Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Last night...

Last night Senators Wicker and Cochran joined other Republicans on the floor of the United States Senate to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren on the subject of the nomination of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions to be our next Attorney General.

Are our Senators paying attention?  The American people are watching and we don't like what we see.  We are watching as evidence against your colleague, Jefferson Beauregard Session, is brought to our attention...over a period of many years.

To name just a few of Sessions' recent voting records:

1. He voted against the Matthew Sheppard hate crime bill.

2. He voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

3. He voted against the Lilly Ledbetter bill.

For many years, there have been discussions about Sessions' racist tendencies and yet the people of AL keep sending him back to DC.  That may be good enough for AL but is not "good enough" for the United States of America as a whole.

And yet, it is my belief that yet again, both of our MS Senators will vote to confirm their colleague, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

When are MS's Senators going to vote to benefit our State? When are MS's Senators going to vote to benefit our Country? Yesterday, MS's Senators voted against our children when they voted in favor of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

And if this is not enough, let's not forget the American people want to see 45's tax returns and we want an Independent Commission to investigate and publicly report Russia's interference in our Election.  We are focused and you need to stop playing games with America's future.

Senators Wicker and Cochran: Stop making our State look stupid.  We are not stupid and we can see that both of you are voting against what is best for MS.  Stand-up and reject Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

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