money leaving your pockets. Even when Lackey stated that the DEC didn't put Boykin on the ballot and you knew this not to be true, you kept on with your big flapping mouths. And as for Jones? How about taking yourselves on down to the Circuit Clerk's Office and ask her about that? Did you ever stop to think, why would the DEC put Boykin on the ballot and not Jones? It's because they didn't. Stop running your mouths and think.
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