Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The ACA and MS

MS-1Trent KellyR30%17100
MS-2Bennie ThompsonD32%24200
MS-3Gregg HarperR21%19900
MS-4Steven PalazzoR20%16600

This is a chart showing how the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has helped MS.

The first three columns are self-explanatory.

The fourth column is the percentage decrease in uninsured people since the ACA took effect.

The fifth column is the number of Marketplace enrollees.

And yet Senators Wicker and Cochran want to repeal the ACA.


ACTION: Letter sent to Senators Wicker and Cochran:

MS-1 Trent Kelly R 30% 17100
MS-2 Bennie Thompson D 32% 24200
MS-3 Gregg Harper R 21% 19900
MS-4 Steven Palazzo R 20% 16600

FYI, the above chart shows how the ACA has helped MS.  The first 3 columns are self-explanatory.  The 4th column shows the percentage of decrease in uninsured since the ACA was enacted.  The 5th column shows the number of people who have purchased through the Marketplace.

You need to fix the ACA, not repeal it.

BTW, when do you intend to have a Town Hall in Hernando?

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