Wednesday, October 28, 2015

UPDATED 29 OCT 2015: There's a new blog in town....

Before I go on with my request for action, be aware that this Blogger does not identify him/her self.  I have a backbone and from day one, I have put my real name out there.  Hoping he/she will do the same.  Also, there is a responder to this other blog using the name, Jack Moss.  Previously, "Jack Moss" wrote on this site.  I asked him to use his real name.  I checked with the Post Office and there is not a "Jack Moss" in Tunica County.  Oh please...grow up and step out with what you have to say.

Okay, the new blog is  aka Tunicans for Responsible Government.

From one of their posts, I gathered that they believe Boykin's eligibility for office should be left to the voter alone without any certification from the DEC.  Really?  And what do they plan to do if Boykin wins the election?  What if she loses the election?  Should the State of MS just ignore the accusation of voter fraud?

I have already responded to some of their posts and I am expecting my comments to be deleted.  Let's take some of our readership on over there and see what they have to say.

As always, I am open to other ideas and suggestions of a change in what I have to say.'

UPDATE: So, I checked back with this other blog and sure enough, some of my comments were deleted.  I wasn't rude and I didn't curse.  So, I guess it was the information I presented, under my own name, that didn't fit with their purposes.

One of the things I pointed out to them was that it may look like I am deleting comments from this Blog but that isn't so.  For some reason, blogspot comments sometimes post twice.  When this happens, either the author or I deletes the duplicate comment.  As a matter of fact, this is already happening on the other blog too.  Off to do some quilting.

One more thing, don't forget the BOSs' Meeting today at 5p.  Another opportunity to see the Beat 2 Supervisor explode.

Oh, BTW as of 8:25a this morning, this blog has 64,036 hits.  Thanks for reading.  I'm doing my best to post accurate information under my own name.  Always open to taking another look at what I've posted.

Now, I really am off to do some quilting.

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