Saturday, October 24, 2015

Beat 2 Financial Reporting

Periodically, during a campaign, the candidates are required to file a Report of Receipts and Disbursements.  There are three pages to each report and there are dates listed on the front page to file each report.  The first pages is a consolidation, the second page is for itemized receipts and the third page is itemized disbursements.

These reports allow the public to see who is financially supporting a candidate and where the candidate is spending these funds.

Well guess what: There are 5 candidates for the position of Beat 2 Supervisor and I am the only candidate who has submitted the three page reports.  To be totally transparent, some of my reports have been filed late but they are all there.  One candidate filed the consolidation page for 8 Oct 2015. I am baffled by this.  How can these candidates serve as the Beat 2 Supervisor when they don't even file their candidacy financial reports.

One of the Beat 2 Supervisor candidates has spent big bucks on his campaign.  Hello, Beat 2 has a right to know who is financing your campaign.  Your arrogance is disgusting.  File your darn reports. What your inaction is proving is that you are not prepared to be a Supervisor and neither are the other three candidates.  Hey, don't think I am talking behind this guy's back.  I told him as much to his face on 4 Mar 2015. It was true then and he has proven it is true now.

Tunica, we have big problems in Tunica County.  Past administrations have built these "HUGE" facilities that we must pay for with our limited dollars.  Are you going to continue to elect people who are running for their friends and family or are you going to elect someone who has no other purpose but to help Tunica County?

Elect Barbara R. Tuchel
Supervisor: Beat 2
3 Nov 2015

To be clear:  When I asked to see the financial reports for Beat 2, Sharon Granberry looked not once but twice and found my reports and the one sheet from another candidate.


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