Thursday, February 2, 2017

Dear Senators Wicker and Cochran

I have watched and called and written and protested and still you voted to make Rex Tillerson our new Secretary of State.

It is obvious to me that you have placed your Party above our Country.

It is obvious to me that you have no respect for the State Department employees who have signed a Dessent Memo against Trump's Muslim ban.  Be aware that these employees are protected from retaliation.

It is obvious to me that you did not insist on a thorough investigation and an answer as to Russia's involvement in our Election before voting for Rex Tillerson.

It is obvious to me that you have voted for a Secretary of State who has strong ties to Russia.

It is obvious to me that you have voted for a Secretary of State who has no diplomatic experience.

It is obvious to me that you no longer have the best interests of the State of MS and the United States of America when you voted for Rex Tillerson.

It is obvious to me that it is time for MS to start voting for our best interest by replacing both Senator Roger Wicker and Senator Thad Cochran.

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