One of MS's Senators, Roger Wicker, is on TV this morning in support of the travel ban.
Further, Wicker stated that he believed the three 9th Circuit Judges had no business weighing in on 45's right to ban travel from the 7 countries covered by the ban.
Senator Wicker, you are wrong. None of the countries included in this ban produced people who attacked America. The countries included in the ban were the countries that President Obama said did not have sufficient processes in place to vet travelers and that Americans needed to be careful if they wanted to travel to these seven countries.
Now back to 45. During the campaign, 45 read a letter that said very clearly he was calling for an immediate ban on Muslims coming into the United States until we could figure out what the hell is going on. You know this. I know this. That is what he said. Why don't you believe this is what he means?
Then Rudy Guilianni got on TV and said basically the same thing.
This administration is ruining America and you are going along with it. For you to say the people have no right to sue 45 on this issue is just wrong.
During the past week you have done the following:
1. Voted for Betsy DeVos and against the children of MS. DeVos is totally unqualified and you know it.
2. Voted for Jefferson Beauregard Session, III. Sessions may be good enough for AL but he isn't good enough for the people of MS and he isn't good for America.
3. Voted to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren on the subject of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III, but did not vote to silence the men who came after her who read Coretta Scott King's letter. Do you care to explain your vote on this subject?
You even voted against asking the Senate Sgt. at Arms to gather all Senators to the floor for a meeting. Really?
Senator Wicker, what is it that you are doing for the people of MS? Let me remind you that 500,000 Mississippians did not vote for 45. The only reason we are having to put up with this embarrassment is because of winner take all State legislation in the Electoral College. We the People did not vote for this in these United States of America and the Republican party needs to understand this.
In conclusion, I am asking you to do the following:
1. Vote to for an Independent Commission to investigate the involvement of Russia in our Election.
2. Get 45's tax returns released to the public.
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