Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Town Hall Please...

Today I called both Senators Wicker and Cochran to find out if and when and where they have scheduled a Town Hall Meeting with their constituents.

In both cases I was told the offices did not have their schedules and they didn't know their where abouts.  Hmmm...

In both phone calls and follow-up emails I asked both Senators to schedule a Town Hall and to advertise the event.  I suggested Hernando or Southaven as a location.

Can I get a little help here?  Will you please call both Senators and request a Town Hall in either Hernando or Southaven?

Senator Wicker: 202-224-6253
Senator Cochran: 202-224-5054

Appreciate it.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The ACA and MS

MS-1Trent KellyR30%17100
MS-2Bennie ThompsonD32%24200
MS-3Gregg HarperR21%19900
MS-4Steven PalazzoR20%16600

This is a chart showing how the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has helped MS.

The first three columns are self-explanatory.

The fourth column is the percentage decrease in uninsured people since the ACA took effect.

The fifth column is the number of Marketplace enrollees.

And yet Senators Wicker and Cochran want to repeal the ACA.


ACTION: Letter sent to Senators Wicker and Cochran:

MS-1 Trent Kelly R 30% 17100
MS-2 Bennie Thompson D 32% 24200
MS-3 Gregg Harper R 21% 19900
MS-4 Steven Palazzo R 20% 16600

FYI, the above chart shows how the ACA has helped MS.  The first 3 columns are self-explanatory.  The 4th column shows the percentage of decrease in uninsured since the ACA was enacted.  The 5th column shows the number of people who have purchased through the Marketplace.

You need to fix the ACA, not repeal it.

BTW, when do you intend to have a Town Hall in Hernando?

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Enough said....

This should not happen.  In MS, we need our State Legislature to pass the

      National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC).

Google it and then contact your State reps.

An Article from Bill Palmer...

Since the election, I've been keeping up with a guy named Bill Palmer and the Palmer Report.  I've found his reporting to be spot on.  

The point of this article is that we who resist 45 and his cronies need to stay focused on one thing.  We need to drive 45's approval rating down.  I agree.

Bill Palmer
9 hrs
"It's important to understand this one thing, or else you'll be confused by everything that happens in the rest of the Donald Trump era: everything is dependent on his APPROVAL RATING, and there are no other determining factors when it comes to any decision that anyone involved will make.
The republicans in congress would like to protect him if they can. If a Russia investigation comes to the forefront it'll derail their legislative agenda. And if Trump goes down for Russia, it'll be such an embarrassing bodyblow to the party that "president Pence" and the GOP will just be playing out the string after that.
But if Trump's approval rating drops so toxically low that the republicans in congress decide they have to throw him overboard to salvage their own chances of reelection, they'll do it. They'd rather be politically crippled than be out of office entirely.
We've already seen hints of this. A week ago, when Trump's average approval rating just was hanging on just above the 40% mark, senate republicans were still rubber stamping his cabinet nominees no matter how embarrassing. They were firmly sticking with Trump in the hope he might somehow rebound. But a week later, with the Flynn incident having dragged Trump's average approval rating down down into the high thirties, suddenly the senate republicans became willing to reject a bad cabinet nominee — and now there are signs of life from the senate intel committee's Russia investigation.
Republicans in congress cannot be counted on to do the right thing or the patriotic thing, but they can be counted on to do whatever they think is the self-preserving thing. If Trump's approval rating remains at its current level, the republicans will allow Jeff Sessions to handle the DOJ's Russia investigation, which they know will go nowhere. But if Trump's approval rating keeps dropping, the republicans will get nervous about looking soft on Trump, and they'll insist Sessions recuse himself and we'll get a real investigation.
That's how it's going to go with every decision that everyone makes. I can promise you that the republicans in congress are getting out of bed in each morning and looking to see where Trump's approval rating is, both nationally and in their own state or district, before deciding how they're going to approach him that day.
If you want to force the republicans in congress to allow Trump to be taken down, you must drive his approval rating even lower than it is now. For reference, Richard Nixon's approval rating had to fall into the twenties before his allies in congress decided they needed to force him out.
Driving Trump's approval rating has nothing to do with his base at all. They'll stick with him. But only 27% of the country voted for him, and no more than half of them are his base. We must convince the people in the middle to turn against him. Treat his base like they don't exist. Focus on those who are still trying to keep an "open mind" about him. Those types are infuriating, but they are the ones whose minds can be changed, and who can drive his approval rating so things will be put in motion.
The people in the middle don't like politics to begin with, and they have a short attention span for it. Some of them will find the Trump-Russia scandal too arcane for them to care about, no matter how dire it may sound. Some of them may be more likely to turn against him simply because he's proving to be a weakling who cowers to world leaders and gets struck down by courts and whines all day. Use whatever scandal or flaw necessary to turn any given undecided person against Trump. Figure out which Trump scandal resonates with any given person, and use it.
And stop with the "...but Pence would be even worse" fatalism. Pence is a truly evil bigoted man. But it would be far easier for us to play out the rest of the string against a scandal-wounded Pence than against Trump. First we force Trump out of power, who could get us all killed at any moment, and then we focus on how to fight Pence.
Also, and this is crucial, there is no such thing under the law or the constitution as an "invalidated election" or a president being "disqualified due to treason" or a "do-over election" or any of these other imaginary terms being thrown around. Those are just random words struck together by wishful thinkers. There is literally no such thing, and demanding that it happen will yield the same result as demanding that dragons suddenly become a real thing. It's not that the odds of a "do-over election" are remote. It's. That. There. Is. No. Such. Thing. Anyone who tells you there's such a thing as a do-over election, or that there is any scenario where it could happen, is misleading you by waving convenient imaginary solutions in your face.
The next four years will follow the presidential order of succession, because that's how the law and the constitution work. If Trump is ousted, Pence will be president. If Pence is then ousted over his own scandals, the next person down the list will be president. As I've been saying since November 10th, this is a four year fight, and there is no magic wand for making it anything other than a four year fight. But if Trump goes, any "presidents" who assume the office for the remainder of the four year term will be progressively more powerless, and we can outmaneuver and outlast them all. But please understand that this was always going to be a four year fight — although it does get easier once we get past the crucial first hundred days. This, right now, is the worst of it.
In any case, the first step is neutralizing Trump so he can be forced out. And, I'll keep saying this until everyone involved is on the same page, his downfall will be based entirely on his APPROVAL RATING and no other factors. There is nothing under the law or the constitution, no evidence that could surface, that would automatically put impeachment in motion. It doesn't work that way. Impeachment hearings are at the sole discretion of the House republicans. They will do it if and only if his APPROVAL RATING falls far enough that they conclude it's their best option for their own political survival.
So everything that you say and do politically, make sure you do it with an eye on driving Trump's approval rating lower."

Please consider reading the Palmer Report.  As I've said, I FIND Bill's reporting to be right on.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Dear Senator Wicker:

This afternoon, I watched in dismay as you spoke on the Senate floor about your reasons supporting Scott Pruitt to head the EPA.  Really?

It is my understanding that Pruitt does not fully support Climate Change.  That fact alone would cause me to write to you again and that was my plan.  But now, I have learned more about this man and I am not impressed.

What I have learned is that court documents show that he was behind the botched execution of a prisoner (Lockett) in OK in 2014.  I have learned that he has been found to be cutting and pasting lobbyist's documents in letters to the EPA.  And then tonight, we've learned that AG Pruitt has not answered Freedom of Information letters that are over two years old.  I certainly understand the public's frustration with unanswered Freedom of Information.  I've had 3 such letters before the Tunica County Board of Supervisors for over a year.  I guess they too don't think the public has a right to know.

Senator Wicker, I certainly realize I have not supplied any documentation to support what the news is reporting.  And I don't intend to waste my time doing so.  That's your job.  It is your job to know who and what you are voting for or against.

It is my hope that you will do your homework on Scott Pruitt and vote against this poor candidate.

PS: I also wrote to Senator Cochran about Scott Pruitt, too.

Senator Wicker's reply...

I wrote to Senator Wicker about the GOP's idea of repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.  My response is below Senator Wicker's letter.

Dear Barbara,

Thank you for contacting me regarding health-care reform.    I am glad to have the benefit of your views on this issue.

On January 12, 2017, the Senate passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 3, with my support.    The House of Representatives passed this bill on January 13, 2017.    This bill begins the process of enacting new, market-driven health-care reforms and does not affect Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid in Mississippi.

I believe all Americans should have access to affordable and high-quality health care.    In 2010, Congress passed a 2,700-page law that increases the government's role in our health-care system. Unfortunately, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has raised costs and burdens on American families and small businesses with billions of dollars in new taxes and regulations.

There are certain aspects of the current law that would easily pass Congress again after a full repeal, including provisions prohibiting health insurers from denying coverage to people with preexisting conditions and maintaining young adult coverage through the age of 26.    I am committed to finding a new approach to health-care reform that actually lowers the cost of care for families and workers.    Eliminating frivolous medical lawsuits, letting small businesses band together to provide health insurance for their employees, and allowing people to purchase insurance across state lines are some of the many ways we could lower costs and improve the quality of care for patients.

The Affordable Care Act has had a negative impact on our state.    Skyrocketing premiums and co-payments have limited access to doctors for too many Mississippians.    I support lower premiums and patients' freedom to choose their providers.    In 2008, I introduced legislation that would have broadened insurance competition across state lines, giving individuals and families more choices and using market forces to drive down costs.    My bill would have allowed patients to keep their current doctor and would have helped Mississippians who cannot afford health insurance.    I believe in workable solutions that empower patients  –   not unelected bureaucrats   –   in their health-care decisions.

Although you and I disagree on repealing this law, we agree that all Americans deserve access to affordable health care.    I share your concerns about health care in our country, and I will continue to work toward effective solutions.    Please continue to let me know about issues of concern to you.

With best wishes, I am


Roger F. Wicker
U.S. Senator
555 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C., 20510

BT: I don't believe Senator Wicker's position on the ACA is correct and here is why:

1. In MS, Gov. Bryant refused the Medicaid Expansion which would have helped more MS residents afford insurance.

2. While the GOP continues their "repeal and replace" chant, they have not presented a plan to the public.  The Republicans have enjoyed a majority in both chambers of Congress since 2010.  And yet, where is their plan?

3. Since 2010, the GOP has had ample time to tweak the ACA to make it better.  But they didn't.

4. I am suggesting to Senator Wicker and the Republican Party that allowing insurance companies to sell across State lines will reduce insurance company competition rather than increase competition.  This will be devastating to poorer States like MS.  Insurance companies need to have a physical presence where they want to sell their product.  There is a reason there are so many States with only one insurance company "competing" for the health care business.  The reason is business.  The insurance companies have decided they can't make enough money in some States and they take their business elsewhere.

If the GOP wants to sell across State lines, let's just go to Medicare for all.

In conclusion, I am suggesting that the GOP has lost all credibility when it comes to the ACA.  Their inaction since 2010 speaks for itself.  I am suggesting that the GOP acknowledge that the White House won the Electoral College and not the popular vote.  They need to start passing legislation that We the People support.  And We the People like the Affordable Care Act.  Listen to the protests.

Monday, February 13, 2017

45 refuses to send Feds to Feather River

45's refusal to send aid to CA is deplorable.  CA is the 6th largest economy in the world.  They send a boat load of money to D. C. And only get $.81 back on every dollar they spend.

States Receiving Most in Federal Spending Per Dollar of Federal Taxes Paid:
1. D.C. ($6.17)
2. North Dakota ($2.03)
3. New Mexico ($1.89)
4. Mississippi ($1.84)
5. Alaska ($1.82)
6. West Virginia ($1.74)
7. Montana ($1.64)
8. Alabama ($1.61)
9. South Dakota ($1.59)
10. Arkansas ($1.53)

In contrast, of the 16 states that are "losers" -- receiving less in federal spending than they pay in federal taxes -- 69% are Blue States that voted for Al Gore in 2000. Indeed, 11 of the 14 (79%) of the states receiving the least federal spending per dollar of federal taxes paid are Blue States. Here are the Top 10 states that supply feed for the federal trough (with Blue States highlighted in bold):

States Receiving Least in Federal Spending Per Dollar of Federal Taxes Paid:

1. New Jersey ($0.62)
2. Connecticut ($0.64)
3. New Hampshire ($0.68)
4. Nevada ($0.73)
5. Illinois ($0.77)
6. Minnesota ($0.77)
7. Colorado ($0.79)
8. Massachusetts ($0.79)
9. California ($0.81)
10. New York ($0.81)

What is it going to take to get 45 out of our White House?  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

PPP and Black History Month

I am in possession of PPP's 10 Feb 2017 documentation of their work.  You may get your own copy at:

In the news recently "it was unclear whether Donald Trump really knew who Frederick Douglass was, and it turns out that puts him in pretty good alignment with his party base.  Only

47% of Trump voters know that Frederick Douglass is dead, compared to

78% of Clinton voters who know that.  Even though they need it, Trump voters aren't very excited about Black History Month.  Only

45% of (Trump voters) have a favorable opinion of (Black History Month)

35% (of Trump voters have a negative opinion of Black History Month)

81% (of Clinton voters have a favorable opinion of Black History Month)

9% (of Clinton voters have a negative opinion of Black History Month)".

"A lot of Trump voters don't think we should have Black History Month, said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling.  But given that a majority (of) them don't know Frederick Douglass is dead, they might need it."

And yet both Senators Wicker and Cochran voted to confirm Betsy DeVos to be Secretary of Education.  The most unqualified Secretary of Education EVER.  MS needs to Repeal and Replace Wicker and Cochran.  Enough said.

And if you would like to know more about why trump may have nominated DeVos, go to my FB page and look for an article with the pictures of DeVos, Trump and Putin.  Very concerning.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Public Policy Polling: Obamacare

I am in possession of PPP's 10 Feb 2017 documentation of their work.  You may get your own copy at:

"Voters are concerned about trump taking away Obamacare.

47% of voters now say they support the Affordable Care Act to only

39% who are opposed.  It just keeps getting more popular.  And only

32% think the best course of action to take on health care is repealing the ACA, while

65% would like Congress to keep it and just fix parts that need fixing."

Stay tuned.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Public Policy Polling (PPP)

I am in possession of PPP's 10 Feb 2017 documentation of their work.  You may get your own copy at:

"Voters continue to have a lot of basic transparency concerns when it comes to Trump.

62% think he needs to fully divest himself from his business interests to only

27% who don't think it's necessary for him to do that. And

58% want him to release his tax returns, to just

31% who don't think he needs to.  In fact by a

53/32 spread, voters would support a law requiring that candidates for President release , 5 years of their tax returns in order to appear on the ballot."

Stay tuned.

Repeal and Replace Wicker and Cochran

Why does MS keep electing people who do not vote to benefit MS?

Not only did our Governor not accept the ACA Medicaid expansion but our Senators just voted to confirm Senator Tom Price.  If you are not familiar with Price, he wants to do away with the ACA all together.

So much for draining the swamp.  Deplorable.

Wicker is wrong

One of MS's Senators, Roger Wicker, is on TV this morning in support of the travel ban.

Further, Wicker stated that he believed the three 9th Circuit Judges had no business weighing in on 45's right to ban travel from the 7 countries covered by the ban.

Senator Wicker, you are wrong.  None of the countries included in this ban produced people who attacked America. The countries included in the ban were the countries that President Obama said did not have sufficient processes in place to vet travelers and that Americans needed to be careful if they wanted to travel to these seven countries.

Now back to 45.  During the campaign, 45 read a letter that said very clearly he was calling for an immediate ban on Muslims coming into the United States until we could figure out what the hell is going on.  You know this.  I know this. That is what he said.  Why don't you believe this is what he means?

Then Rudy Guilianni got on TV and said basically the same thing.

This administration is ruining America and you are going along with it.  For you to say the people have no right to sue 45 on this issue is just wrong.

During the past week you have done the following:

1. Voted for Betsy DeVos and against the children of MS.  DeVos is totally unqualified and you know it.

2.  Voted for Jefferson Beauregard Session, III.  Sessions may be good enough for AL but he isn't good enough for the people of MS and he isn't good for America.

3. Voted to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren on the subject of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III, but did not vote to silence the men who came after her who read Coretta Scott King's letter.  Do you care to explain your vote on this subject?

You even voted against asking the Senate Sgt. at Arms to gather all Senators to the floor for a meeting.  Really?

Senator Wicker, what is it that you are doing for the people of MS?  Let me remind you that 500,000 Mississippians did not vote for 45.  The only reason we are having to put up with this embarrassment is because of winner take all State legislation in the Electoral College.  We the People did not vote for this in these United States of America and the Republican party needs to understand this.

In conclusion, I am asking you to do the following:

1. Vote to for an Independent Commission to investigate the involvement of Russia in our Election.

2. Get 45's tax returns released to the public.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What is it going to take?

Tonight Senators Wicker and Cochran voted to confirm Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

When are our two Senators going to grow a spine and do what is right for MS and right for America?

Let's give them a job to do that they might accomplish and let's hold their feet to the fire.

So, here we go:

1.  We want to see 45's tax returns.  Do you think you could do that?

2.  We want an Independent Commission to investigate the 8 Nov 2016, election and we want to know exactly what Russia did.  Do you think you could do that?

If by chance your answer to either of the above requests is no, you need to resign because you are useless to the citizens of MS.

Last night...

Last night Senators Wicker and Cochran joined other Republicans on the floor of the United States Senate to silence Senator Elizabeth Warren on the subject of the nomination of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions to be our next Attorney General.

Are our Senators paying attention?  The American people are watching and we don't like what we see.  We are watching as evidence against your colleague, Jefferson Beauregard Session, is brought to our attention...over a period of many years.

To name just a few of Sessions' recent voting records:

1. He voted against the Matthew Sheppard hate crime bill.

2. He voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act.

3. He voted against the Lilly Ledbetter bill.

For many years, there have been discussions about Sessions' racist tendencies and yet the people of AL keep sending him back to DC.  That may be good enough for AL but is not "good enough" for the United States of America as a whole.

And yet, it is my belief that yet again, both of our MS Senators will vote to confirm their colleague, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

When are MS's Senators going to vote to benefit our State? When are MS's Senators going to vote to benefit our Country? Yesterday, MS's Senators voted against our children when they voted in favor of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

And if this is not enough, let's not forget the American people want to see 45's tax returns and we want an Independent Commission to investigate and publicly report Russia's interference in our Election.  We are focused and you need to stop playing games with America's future.

Senators Wicker and Cochran: Stop making our State look stupid.  We are not stupid and we can see that both of you are voting against what is best for MS.  Stand-up and reject Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wicker and Cochran Voted Against MS's Children

And neither Senator can defend their vote for Betsy DeVos. Why?  Because there is no defense.

Our Senators both know that DeVos is not the best America has to offer.  They know that DeVos is not qualified.  DeVos has never taught in a school.  DeVos has never served on a school board.  She has never attended a public school.  She didn't send her children to public schools.  DeVos is simply a rich political operative and I believe our Senators...both of our Senators...need to be replaced because when our Senators vote against Mississippi's children, they are voting against our future.  

And, their votes today disrespected every teacher in the State of Mississippi.

As I stated at the beginning of this article, neither Roger Wicker nor Thad Cochran can defend their vote for Betsy DeVos.  They just can't.

Doesn't this say it all?

A Poem from Bob

Ode to the Chosen One.

Humpty Trumpty perched on his wall
Led this country to take a great fall.

All Trumpty's sycophants and his disturbed mind
Led us all as though were blind.

Humpty Trumpty from his high wall
Could not see reality, no not at all.

To Humpty Trumpty he was the King
Not letting our freedom bell ring.

Trumpty's “Alternative Facts”, also called lies,
Dishonor to his country he supplies.

Author: Robert Tuchel

Betsy DeVos

Dear Senators Wicker and Cochran,

I'm writing to tell you about what your colleague, Michael Bennet(D-CO), had to say about the MISSISSIPPI DELTA and our educational needs.

Bennet used the MISSISSIPPI DELTA as an example when he spoke against the nomination of Betsy DeVos to be our Secretary of State.  Bennet used the MISSISSIPPI DELTA to support his belief that DeVos is the wrong person to head our Department of Education.  I agree with Bennet.

So, Senators Wicker and Cochran, are you going to vote for the children of the MISSISSIPPI DELTA or are you going to vote with your Party?  We are watching.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Dear Senators Wicker and Cochran

I have watched and called and written and protested and still you voted to make Rex Tillerson our new Secretary of State.

It is obvious to me that you have placed your Party above our Country.

It is obvious to me that you have no respect for the State Department employees who have signed a Dessent Memo against Trump's Muslim ban.  Be aware that these employees are protected from retaliation.

It is obvious to me that you did not insist on a thorough investigation and an answer as to Russia's involvement in our Election before voting for Rex Tillerson.

It is obvious to me that you have voted for a Secretary of State who has strong ties to Russia.

It is obvious to me that you have voted for a Secretary of State who has no diplomatic experience.

It is obvious to me that you no longer have the best interests of the State of MS and the United States of America when you voted for Rex Tillerson.

It is obvious to me that it is time for MS to start voting for our best interest by replacing both Senator Roger Wicker and Senator Thad Cochran.