- A family member
- An employer
- A friend
- Someone who was “important”
What has it gotten this County? What has it gotten you?
Despite millions of dollars in revenue, the county still has a failing school system; the county still has some horrible housing; the county still has no jobs; the county has no industry that will hire us; the county hasn’t the ability to attract new residents and visitors will go no further south than the casinos. But, we have an airport, a golf and tennis facility, a river park, an arena, and three underused recreation centers.
Is your home as nice as these fancy buildings? Is the food in your refrigerator any better today than ten years ago? Are your bills getting paid with less fuss than ten years ago? How about your health? Is it any better? Where are the improvements you needed?
Why did this happen? It is because you decided to vote for your family member, your friend, your boss or his family, or you voted for a person of “importance.”
Your voting is keeping you without a job, your voting is keeping your children without food, without healthcare, without an education and without a future. Your voting keeps new businesses away. Your voting makes it easy to “misuse” county money. Is this what you want for you and for your children?
How about a change? To get that change, you will have to vote for persons who are willing to get bloody fighting for your future; persons with a deep knowledge of the operation of this county. These persons must have transparent integrity, honesty, and who only promise what they can deliver.
It is time for you to recognize Barbara Tuchel as having the courage to face those who have only cared for themselves. They built their monuments to nowhere instead of building decent housing. We have new industries that will not hire our residents. Those persons you voted for failed to serve you.
Barbara Tuchel has kept the faith by learning how to improve your lives. She kept the faith by helping expose the reckless use of your money. She kept the faith by intervening on behalf of those who have no voice in government.
Barbara Tuchel puts herself out front with the facts. She confronts the lies and the liars. She works with honesty and within the State Statutes. And, she does it for you. This is risky business for her but she does not back down. She has been threatened with violence for telling the truth. She has been called vile names because she has the courage to defend your rights to have decent government and equal treatment. By now you should know you can depend on her. Put Barbara Tuchel where she can continue her fight for you.
Vote for Barbara Tuchel to be the County Supervisor for Beat 2.
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