Sunday, February 12, 2017

PPP and Black History Month

I am in possession of PPP's 10 Feb 2017 documentation of their work.  You may get your own copy at:

In the news recently "it was unclear whether Donald Trump really knew who Frederick Douglass was, and it turns out that puts him in pretty good alignment with his party base.  Only

47% of Trump voters know that Frederick Douglass is dead, compared to

78% of Clinton voters who know that.  Even though they need it, Trump voters aren't very excited about Black History Month.  Only

45% of (Trump voters) have a favorable opinion of (Black History Month)

35% (of Trump voters have a negative opinion of Black History Month)

81% (of Clinton voters have a favorable opinion of Black History Month)

9% (of Clinton voters have a negative opinion of Black History Month)".

"A lot of Trump voters don't think we should have Black History Month, said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling.  But given that a majority (of) them don't know Frederick Douglass is dead, they might need it."

And yet both Senators Wicker and Cochran voted to confirm Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education.  The most unqualified Secretary of Education EVER.  MS needs to Repeal and Replace Wicker and Cochran.  Enough said.

And if you would like to know more about why trump may have nominated DeVos, go to my FB page and look for an article with the pictures of DeVos, Trump and Putin.  Very concerning.

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