Thursday, October 9, 2014

Employees are not getting paid...

And you know who is to blame? That would be Cedric Burnett. Read an earlier post on this blog about what went on at the 6 Oct 2014 BOS's Meeting and then come back here for an update and additional information. When I left the meeting for the Executive Session, I asked James Dunn if Claims were going to be brought up after the Executive Session. Dunn said yes. After the Executive Session, the meeting was about to be adjourned when Dunn was reminded he had not brought up the Claims. Then Burnett started his "in the room, out of the room" game that he thought was so funny. Burnett was out of the room when the vote was taken. The vote was Dunn: no; Williams and Nickson: yes. Burnett came back into the room and wanted his vote recorded as a no. Attorney Pittman informed Burnett at that time that he could not just say "I'm out of the room." So, Burnett's vote was put down as an abstention at the time of the vote. An abstention goes with the majority so Burnett's vote was recorded as a yes. This is the situation: THE VOTE WAS TAKEN WHEN BURNETT WAS OUT OF THE ROOM. THE VOTE WAS DUNN: NO; WILLIAMS AND NICKSON: YES. THE CLAIMS WERE VOTED TO BE PAID WITHOUT BURNETT'S VOTE WHETHER IT WAS A YES OR A NO OR WHATEVER ELSE HE WAS SAYING. WHY IS ANYONE LISTENING TO THIS BURNETT CLOWN? PAY OUR EMPLOYEES AND OUR BILLS. NOW!!!

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