Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Calming Note from Coach Norwood

Unfortunately leading up to this weeks game there were allegedly threats made toward the opposing team. As of yet we have not confirmed who the threats may or may not have come from. However, If you consider yourself a real supporter of this Team and Program me & my staff have built over the past six years you would refrain from directing insults at the opposing team and our players and coaches. This is not what I'm about & this is not what we are teaching your young men. This behavior will not be tolerated. It is sad that these boys body of work they have put together this season is being tarnished by people that have no affiliation with the Team. We must do a better job of representing our school and town in everything we do. It's hurts to hear people call my kids thugs, gang bangers, and uncivilized. I know they aren't but we have students and fans that claim to represent us act in this manner. In the future, if you cannot represent The Fort in a positive manner please do not show up at our games.
Coach Norwood

Coach Norwood told me the following:
"I wish the Times wouldn't have posted the article on their face book.  I asked for it to be removed early this morning.  It has caused a lot of controversy over nothing." 

UPDATED 6 Nov 2015: 29 Oct 2015: Board of Supervisors' Meeting: CORRECTED 3 Nov 2015

29 Oct 2015 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting: 5p

Thank you for the appointment this evening.

Over the years, I have written and reported to you about our voter rolls.  We are just a few days away from the General Election.  We still have many problems with our Election Commission’s performance.

Four weeks ago, I received a phone call talking about the training of election workers for 3 Nov.  I thought I would check it out for myself.  Bob and I attended the next meeting.  At that meeting, I learned that our voter rolls have not been purged.  Yes, it is and was too late but it was not too late in Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May and Jun of this year.  I just wanted the Election Commission to admit to their potential workers that the voter rolls they would be working with on 3 Nov, had not been purged.

I learned that the previous week there were 19 people in attendance.  At the meeting I attended, there was supposed to be hands on training on the voting machines.  In preparation for this training, 2 machines were set-up and at least 1 of them was not working.  I suggested that enough machines be set-up the following week to allow every person to experience what it takes to set-up and take-down the voting machines. 

I couldn’t attend the next week.  However, at the final training I verified with one person that there were additional machines the previous week.  Another person told me there were 6 machines set-up during the training that I could not attend.

At the final training, I arrived early to make a list of the Poll Workers that have been assigned to the 3 precincts in Beat 2.  I wanted to make sure that the 2 Poll Managers at the Tunica Library during the Primary Election were not going to be working anywhere in Beat 2.  If you will remember, 27 voters were disenfranchised due to Poll Manager errors at the Library on 4 Aug. 

I am including the list of workers in this report:

Precinct 3: Prichard Road:
Manager: Leonard Granberry
Manager: Martini McNeal
Latoya Gibson
Yameka Melvin (had not been asked yet)

Precinct 4: Tunica Library
Manager: Scott Rhines
Manager: Meg Coker
CORRECTION: Sandy Gannoway
Patricia Seggog
Marilyn Seggog

Precinct 5: Mhoon Landing
Manager: Joyce Mitchell
Susie Dorsey
Roshunda Dorsey
Anthony Hudson (had not been asked yet)

Why is this important information?  At the last Primary, we were told that some workers called in the day before the Primary and said they wouldn’t be available the next day.  So, what happened?  What happened was that people who had previously worked our elections were called to fill in.  What I am suggesting is that each of you find out from your Election Commissioner who is going to work the polls in your Beat.  The devil is in the details and this list may be helpful to you after next Tue.

So, what is left?  The voter rolls that are used by the Poll Workers at the Precincts.  What can you, as a Supervisor, do to make sure that the rolls provided by the Circuit Clerk are accurate? 

During the Primary and the run-off, there were problems like unsealed bags from Mhoon Landing, Superintendent’s Office and Tunica Auditorium.  There were problems with people voting who did not live here.  There were problems with voters being listed in the wrong Precinct. There were problems with a lot of stuff.  Why can’t Tunica get this right?  Have we really been doing it wrong so long that some of us think it is right?  At the very least, every legal voter of this County needs to feel sure that our elections are fair and honest.

*This is the end of the Transparency Report.  

What I am reporting next is very important for all of us to understand BEFORE we cast our votes next Tue, 3 Nov 2015.

To request an appointment on the agenda of a Board of Supervisors' Meeting, you must submit your request at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.  The Transparency Committee asked to be put on the agenda for this meeting well before 72 hours prior.  

After presenting our report, James Dunn asked a member of the audience who is also a member of the Healthcare Authority Board (HCAB), if he had requested to be placed on the agenda.  The HCAB member stated he had called the County Administrator's Office but had not received a return phone call.  Dunn then invited the HCAB member to speak.  

The HCAB member then requested that the BOS reconsider hiring "Mr." Gene Osborn. (PLEASE people, it is DOCTOR Osborn not Mister Osborn...use his title...he earned it.)  This is very curious because as I understand it, the Healthcare Authority Board voted against again hiring Dr. Osborn to assist the two HCA managers.  Correction: I have now learned that the HCAB voted for rehiring Dr. Osborn.  One member voted against rehiring Dr. Osborn.  

A bit of background: Previously, the BOS rehired Dr. Osborn for 3 months to train the two managers.  At the end of the three months, the managers were awarded a $20,000 raise each due to their added responsibilities.

During his presentation to the BOS the HCAB member stated the HCA would lose approximately $1M this year.  The impression was that this was unusual.  Thankfully, County Administrator Michael Thompson interrupted the presentation to inform Dunn, the HCBA member and everyone else that the HCA has lost between $800K and $1M since its inception in 2005.  The HCAB member stated the deficit was between $500K and $600K.  Thompson corrected him and the HCAB member finally admitted that Thompson was correct.  Additionally, Thompson stated that the HCA has lost between $800k and $1M per year when Dr. Osborn was in charge so this is no surprise to anyone.

I know this to be true as the Transparency Committee has been looking into the HCA for many years.  We were the folks who brought to the public's attention that we were paying Dr. Gentry $265k per year.  We were the folks who attended and spoke to the BOS at Public Hearings about the HCA  losing about a $1M per year.  

Okay, so that's the background.  Here's the problem.  The HCAB did not vote to rehire Dr. Osborn and yet Dunn and this HCAB member tried to make us think he was speaking about a subject that was approved by the HCAB.  Guys, we are not stupid.  To me this was one member of the HCAB pushing for something that the board of which he is a member had voted against.  Does he think he can step over the HCAB to get what he wants by coming to the BOS?  I think this is inappropriate and very disruptive to the democratic way of doing things.  Does he not respect the other HCAB members?  Thank heaven for Sonny Nickson, who stood up to Dunn and the HCAB member. As corrected above, the HCAB voted to rehire Dr. Osborn with one member voting against the rehiring.  IMHO, why do we keep employing the same people and expecting different results?  Maybe the rehire is on an as-needed basis but just maybe we need to do something different.  The HCAB member who spoke at the BOS's meeting was asked to bring back other options.  

Blogger's note: In my follow-up to this post, I did find out that the rest of the HCAB did not know this member had taken it upon himself to approach the Board.  Therefore, my statement above of "I think this is inappropriate and very disruptive to the democratic way of doing things" still stands.

Additionally, I have now been told by other HCAB members that the two managers asked Michael Thompson to help them balance their books.  He couldn't do this because he was in the middle of the budgeting process.  They then approached Adrian McKay and got the same answer.  So, they hired Williams, Pitts and Beard at $260+ per hour to do the task.  One of the HCAB members I spoke with said they should have called her and she would have balanced their books for free.  And don't anybody get on this blog and attack Thompson or McKay for not being able to help balance the HCA books.  It is not their job and they had other responsibilities. If you decide you are going to comment in the negative anyway, I will delete your post without taking the time to answer.

These upcoming elections are going to have consequences if we waste our vote on the wrong candidate.  We will be getting a stomach full of this inappropriate behavior if  Beat 2 voters fall victim to a candidate who is not involved in our government circumstances as I have been.  I would not have found it difficult at all to say just what I have written here concerning the above Dunn/HCAB member dog and pony show.

I would not be quiet.  First, I would have asked the HCAB member when did he call the County Administrator's Office and then informed him of the 72 hour rule...for his future requests.  Second, I would have asked if the HCAB had approved this member's presentation.  I would have followed up with what the Transparency Committee has reported about the HCA.  I do not think kindly of those who think they can come to the BOS to get what they want over the disapproval of the board on which they serve. without the rest of their Board knowing of their presentation.   

Every person in Tunica County puts his or her pants on the same way.   The public was not fooled.  Let's wait and see what the Tunica Times has to say about this request.  Will they speak accurately or will they slant the story to support big money?

On Tue, 3 Nov
VOTE for Transparency
Elect Barbara R. Tuchel
Supervisor Beat 2

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

UPDATED 29 OCT 2015: There's a new blog in town....

Before I go on with my request for action, be aware that this Blogger does not identify him/her self.  I have a backbone and from day one, I have put my real name out there.  Hoping he/she will do the same.  Also, there is a responder to this other blog using the name, Jack Moss.  Previously, "Jack Moss" wrote on this site.  I asked him to use his real name.  I checked with the Post Office and there is not a "Jack Moss" in Tunica County.  Oh please...grow up and step out with what you have to say.

Okay, the new blog is  aka Tunicans for Responsible Government.

From one of their posts, I gathered that they believe Boykin's eligibility for office should be left to the voter alone without any certification from the DEC.  Really?  And what do they plan to do if Boykin wins the election?  What if she loses the election?  Should the State of MS just ignore the accusation of voter fraud?

I have already responded to some of their posts and I am expecting my comments to be deleted.  Let's take some of our readership on over there and see what they have to say.

As always, I am open to other ideas and suggestions of a change in what I have to say.'

UPDATE: So, I checked back with this other blog and sure enough, some of my comments were deleted.  I wasn't rude and I didn't curse.  So, I guess it was the information I presented, under my own name, that didn't fit with their purposes.

One of the things I pointed out to them was that it may look like I am deleting comments from this Blog but that isn't so.  For some reason, blogspot comments sometimes post twice.  When this happens, either the author or I deletes the duplicate comment.  As a matter of fact, this is already happening on the other blog too.  Off to do some quilting.

One more thing, don't forget the BOSs' Meeting today at 5p.  Another opportunity to see the Beat 2 Supervisor explode.

Oh, BTW as of 8:25a this morning, this blog has 64,036 hits.  Thanks for reading.  I'm doing my best to post accurate information under my own name.  Always open to taking another look at what I've posted.

Now, I really am off to do some quilting.

Monday, October 26, 2015

These Election: Part II

Election Day is fast approaching.  Do you have your choices in mind?

I wanted to take this opportunity to ask everyone to vote next Tue, 3 Nov and to remember what happened to our schools when we elected the wrong Superintendent.  Elections do have consequences.

I don't know about you but I've had more then enough of those who are trying to and have made a circus of life in Tunica.  We have candidates on our ballot who didn't meet the residency requirements.  We have people who voted and/or tried to vote in the Primary who don't live here.  And then there are those who are running for themselves and their personal friends and family.

We need to elect those who have the best interest of Tunica County and the people who live here. Let's pull together and vote for the best person for the job. These elections are so important. We can't afford to go backwards.  Please think before you vote.

I'm voting for Dennis Allen for Sheriff.

Please consider voting for the following:

Beat 5: McKinley Daley
Beat 4: Sonny Nickson
Beat 3: Phillis Williams
Beat 2:  Barbara Tuchel

Tonight, the Transparency Blog has 63,185 hits.  We need your help in directing the voters of Tunica County to this blog.  We try our best to keep you informed.  I believe that with even more readers, we can educate the citizens of our County about what is going on in their government.   Spread the word and don't forget to vote to move Tunica County forward on 3 Nov 2015.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

This is just ridiculous

Today in the mail, I received the following letter from A. Thomas Tucker, Jr. of the Tunica lawfirm of Tucker, Selden & Tucker, PLLC.  Reprinting because I as you know, I can't upload to this blog.

October 21, 2015

Mrs. Barbara Tuchel
P. O. Box 1076
Tunica, MS   38676

Re: The Tunica Times
OP: Barbara Tuchel

Dear Mrs. Tuchel:

Please be advised that The Tunica Times has asked us to represent it in this matter.

Demand is made that your retract a statement that was published in your blog,, on October 21, 2015, as follows: "The Tunica Times and others in the white community were pushing Matthews to run against Rev. Daley."

You are notified that this statement as to The Tunica Times is completely false and that The Tunica Times considers it libelous in nature.  Please promptly publish a retraction of this defamatory statement.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours truly,


 SIGNED BY: A. Thomas Tucker, Jr.


Blogger's Note: Go to this blog's post on 21 October 2015 for my response.  And when you are through with that, kindly go to this blog's post on 19 Dec 2014 and read about the untrue statements
The Tunica Times made against Michael Thompson.  I have asked and asked for an apology on behalf of Thompson for almost a year now with no response from The Tunica Times.

Beat 2 Financial Reporting

Periodically, during a campaign, the candidates are required to file a Report of Receipts and Disbursements.  There are three pages to each report and there are dates listed on the front page to file each report.  The first pages is a consolidation, the second page is for itemized receipts and the third page is itemized disbursements.

These reports allow the public to see who is financially supporting a candidate and where the candidate is spending these funds.

Well guess what: There are 5 candidates for the position of Beat 2 Supervisor and I am the only candidate who has submitted the three page reports.  To be totally transparent, some of my reports have been filed late but they are all there.  One candidate filed the consolidation page for 8 Oct 2015. I am baffled by this.  How can these candidates serve as the Beat 2 Supervisor when they don't even file their candidacy financial reports.

One of the Beat 2 Supervisor candidates has spent big bucks on his campaign.  Hello, Beat 2 has a right to know who is financing your campaign.  Your arrogance is disgusting.  File your darn reports. What your inaction is proving is that you are not prepared to be a Supervisor and neither are the other three candidates.  Hey, don't think I am talking behind this guy's back.  I told him as much to his face on 4 Mar 2015. It was true then and he has proven it is true now.

Tunica, we have big problems in Tunica County.  Past administrations have built these "HUGE" facilities that we must pay for with our limited dollars.  Are you going to continue to elect people who are running for their friends and family or are you going to elect someone who has no other purpose but to help Tunica County?

Elect Barbara R. Tuchel
Supervisor: Beat 2
3 Nov 2015

To be clear:  When I asked to see the financial reports for Beat 2, Sharon Granberry looked not once but twice and found my reports and the one sheet from another candidate.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

These Elections

Let's start at the top:

To Attorney General Jim Hood:  The citizens of Tunica County need your help.  Your Department has been sent a report from MBI.  This Investigation resulted in Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin being accused of 2 counts of voter fraud.  Citizens from our County have written to your department asking for action.  We need your help and we need the help of the MS Secretary of State to ensure that we have fair and honest elections in our County.  Nov 3 is rapidly approaching and without you taking action, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin will remain on our ballot and if she happens to be elected, she cannot be seated.

To Wes Ryals:  Where have you been in helping to make sure Boykin is not on the 3 Nov ballot?  Or for that matter, since you are well aware of this situation, why didn't you step in to help?  Rightfully, you should be facing Louise Linzy on 3 Nov.  Wes, I'm disappointed in your inaction.

For Tunica County Sheriff: I have been an outspoken opponent of KC Hamp for a good while. Recently, he dismissed his command staff.  In doing so, without hearings, he threw away the investment Tunica County has in these officers.  Then at the last Board of Supervisors' Meeting he gave raises to a bunch of his employees.  Hello Hamp, it's election season and your actions could be construed as buying votes.  Out on the campaign trail, I've heard from more than a few people that there was a meeting in your department to plan the entrapment of Michael Thompson.  If anyone knows this to not be true, sing out and I will remove this statement but I am hearing the same story from more than a few people.  The courts said Michael Thompson was entrapped by your department and yet you won the Primary?  And where was my community, the white community, when it was ruled that Thompson was entrapped?  Did you even utter a peep?  We need a Sheriff who is going to step in and make the necessary changes and not play games with other's lives.

I'm voting for Dennis Allen.

Now onto the Supervisors:

Beat 5:  This is another race that has been manipulated.  Let's start with Craig Jones.  His Homestead in Desoto County was presented in Court.  End of statement.  Then there is Curley Matthews.  The Tunica Times and others in the white community were pushing Matthews to run against Rev. Daley.* I guess their thought process was that if Matthews could beat Rev. Daley then it was a shoe-in for Billy Pegram.  Well, Matthews didn't beat Rev. Daley.  Here's the bottom line: Billy Pegram is one of the former Supervisors who didn't raise taxes when the gaming revenue started going down.  Billy Pegram is a former Supervisor who supported building all of these facilities without feasibility studies when they should have been building infrastructure for our citizens.

*Referring to the highlighted and struckthrough sentence above and at the request of The Tunica Times through their lawyer, I am retracting the above sentence and submitting the following for their approval:

It appears to me that Meg Coker, editor of the Tunica Times, and others in the white community are supporting Curley Matthews against Rev. Daley.

Quite frankly, I don't know why a resident of Beat 2 is so involved in Beat 5 issues. Be that as it may, this is how I came to my opinion.  After the 4 Aug 2015 election, Matthews examined the precinct boxes for Beat 5.  In attendance, were two Beat 2 residents, Meg Coker and Scott Rhines and the candidate, Curley Matthews as well as a representative for Rev. Daley.  At the DEC hearing on 3 Sep 2015, Curley Matthews appeared with Meg Coker, Scott Rhines and Chuck Graves.  A report of this meeting is on the front and back pages of the Tunica Times 11 Sep 2015 issue reported by Meg Coker.  Throughout this recorded report there are quotes and/or statements by Meg Coker, Scott Rhines, Chuck Graves, Joe Eddie Hawkins, Ayanna Hawkins, Dolly Hudson, Curley Matthews, Mark Hudson, Bob Tuchel and myself.  On 24 Sep 2015 Meg Coker and Curley Matthews appeared on Channel 3 Memphis talking about our 4 Aug 2015 Primary.  The interview was recorded at the office of the Tunica Times.

My question now is this: If there is no support of Curley Matthews as stated above then why aren't the two Beat 2 residents helping both Curley Matthews and Rev. Daley?  None of us knows who the disenfranchised voters voted for....they could have voted for Curley Matthews or Rev. Daley.

I am always open to correcting statements if my statements are giving the wrong impression.  This blog is all about my opinions and my research of public documents.  I don't think it was necessary for The Tunica Times to have this letter sent to me.  I would suggest that The Tunica Times take a good look in the mirror when they make such accusations.  If this statement is not good enough for you, sing out, and I will make every effort to make The Tunica Times happy.  

Please vote for Rev. Daley.

Beat 4: And again, this is another race that was manipulated.  Craig Harris had a residency problem and was not allowed on the ballot.  So, who is trying to run against Sonny Nickson?  Another former Supervisor.  This Jackson guy was on the BOS from 2000 to 2003.  Guess what happened during these years?  The BOS issued a $30 million bond for the Arena; a $3 million bond for the Museum and a $15 million bond for the Airport Expansion.  At the very least, couldn't they have paid for the Museum?  Our income that year was $44,168,342.00.  And you want back on the BOS?  Jackson, you don't even come to BOS's Meetings.  Who put you up to run?  The guy who has your campaign sign in front of his funeral home?

Please vote for Sonny Nickson.

Beat 3: Phillis Williams has done a good job for Tunica County.

Please vote for Phillis Williams.

Beat 2: Now what can I say?  I've worked my fingers to the bone researching and reporting to you about our County Government.  Lots of people don't like it because I've exposed the wrong doing and they don't like me because I've upset their apple cart.  Too bad.  There isn't one candidate who is running against me that is involved in our government.  The white community is pushing a guy who is not involved but he has the landed gentry behind him with all of their money and their signs and their dinners....  Remember this is the same group of people who got us into this financial mess. They have lots of property and they don't want to pay taxes.  So, what is their solution?  In my opinion these folks are selfish beyond reason.  They want what they want and the rest of us can just live with it and their decisions. Isn't it time we all crawl out of Sugar Ditch? Together?

So what are you going to do Tunica County?  Are you going to vote to move forward and start paying off the huge debt left to us by former Supervisors?

I'm asking for your vote to be the next Supervisor for Beat 2.
I've done the work.  
I've put in the time. 
And I'm ready to serve.




Friday, October 16, 2015

Hollywood Casino and the Tunica Times

The Tunica Times was just on Facebook reporting that Hollywood Casino had "prevailed" in court against the County.  Hollywood is objecting to last year's County Budget and tax increase.

I haven't seen the documents to support this case and quite frankly, I don't have time to research this nor a desire to do so.  The fact that a private business can object to a government's budget or their power to levy taxes, seems preposterous to me.

After Judge Lackey's rulings....I just don't know about our courts.  Let's remember, Judge Lackey said the DEC didn't put Boykin on the ballot.  Really?  Then how did she win the Primary?

Wonder if the Tunica Times will look-up and/or print the documents like we do on this blog.

Your action is needed:

As a follow-up to the MBI Report of Investigation that is posted on this blog, we are asking for your help.  If you are so inclined, please send an email to the Attorney General's Office asking that they pursue this case.

The emails should be addressed to Tony Green in the Public Integrity Division:


Thursday, October 15, 2015

15 Oct 2015: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

The only candidate for the Beat 2 Supervisor position that was present at tonight's meeting was me: Barbara Tuchel.  What are the rest of you thinking?  You want a seat at the table and you can't be bothered to show up at a Supervisors' Meeting?  A pox on your house.

One of the discussions tonight was about a GreenTech Memo of Understanding.  A bit of background: The original agreement with this company stated that they would be up and running and have hired 300 employees by 31 Dec 2014.  If these goals were not met, GreenTech would have to pay back the entire loan within 60 days.  Additionally, GreenTech would be awarded a 10 year tax abatement except for the taxes due to our schools.

GreenTech did not meet their promise to Tunica County and the State of MS and they didn't pay back the money loaned to them.  Now, GreenTech is asking the Board of Supervisors to agree to another Memo of Understanding that would reduce their investment from $60 million to $30 million and the employee requirement from 300 to 150.  Additionally, they wanted 7 years of tax abatement.

The Board agreed to 5 years of tax abatement and 50% of their employees must live in Tunica County.  During the discussion, Rev Daley let us know that 300-400 Tunican have completed the silver and gold level certificates to qualify for these jobs and no one has received an interview.

Additionally, Michael Thompson had to explain to Cedric Burnett that GreenTech is only in the Beta phase of their production.  That is,they are still trying to perfect their product.  Why didn't Burnett already know this?  On a regular basis, Burnett continues to throw out demands for others to immediately come up with answers to his obtuse questions.  And Burnett doesn't even know what is going on at GreenTech?  Shameful.

Further, Burnett again said we needed to fire the County Administrator and the Board Attorney and hire people who live in Tunica County.  Really?  Newsflash Burnett: Adrian McKay and Hylon Oliver don't live in Tunica County.  What about them?  What about this Burnett: Neither the County Administrator nor the Board Attorney try to vote in our elections.  You have already received copies of Adrian McKay's Homestead Exemption in Desoto County.  You have been notified that McKay, the Tunica County Comptroller, tried to vote in our Primary Election on 4 Aug 2015 at the Tunica Library.

Next subject: It is my understanding that during Executive Session there was a discussion about raises.  When department heads submitted their budgets for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, some included raises for some employees.  When these departmental budgets were approved, these raises were included.  Now, Dunn and Burnett are saying they didn't realize and/or weren't told about the raises being included.

Here's the rub: In the old days, raises in Tunica County were given across the board without consideration of merit.  That hasn't worked for us very well and the old policy doesn't encourage superior performance.  Our pay scales are so out of wack that the Stennis Study showed that about 1/3 of our employees are being overpaid; 1/3 are being underpaid and about 1/3 are about right.  Dunn and Burnett: your past policies caused these discrepancies in pay.  Get with the program.  We can't afford to go back to the old policies.

Let me end as I began this post: The current Beat 2 Supervisor has not done a good job.  The only candidate that consistently shows up at meetings; studies the issues; informs the public and has a written and published platform is me: Barbara Tuchel.

I am asking for your vote.  I have big plans for Beat 2.

Vote for Transparency...

Vote to keep Tunica moving forward.  On 3 Nov 2015, elect and re-elect:

Beat 2: Barbara R. tuchel
Beat 3: Phillis Williams
Beat 4: Sonny Nickson
beat 5: McKinley Daley

We won't let you down.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A couple of things...

I am still annoyed by the person who commented a few posts ago and used the ID  "Delta born and raised".

What this ID says to me is that only those born and raised here count or are important. Let's be clear: All Tunicans Matter.  Born or transplanted.

One of the problems we talk about in Tunica is that we are not attracting new residents.  So which is it?  Do you want to attract and include new residents or do you want to attract new residents who will call Tunica home but are not welcome to have a voice in their community?

Here's another thing I find annoying:  as we all now know, too many Affidavit Ballots were rejected in the 4 Aug 2015 Primary.  This has caused a big upset in the white community. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to see white citizens showing up for Poll Worker Training. My question to you is:  What took you so long.?  Is it only when your personal ballots were rejected that our voter rolls and the voting process became a real  concern to you?

Tonight at Poll Worker Training, everyone heard me ask Elijah if the polls had been purged. His answer was that voters are put on and taken off all year.  Following I asked about those who were inactive...that is...have not voted since 2004.  This year I attended Election Commission Meetings to try to get them to move inactive voters to the inactive rolls.  Where were you?  Oh, I get it, it's okay for me to try to get things done but you can't be bothered?

At the 4 Aug 2015 Primary, the roll I was provided contained inactive voters.  Two such voters voted at  the Tunica Library.

Another thing about  4 Aug at the Library:  During the morning, JJ Clay came in and told the Poll Managers to call out the names of the voter as they signed the book.  Tonight, I found out that is not supposed to be done.  Annoying.

And then there is this:  After last week's training, I was told that I was a big point of discussion during the training session.  Comments like "Barbara Tuchel did this and Barbara Tuchel did that."  I was told these comments came from  3 white attendees and I was given their names.   My question is this: How in the heck can you know what I did or didn't do?  Do you  just make-up stuff and then keep repeating stuff until you believe  stuff to be true and then talk stuff amongst yourselves?

And if you don't want to be confronted with your accusations, don't use a  Poll Worker Training to talk about me or anyone else  and then cry  not allowed when you are confronted at a Poll Worker Training.   BTW, 2 more people have confirmed what was said last week at the Poll Worker Training.

Oh, the other reason I was there tonight was to make sure the two Poll Managers  at the Library during the Primary were not in the Poll Worker Training. These two ladies should never be allowed to work the polls again.

On a more positive note, some good questions were asked but not answered tonight. Somebody needs to find out if the assignments can be made earlier rather than later.  I can't see why assignments are made so late in the game.  Just saying.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

MBI Report of Investigation

Last Fri, 9 Oct 2015, there was another court hearing surrounding the candidacy of Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin for Justice Court Judge for the Southern District.  In my opinion, Judge Bell did everything in his power to hear the case.  Ultimately, he had to dismiss the case on technicalities.

The case was Louise Linzy vs Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin and the Tunica County Democratic Executive Committee.  The DEC had their lawyer in attendance and Linzy acted as her own attorney.

Before I go any further in this post, I want to say this:  In Judge Lackey's decision on 22 Sep 2015, Lackey stated that the DEC was using the Circuit Court as a playground.  I could not disagree with Judge Lackey more.  The DEC has worked tirelessly to allow the voters of Tunica County to have fair and honest elections.  If there is anyone who is using the Circuit Court as a playground, it is Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin and her supporters.  It is my belief that Judge Lackey owes an apology to the Tunica County Democratic Executive Committee.

All of that being said...let's get on with it:

The Mississippi Bureau of Investigation has completed their work in the investigation of a complaint brought by Judge Louise Linzy.  This report has been forwarded to the MS Attorney General's Office for review.  Hopefully, the voters of Tunica County will receive justice.

I have been asked to post the Report of Investigation on this blog.  Before doing so, I contacted Captain Peter Clinton and received his permission at 1:19p on 10 Oct 2015.  I was told by Capt. Clinton that this information is now public and that I may post it as long as I didn't use someone's Social Security Number.

If you are a reader of this blog, you know that for some reason I can't upload documents so I am going to have to type in this 16 page report.  Ugh.  I'm going to do my best to include as much as I can.  If you want your own copy, please contact MBI.

Actually, I should be working on my own campaign for Supervisor in Beat 2.  However, what is going on is important and Bob and I are spending much of my campaign time and money fighting for you.  I hope you all will remember that when you go to the polls on 3 Nov 2015.

Begin Report of Investigation:

Department of Public Safety
Mississippi Highway Safety Patrol
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation
22000-A Highway 35 North
Batesville, Mississippi 38606
(662) 563-6400

MBI Case Number: B15-00000409

Requested by (Agency/Department): MBI Initiated @ Request of Louis Linzy

Type of Incident:                            Voter Fraud - 2015 Primary Election, Tunica County

Date/Time of Incident:                    Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Location of Incident:                       Tunica County Circuit Court's Office
                                                     1300 School Street
                                                     Tunica, MS  38676

Victim:                                          Louise Linzy, B/F, Age: 47, DOB: 19680417

Suspect:                                         Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin,B/F, Age 52
                                                     DOB: 19630817
                                                     3465 Dishmon Cove, Tunica, MS   38676

Suspects Charged/Arrested:             No||No (Pending Completion of Investigation and Attorney                                                              General Office's Review) 

Blogger's Note:  It is my understanding that this completed investigation has been sent to the AG's Office for Review.

MBI Lead Investigators:                  Captain Peter T. Clinton, B-3


On Tuesday, August 25, 2015, the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation (MBI) initiated a criminal investigation into Louise Linzy's alleged allegation of voter fraud by Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykins of 3465 Dishmon Cover in Tunica  (Tunica County), Mississippi 38676 in the 2015 Primary Election in Tunica County, Mississippi.

On Tuesday, March 3, 2015, Louise Linzy of 1633 Wallace Way in Tunica (Tunica County), Mississippi 38676, a democratic candidate for the Tunica County Justice Court Judge - Southern District, filed a complaint with the Democratic Executive Committee (D.E.C.) contesting Boykins' qualifications for candidacy for said office.  See MBI findings and recommendations below.

Blogger's Note: Page 3 is a reiteration of already stated information with the addition of Secondary MBI Case Agent: Lieutenant Charles Hale, B-13

Executive Summary:

The purpose of this investigative report is to outline from all the available evidence that facts and circumstances surrounding the allegation of by Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin of 3465 Dishmon Cover in Tunica (Tunica County), Mississippi 38676 in the 2015 Primary Election in Tunica County, Mississippi - Specifically, on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, Boykin allegedly filed a fraudulent Voter Registration Application and on February 10, 2015, Boykin filed a fraudulent Qualifying Statement of Intent - Candidate for Party Nomination with the Tunica County Circuit Court's Office.

I have thoroughly reviewed the evidence and relevant material related to the above-mentioned allegation of voter fraud by Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin in the 2015 Primary Election in Tunica County.  I have with the same intensity reviewed the applicable laws and the 2015 Candidate Qualitying Guide c/o Delbert Hosemann - Secretary of State -*State of Mississippi concerning elections and fraud.  To this end, I have concluded with the highest degree of certainty that Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin's Voter Registration Application that whe swore or affirmed to on January 13, 2015, before Sharon Granberry-Reynolds, Tunica County Circuit Clerk, was fraudulent and the Boykins did not satisfy the two-year residency requirement established by the Secretary of State concerning candidacy for a Justice Court Judge.  Furthermore, I have concluded that Boykin filed a fraudulent Qualifying Statement of Intent - Candidate for Party Nomination Form on February 10, 2015, with the Tunica County Circuit Court.

Qualification Mississippi Justice Court Judge Candidacy -

A qualified elector, a resident of the county two years preceding the day of the election, a high school graduate or its equivalent, and completion of a course of training required by laws within six month of the beginning of the term of office.  See Miss. Code Ann. pp. 9-11-3; Miss Const. of 1890 art. VI, pp 171 (1975) and art. XII, pp 250.

Investigative Facts and Circumstances:

Critical Timeline:019.

On January 2, 1990, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin was employed as a Correction Deputy with the Shelby County Sheriff's Department in the State of Tennessee until her last day of employment on January 31, 2015.  This information was validated on May 13, 2015, by  Shelia Gunn, Master Records Specialist, with the Shelby County Government (SEE EXHIBIT #1); and with a follow-up telephone call with Shelby County Government by me on August 26, 2015.  It must be duly noted that Shelby County Government requires all employees to remain a citizen of Memphis, Tennessee throughtout their employment (SEE EXHIBIT #2).  Therefore, it is with reasonable certainty that Boykin was a citizen of Memphis, Tennessee "at the least" until her last day of employment on January 31, 2015.

On September 17, 1997, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin registered to vote in the State of Tennessee and with an address of 3451 Birdsong Ferry Road in Memphis, Tennessee 38118 (SEE EXHIBIT #3).  The Shelby County Government Election Commission assigned Boykin the Identification Number of 3409019.

On November 4, 2014, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin voted in the 2014 November General Federal Election in the State of Tennessee (SEE EXHIBIT #3a).  Boykin's vote in this election clearly indicates that her residence was in the State of Tennessee's during this election.  Therefore, she "could not have satisfied" the two-year residency requirement established by the Secretary of State concerning candidacy for a Justice Court Judge.  In addition, Boykin's vote in said election in the State of Tennessee in 2014 makes the resident inforemation that she provided in her sworn "Voter Registration Application" on January 13, 2015, fraudulent - Specifically, that she lived at 1168 Cedar Drive in Tunica, Mississippi from February 1998 to Present.  Sharon Granberry-Reynolds, Tunica County Circuity Clerk, stated that she mistakenly placed the year of "14" on Boykin's application; but that it should have read "15".  Reynolds verified that Boykin swore or affirmed to the application before her at the Tunica County Circuit Court on January 13, 2015 - when she registered to vote (EXHIBIT 3b).

On February 10, 2015, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin filed a "Qualifying Statement of Intent - Candidate For Party Nomination" before Sharon Granberry-Reynolds, Tunica County Circuit Clerk, for the office of Justice Court Judge - Southern District for the Primary Election that was held on August 4, 2015, in Tunica County, Mississippi (SEE EXHIBIT #4).  Boykin filed a fraudulent "Qualifying Statement of Intent - Candidate for Party Nomination" with the Tunica County Circuit Court - Specially, Boykin checked the block on the form that stated: "I meet all constitutional, statutory and other legal requirements to hold said office,"  Again, the preponderane of the evidence supports the fact that Boykin lived in the State of Tennessee as least in November 2014 when she voted in the general election in Tennessee.  Therefore, she could not have met all constitutional, statutory and other legal requirements to hold said office.

On March 3, 2015, Louise Linzy of 1633 Wallace Way in Tunica (Tunica County), Mississippi 38676, a democratic candidate for the Tunica County Justice Court Judge - Southern District, filed a complaint with the Democratic Executive Committee (D.E.C.) contesting Boykins' residency qualifications for candidacy for Justice Court Judge in Tunica County, Mississippi.

On March 9, 2015, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin "cancelled" her right to vote in the State of Tennessee with the Shelby County Government - Election Commission located at 157 Poplar Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee 38103-1999.  Again, Boykin's address listed on the registration document was 3451 Birdsong Ferry Road in Memphis, Tennessee 38118.  The reason for cancellation that was noted on Boykin's Tennessee Registration by Shelby County Government was - "Moved Out of County" ( See EXHIBIT #3).  This clearly indicates that Boykin knewk that she was a resident of Tennessee until she cancelled her right to vote in the State of Tennessee on March 9, 2015, and that Boykin purposely provided false information on her "Voter Registration Application" in the State of Mississippi.  It must also be duly noted that Boykin canelled her right to vote in the State of Tennessee six (6) days after Linzy contested her residency qualification for Justice Court Judge with the Democratic Executive Committee (D.E.C.).

On March 13, 2015, Ms. Mildred P. Conley, Chair - Democratic Executive Committee, mailed Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin an "Official Notification of Rejection after Hearing" (See EXHIBIT #5).  The Executive Committee ruled that Boykin did not satisfy the qualified elector requirement (two-year) for the office of Justice Court Judge in accordance with MS Code 9-11-32 (4).  In addition, the Executive Committee cited there concerns surrounding the timeline in which Boykin registered to vote in Tunica County (2014-2015); and Boykin's voting history in Shelby County while at the same time claiming legal residence in Tunica County.  The preponderance of the evidence fully supported the Democratic Executive Committee's rejection of Boykin for the 2015 Democratic Primary Election.

Blogger's Note:  The yellow highlight above was added by the Blogger.  This is the least I could do to show my support for the work the DEC has done for Tunica County.

On March 4, 2015, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin "changed her Tennessee License Plate on her 2007 Cadillac Escalade (Sport Utility 4-Door) with Vehicle Identification Number: 1***************2 to Mississippi License Plate Number 04483.  In addition, Boykin registered the vehicle at 3465 Dishmon Cove in Tunica County, Mississippi 38676 (SEE EXHIBIT #6).  Again, this clearly indicates that Boykin was a resident of the State of Tennessee in 2015 because the law in State of Mississippi requires a new resident to register his/her vehicle within 30-days of establishing residence.

On May 14, 2015, Special Circuit Court Judge Henry L. Lackey in Cause Number 2015-0027 (Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin versus Tunica County Democratic Committee) erred in signing an erroneous "Agreed Order" that Boykin met the qualifications for the office of Justice Court Judge - Southern District in Tunica County (SEE EXHIBIT #7).  Furthermore, Judge Lackey erred in allowing Boykin's name to be placed on the August 4, 2015, Primary Election Ballot.  To this end, I found that Attorney Willie Griffin mislead Judge Lackey as being the attorney for the Democratic Executive Committee - which lead to the "Agreed Order" being signed by Judge Lackey without any review of the existing clear and convincing evidence that showed Boykin did not meet said qualifications.  The following members of the Demoratice Executive Committee signed sworn affidavits that stated in Paragraph #5 the following:

"5. At no time did the Tunica County Democratic Executive Committee ever authorize Mr. Willie Griffin or any other attorney to enter into any agreement to have Ms. Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin's name place on the Primary election ballot."

Sworn Affdavits were provided by the following nine (9) members of the Democratic Executive Committee:

(1) Ayanna Hawkins - EXHIBIT 8
(2) Beverly Bibbs-Bryant - EXHIBIT 9
(3) Doris Spight - EXHIBIT 10
(4) Georgia Toliver-Greer - EXHIBIT 11
(5) Joseph Maples - EXHIBIT 12
(6) Mark Hudson - EXHIBIT 13
(7) Mildred Conley - EXHIBIT 14
(8) Robert Smith - EXHIBIT 15
(9) Robert Tuchel - EXHIBIT 16
(10) Roosevelt Hall, III - EXHIBIT 17

Based on a bogus "Agreed Order", Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin's name was placed on the 2015 Democratic Primary Election in Tunica County, Mississippi in conflict with established voter laws and rules.

Election Summary Report (EXHIBIT 18)
Primary Election Tunica County, Mississippi
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Justice Court Judge Southern District - Democrat D

Precinct Reporting                                                                                   6
Total Votes                                                                                        1430
J. Dishmon Boykin                                                                              730     51.5%
Louise Linzy                                                                                        696     48.67%

Boykin was declared the winner in the 2015 Democratric Primary Election for Justice Court Judge - Southern District in Tunica County, Mississippi.   Therefore, Boykin's name will be placed illegally on the November 4, 2015, Election Ballot for Justice Court Judge - Southern District in Tunica County, Mississippi due to Boykin's failure to meet the two-year resident requirement.

The "Agreed Order dated Mahy 14, 2015, and signed by Attorney Michael K. Graves, Attorney Willie Griffin and Special Circuit Judge Henry L. Lackey is illegal because it forces election officials to violate state statute when there is clear and convincing evidence that disqualifies Boykin for said office.

Furthermore, the "Agreed Order" has no lawful standing because it was not approved by the Democratic Executive Committee (D.E.C.) and Attorney Willie Griffin was never hired by the D.E.C. to represent the D.E.C. in this matter.  I found no contractual agreement between the D.E.C. and Attorney Willie Griffin.  According to Mildred P. Conley, the Chair - D.E.D., the D.E.C. never had any agreement with Willie Griffin.  This statement is supported by nine swaorn affidavits from nine members of the D.E.C.  

Blogger's Note:  This number s/b 10 members.

Additional supporting documents:

Note 1:

Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin's AT&T Bill (901.591.7890) with a "BILL CYCYLE DATE" 11-27-14 thru 12-26-14 with Account Number: 545014893114 list Boykin's address as 3451 Birdsong Ferry Road in Memphis, Tennessee 38118-7234 (SEE EXHIBIT #19).

Note 2:

There are two questionable Water and Sewage Bills with different account numbers ( blank and blank) from the Town of Tunia that are addressed to Bobbie Green c/o Jacqueline Dishmon with services to the same address 3456 Dishmon Cove in Tunica, Mississippi (SEE EXHIBIT 20).

Witnesses' Section:

The following individuals provided convincing and critical information concerning Boykin's qualification(s) for said office:

Ayanna Hawkins
Secretary, Democratic Executive Committee
1294 White Oak Road, Tunica, Mississippi  38676

Beverly Gibbs-Bryant
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
7610 Dundee Road, Dundee, Mississippi 38626

Doris Spight
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
1076 Cedar Ridge Cove, Tunica, Mississippi  38676

Georgia Toliver-Greer
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
P.O. Box 523, Tunica, Mississippi 38676

Joseph Maples
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
1512 Justus Road, Dundee, Mississippi 38676

Louise Linzy
Candidate, Justice Court Judge, Southern District
1633 Wallace Way, Tunica, Mississippi 38676

Mark Hudson
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
P.O. Box 489, Tunica, Mississippi 38626 (s/b 38676)

Mildred P. Conley
Chair Democratic Executive Committee
P.O. Box 2424, Tunica, Mississippi 38676

Robert Smith
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
8596 Old Highway 61 South, Dundee, Mississippi 38626

Robert Tuchel
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
1268 Hickory Lane, Tunica, Mississippi  38676
SEE EXHIBIT 21, Summary of Review of Documents, 7 May 2015
Roosevelt Hall, III
Member, Democratic Executive Committee
1026 Ruffin Road, Robinsonville, Mkississippi 38664

Sharon Granberry-Reynolds
Circuit Court Clerk, Tunica County
1300 School Street, Tunica, Mississippi  38676
Shelia Gunn
Master Records Specialist, Shelby County Government - Election Commission
157 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38103-1999

Crime Scene Analysis

The crime scene is located at Tunica County Circuit Court (Clerk's Office), 1300 School Street, within the City Limits of Tunica (Tunica County), Mississippi 38676.  I arrived at the above-mentioned location on Thursday, August 27, 2015, at approximately 0900 hours and met with Sharon Granberry-Reynolds.  Subsequently, Granberry-Reynolds provided me true copies of several voter documents.  These documents have been attached as Exhibits in this report.

Blogger's Note: Page 12 contains a chart.  The heading is Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin (Suspect)
The chart contains the following information:

1. Dishmon-Boykin, Jacqueline: Address: unknown (NOT VERIFIED); DOB: 08-17-63; AGE: 52; SEX: Female; RACE: Black

2. Driver License No. # blank; Social Security No. # blank; HGT: ***; WGT: *** EYES: BRO; HAIR: BLK

3. Employer|Position: Retired - Shelby County Government

4. Home|Cell|Work: all blank

5. Deceased or injured: N/A

6. Next of Kin Notified: N/A

7. Current Status: Pending

8. Miranda Warning: Pending

9. Read by: Pending

10, Interviewed by: On 6 October 2015, I requested an interview through Boykion's Attorney.

11. 1st Charge: Pending - Filing Fraudulent Documents (Voter Fraud - 2 Counts)

12. 2nd Charge: N/A

13. Bond: Pending

14. Notes: Boykin list two addresses as her home of record in Tunica, MS:
     (1) 1168 Cedar Drive / PO Box 1814, Tunica, MS  38676
     (2) 3465 Dishmon Cove, Tunica, MS   38676
     Awaiting validation from Ms. Boykin.....

end of chart

Crime Scene Processing || Documentation:
* Not applicable.

Evidence Collected/Submitted & Disposition:
* See enclosure and Attachment List below.

Mississippi Crime Laboratory Report - Results/Findings:
* Not applicable.

Medical Documents/Reports/Findings:
* Not applicable.

Original Documents || Recordings || Etc...:

All involved agencies will maintain and safeguard all original documents and evidence associated with this investigation that originated from within their department(s).  This includes, but not limited to, sworn affidavits, voter records (Mississippi/Tennessee), and court documents.  I have attached true copies of all documents for submission to the District Attorney's Office an Attorney General's Office for review and action.


I found that on January 13, 2015, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin of 3465 Dishmon Cover in Tunica (Tunica County), Mississippi 38676 filed a fraudulent "sworn" Voter Registration Application with Sharon Granberry-Reynolds, Tunica County Circuit Clerk' and that Boykin did not satisfy the two-year residency requirement established by the Secretary of State concerning candidacy for a Justice Court Judge.

I found that on February 10, 2015, Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin filed a fraudulent "Qualifying Statement of Intent - Candidate for Party Nomination" before Sharon Granberry-Reynolds, Tunica County Circuit Clerk, for the office of Justice Court Judge - Southern District for the Primary Election that was held on August 4, 2015, in Tunica County, Mississippi.  Specially, Boykin checked the block on the form that stated: "I meet all constitutional, statutory and other legal requirements to hold said office."  Again, the preponderane of the evidence supports the fact that Boykin lived in the State of Tennessee as least in December 2014 when she voted in the election in Tennessee.  Therefore, Boykin culd not have met all constitutuinal, statutory and other legal requirements to hold said office.


I recommend that Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin be prosecuted for filing a fraudulent and with Sharon Granberry-Reynolds, Tunica County Circuit Clerk n the Tunica County Circuit Court with the intent to defraud the D.E.D. and citizens of Tunica County in the 2015 Democratic Primary election.

I further recommend that Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin's name be from the 2015 November General Election for Justice Court Judge - Southern District in Tunica County, Mississippi due to clear and convincing facts that Boykin did not meet all constitutional, statutory and other legal requirements to hold said office.

I futher recommend that Louis Linzy's name be added to the 2015 November General Election for Justice Court Judge - Southern District in Tunica County, Mississippi due to clear and convincing fraudulent activity within the 2015 Democratic Primary Election in Tunica County, Mississippi.

I further recommend that it is best for the judicial economy and the citizens of Tunica County, Mississippi to have an opportunity to vote for qualified candidates.

Case Status:

Remains under investigation by MBI.

I reserve the rights to amend/update/enhance this report as additional facts and circumstances develop in this case.

The Report was signed by Peter T. Clinton on 8 October 2015

Blogger's Note:  The remaining 1 and 1/2 pages contain a listing of the EXHIBITS and the following:

01. District Attorney's Office - 11th Circuit Court District (Clarksdale, Mississippi)
02. Attorney General's Office - Jackson, Mississippi
03. Attorney Kenneth J. Grigsby, MSB NO. 9991, c/o Democratic Executive Committee
04. Attorney Michael K. Graves, MSB NO. 9359, c/o Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin
05. Louise Linzy Pro Se
06. ADSi

Blogger's Note:  I've done my best to represent this report as it is written.  At a later date, I will review my input for  my typos.  

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Another issue with the Tunica Times...Ugh

The article I am referring to appeared in the 9 Oct 2015 issue...front page..."Board censures Thompson" reported by Brooks Taylor.

When is the Tunica Times going to start reporting both sides of the story?  Brooks, this story is one sided.  Did you ask any of the other Supervisor to give their view about this situation?  More and more the Tunica Times is becoming a mouthpiece for Cedric Burnett.  You need to get both sides of the story and report both sides of the story.

Let's review what you did report:

"District 2 supervisor Cedric Burnett said after the meeting that the employee that was reprimanded was county administrator Michael Thompson and that the Board had also voted to place Thompson on  a three-day unpaid suspension."

Did you ask any other Supervisor or Thompson himself for a statement?  No, you did not.  Burnett is the most disruptive of our Supervisors and yet you seem to publish his comments or his take on just about everything.  How about some fair reporting for a change?  


"On Monday, county comptroller Adrian McKay made a complaint against Thompson with the Tunica Police Department.  Thompson, who was out of the office until Tuesday, October 6, has been charged with disturbing the peace.  A court date of Monday, October 19, has been set to hear the matter in municipal court."  This incident happened on 27 Aug 2015 and McKay decides to contact the police on Mon, 5 Oct 2015.  Do I have this right?  Hmmm....

Let's talk about Adrian McKay for a bit.  You were in attendance when I reported to the Board of Supervisors that Adrian McKay, our Comptroller, who lives in Olive Branch and claims Homestead in Desoto County attempted to vote in the Tunica County Primary.  Meg was present when this was announced in the affidavit caucus on 5 Aug 2015.  Neither one of you reported this situation.  Why was that?  Do you believe the citizens of Tunica County do not need to know that the person who controls our money; who does not live in this County; tried to vote in our elections?

There are so many prominent Tunica County citizens who have been hell-bent to make an issue of Michael Thompson not living here.  What about Adrian McKay?  He doesn't live here and you all haven't said one thing about that.  Every time I hear one of these prominent Tunicans refer to Thompson's residency, I am thinking that this same "prominent Tunican" is part of our problem. 

"After an executive session near the end of Monday's meeting, Miller announced that the Board had voted to formally place the comptroller under the direct supervision of the county administrator."

Say what?  Why was this even necessary?  Of course, the Comptroller is under the direct supervision of the County Administrator.  Why would anyone think differently?  What or who would give McKay this idea?  We both know who but you wouldn't investigate that now would you, Brooks?  How about looking in the Employee Handbook under "Insubordination."

The article goes on to say about placing McKay under Thompson:

"When questioned about this action, Burnett said he wasn't clear about the reason for the Board's action Monday.

If we see there's a problem with those two, they should be separated in my opinion, Burnett said Tuesday." Burnett you are simply ridiculous.  What if one of Joe Eddie's employees didn't want to take orders from the Road Manager?  What would you do then?

Anyone else remember Burnett suggesting firing Thompson and making McKay and Rechelle Siggers "Co-County Administrators"?  This is why this too is ridiculous: 

1. Our County Administrator and Comptroller may not be the same person.  We have been written up for this many times in our Annual Financial Statements.  As a Supervisor of many years, Burnett should know this.

2. Rechelle Siggers is an elected official with statutorily specific duties.  Another elected person may not give her jobs to do...even if you are Cedric Burnett.

I wish the Tunica Times would take a good look at their one-sided reporting.  You are becoming less and less reliable as an unbiased source of news.

PS: The Tunica Times still owes Michael Thompson an apology for the untrue article they wrote about him on 19 Dec 2014.

My position on Housing

If elected and if I can get two other Supervisors to agree...this is my plan:

Firstly, I don't think our present housing program is working for us.  By this I mean that Tunica still has some of our citizens living in unsafe and unhealthy conditions.

Second, the first phase of this new program will concentrate on the Old Sub and the New Sub.

This is the plan:

Starting in Jan 2016, each neighborhood will nominate a volunteer resident to work with Housing Dept Head, Mardis Jones.

The first year will be spent researching for and finding grants and/or programs that will allow for the tear down and construction of new green housing in these two neighborhoods.  Jones will make a presentation of these findings to the Board of Supervisors for a decision.  Once a decision is made by the BOS, Jones will make application for the grant and/or program early enough in 2016 so that funding will be available to the County on 1 Jan 2017.

Starting in 2017, the grants and/or programs will be put into action.  Residences will be identified for inclusion and tear down and construction will begin.

If I am elected to serve in the Beat 2 Supervisor position, it is my intention to serve for 4 years and 4 years only.  It will then be the responsibility of another Beat 2 resident to step up.  Hopefully, through our monthly meetings, Beat 2 will come together to identify the person who is most qualified to take my place.

I am asking for your vote.  I have big plans for Beat 2.  While we get our financial house in order, we have to continue to move forward.  Our schools will be coming back because they have been taken over by the State of MS.  I served with a group of citizens to make this happen.  Let's address our next problem: Housing.