Friday, December 20, 2013

19 Dec 2013 BOS Meeting: Various Subjects

19 Dec 2013: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p

 Thank you for your appointment this evening.

I.            Election Commission:  As this Board is aware, the Transparency Committee has attended Election Commission meetings and reported our findings to you.  At one stretch, we attended meetings for 2 years with the exception of one month during this 2 year time frame.

Our last discussion with this Board was about Election Commission reports not being typed.  Mr. Dunn, you asked our former County Administrator to look into this problem and find a solution.  There was no follow-up to this request that was mentioned at a Board of Supervisors’ Meeting and to date; I don’t believe this has been done.

Attached to this report is a copy of one of the reports we made before this Board.  This particular report is dated 15 Jun 2012.  This is a synopsis of some of the problems we have on this very important Commission.

At the moment, you are discussing how to fill the vacancy for Beat 5 on our Election Commission.  Our Committee is asking you not to appoint former Commissioner, Eddie Ryals for the following reason:  When our Committee asked the Election Commissioners to follow-up on a Beat 3 resident, we supplied information for them to move forward with their own investigation so that Marietta Battle could either be removed from Tunica County’s voter rolls or allowed to remain on our voter rolls.  Mr. Ryals was the Commissioner who told us there would be no investigation as the Battles had a business in our County.  Now we are all aware that having a business in a district does not allow you to vote in said district.  Voters must register and vote where they reside.

The time is long past and we have too many other pressing issues for us to have to deal with the residency of elected officials in this County.  Whether the problems are with the Election Commission and/or the Circuit Clerk’s office, the problems need to be fixed.  I do know this; the Transparency Committee is no longer going to bother with this Election Commission. 

II.          Grants: Quickly on this subject: please be aware that each time you all approve a grant it is costing us money.  Yes, even if the grant is at 100%.  A case in point is the recent purchase of the four wheelers.  These pieces of equipment will cost us money in insurance and gas and employee time.  And for what?  Why do we need them?

III.        Moonlighting: Tunica County’s policy on Moonlighting can be found on page 18 of the current Employee and book.  We’ve included a copy of that page in this report.  The handbook states what any full time employee must do to work outside his or her obligation to Tunica County.  One of these obligations is to submit a written request to the Board of Supervisors “prior” to starting another job.  We have brought this problem to the attention of the former County Administrator and we had no success.

If this Board finds it appropriate, would you consider asking the new County Administrator to send a memo to all employees to remind them of this obligation should they wish to seek employment in addition to their job with Tunica County?

Our search of public records can find no evidence of any letters asking for Board approval.  Attached to this report are some names we believe are working in addition to their job at Tunica County.  These names are K. C. Hamp, John Pickett, III, Glen Grant, Dr. Henry Hargrow, Eugene Bridges and Ann Johnson.

This information is not new.  With the changes we’ve had in our government, this might be a good time to make sure all employees are treated fairly.

IV.         Independent Audit: Where are we in this process?  Are we going to be getting a final report or a report of what has been found so far?

V.            Budget and Claims: In May of this year, this Board approved a claim from the Sheriff’s department for $23,675.00 to pay for a 2013 Dodge Charger.  And yet, on 30 Sep 2013, there was a report to adjust the 2012-2013 Budget.  This report showed the Sheriff’s department to be $297,000.00 over budget.  This is just one example of what our Committee found in just one month of this past fiscal year.  How is this happening?

It is concerning to hear this Board discussing not paying County obligations.  Wouldn’t it be better to pay the present claims and amend the budget to reduce the objectionable spending?  Asking for a monthly report of departmental spending is a good first step.  Please consider reducing departmental budgets to rein in spending.

One thing is for sure, we can’t afford the new Community Center and the public really does need more of an explanation of why our County has to borrow $850K to purchase land for a private company. 
Supporting information and or reports...
15 Jun 2012
I.           Election Commission:
A.   Meetings not being posted as required by the MS Open Meetings Law.
B.   Jun 2012: No meeting held as the Courthouse was locked and only 2 Election Commissioners showed up.  Elijah Williams and Tina Brown
C.    There has been no transcription help offered as requested by the Board of Supervisors on 13 Apr 2012.
D.   Final purge date is 8 Aug 2012.
II.         Research:
A.  “A properly maintained voter roll contains all of the names of eligible voters who have registered to vote in your county together with their correct address information, and it does not contain the name of any voter who is ineligible to vote in your county.” 
                 1.   Conclusion: If they are not meeting, they are not maintaining.
B.  “They act as a group, through their minutes, which should be filed with the circuit clerk of the county.  
                 1.   Conclusion: Minutes are not being transcribed or filed.  These minutes are hand written and therefore are subject to change by anyone who can lay their hands on these documents.
 See MS Code 25-41-11 below.
 C.    Election commissions are also responsible for hearing and resolving disputes concerning the denial of voter registration by a circuit clerk. If the dispute is resolved in favor of the applicant, the individual is placed on the voter rolls by the election commission. This is the only time that the election commission may place a name onto a voter roll. 
                      1.    Conclusion:  If the public is unaware of when the Tunica County Election Commission meets, how can they get their problem resolved?
D.   Circuit Clerk:
                      1.    “A circuit clerk is required to attend the regularly scheduled meetings of the election commission.”
a.    Conclusion: This is not being done.
                      2.    “A circuit clerk must also give all assistance that he is capable of giving to the election commissioners to assist them in the revision of voter rolls.”
a.    Conclusion: There is no computer access or printed voter roll available during the Election Commission Meetings.
                      3.   “A circuit clerk keeps copies of the minutes of the meetings of the county election commissioners. Those minutes are prepared by the election commission when official action has been taken.”
a.    Conclusion: These minutes are handwritten and therefore subject to alteration by anyone who has access.  For the public’s protection, the Election Commission Minutes need to be transcribed and read and approved at the next Election Commission Meeting.
25-41-11. Minutes of meetings
(1) Minutes shall be kept of all meetings of a public body, whether in open or executive session, showing the members present and absent; the date, time and place of the meeting; an accurate recording of any final actions taken at such meeting; and a record, by individual member, of any votes taken; and any other information that the public body requests be included or reflected in the minutes.  The minutes shall be recorded within a reasonable time not to exceed thirty (30) days after recess or adjournment and shall be open to public inspection during regular business hours.
25-41-15. Enforcement of chapter; civil penalty
The Mississippi Ethics Commission shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this chapter upon a complaint filed by any person.  Upon receiving a complaint, the commission shall forward a copy of the complaint to the head of the public body involved.  The public body shall have fourteen (14) days from receipt of the complaint to file a response with the commission.  After receiving the response to the complaint or, if no response is received after fourteen (14) days, the commission, in its discretion, may dismiss the complaint or proceed by setting a hearing in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Ethics Commission.
After a hearing, the Ethics Commission may order the public body to take whatever reasonable measures necessary, if any, to comply with this chapter.  If the Ethics Commission finds that a member or members of a public body has willfully and knowingly violated the provisions of this chapter, the Ethics Commission may impose a civil penalty upon the individual members of the public body found to be in violation of the provision of this chapter in a sum not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for a first offense and One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for a second or subsequent offense, plus all reasonable expenses incurred by the person or persons in bringing the complaint to enforce this chapter.
Other information taken from the Secretary of State’s website is listed below.  This information is found on the 2012 Election Calendar.  We may have missed some of the dates.
10 Jan 2012: Election Commissioners meet to purge their rolls. *NOTE: This is within 90 days of an election – no systematic purging should occur at this time. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-153(1)(a)).
8 Aug 2012: Purging: Deadline to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the official list of eligible voters for the November 6, 2012 General Election – systematic purging must cease 90 days before an election. (42 USC 1973gg-6(c)(A))
10 Aug 2012: Purging: Election Commissioners are required to meet to purge the poll books. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-153(1)(d) (1972)) *Note – no systematic purging may occur within 90 days of an election.
16 Nov 2012: Election Commissions: Deadline for County Election Commissions to declare results of the General Election and deliver certificates of elections to those elected. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-601 (1972)) No candidate shall be certified as elected unless all required campaign finance reports have been filed. (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-811 (1972))
Tunica County Employee Handbook: page 18
6. Outside Employment or "Moonlighting"
"No employee may engage in employment which could cause a conflict of interest, or use his County employment for personal gain.  Outside employment must not interfere with performance of duties for the county.  Any outside employment must have prior approval of the Board of Supervisors.  To apply for approval, you must submit a written request clearly describing the outside employment duties and hours to your department head who will send the request to the Board of Supervisors for their approval.  Your first loyalty has to be to your duties with the County."
Tunicans for Transparency in Government report 5 Apr 2010 page 5
C.  Beat 2:  Those of us who live in Beat 2 are still without fair representation on this Board because you will not do what is necessary and that is to vacate the seat occupied by Cedric Burnett and hold a special election to fill the Beat 2 place on this Board.
1.    Submit a list of staff at Henderson Funeral Home.  It has been brought to our attention that the program work for each funeral is done by one of Tunica County’s Department Heads.
2.    There is no record of requesting approval from this Board for part-time employment at Henderson Funeral Home by any of these employees.  I don’t think the people of Tunica County elected our Sheriff with the expectation of him having outside employment.  The Board of Supervisors is aware of the Moonlighting rules that are a part of The Employee Handbook and you have chosen to ignore this rule at least once in 2009.  It would be unfair to ignore this rule again.
3.    Copy of voter registration for Beat 2 showing both Cedric Burnett and Clara Burnett’s residence as 1370 Beatline Road.  At the Budget Hearing in 2009.  Burnett said he didn’t live at 1370 Beatline Road.  The public is not so gullible as to be taken in by all the construction going on at the above address.
MS Code: 25-1-59
“If any state, district, county, county district, or municipal officer during the term of his office shall remove out of the state, district, county or municipality for which he was elected or appointed, such office shall thereby become vacant and the vacancy be supplied as by law directed.” 


Monday, August 12, 2013

Hello Recreation Department

And another thing....
Haven’t noticed the Recreation Dept.’s weekly advertisement in the Tunica Times telling us what is going on this week at the Rec.  We are watching you too, Billy Willis.

Hello GreenTech

It is my understanding that the requirements stated in the MS State Economic Development documents between our state and GreenTech require GreenTech to have built their plant in Tunica County on the “Metro Mega Site” and to employ 350 employees by 31 Dec 2014.  If I am wrong about this, someone please correct me.
Assuming this is correct information Tunica, let’s not be fooled again.  If by chance GreenTech manages to build their plant by 31 Dec 2014, they could employ 350 people on the morning of 31 Dec 2014 and lay them off on 1 Jan 2015..  We need to hold these folks feet to the fire and make sure they do the right thing by us.  We are all tired of game playing. 

In the meantime, what can we do to help ourselves?  If you would like to be employed by GreenTech, make sure you take the required courses that have been discussed by Tunica Economic Development and our Board of Supervisors.  Show that you are willing and able to do what is required to get a good paying job. 

What can the Board of Supervisors do to help the community?  If any of the Executive Sessions being held between you and Lyn Arnold are concerning an already approved project such as GreenTech, have your discussions in an open meeting.  Each and every time the Board enters into Executive Session with Economic Development, I personally am not trustful. 

Let’s take the politics out of the GreenTech discussion.  There has been enough politics from both sides concerning GreenTech.  What I care about is this plant being built as promised; Tunicans getting jobs and GreenTech contributing to the economy of Tunica County, MS.  We are watching you GreenTech.  Just because we are southern does not mean we have “stupid” stamped on our foreheads.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Refund from Cigna

Did you hear President Obama yesterday?  The President talked about all of the good things the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare) has already accomplished for the American people. 

One of the benefits of AHA is an annual refund to the policy holder of money the insurance company did not spend on the policy holder's healthcare.  This means that the insurance company has to spend 80% of the premium on health services or return the difference to the policy holder.  In this case, this money would be returned to Tunica County.  If money is not coming back to the County, Cigna would have to send a letter stating such and telling why.

Last year, Tunicans for Transparency in Government asked how much money Cigna returned to the County.  The Board of Supervisors didn't know and the County Administrator indicated we did not get any money back.  So, we asked to see the letter from Cigna.  Took a bit to get it and after reading this letter and rereading the section of the AHA pertaining to this requirement, our Committee decided what was stated in the 2012 letter had nothing to do with our County.

Later, and after a bit more work, we learned that we are in fact not self-insured.  Wonder what is going to happen this year?  Refund, no refund, song and dance.  Just saying.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Overturn Citizens United

I have just created a petition asking Rep. Bennie Thompson to sign-on as a co-sponsor of an amendment to the Constitution that will effectively overturn the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case. 

The decision in the Citizens United case allowed the rich and foreigners to contribute money to our elections without disclosing their identities. 

Please visit my Facebook page for the link to the petition.  If you agree, add your name to the petition.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Audit: Component Units

It has come to my attention that additional information needs to be published about where we are in the auditing process that is being conducted by the independent auditor.  To the best of my knowledge the Component Units are now being investigated.  Those Component Units are:

Tunica County Airport Commission
Tunica County Arena and Expo Center
Tunica County Museum, Inc.
Tunica National Public Improvement District
Tunica County Public Projects, Inc.
Tunica County Tourism Commission
Tunica County Utility District

3 Jun 2013 Board of Supervisors' Meeting: Grand Oak Subdivision

Yesterday's meeting was a record setter in length.  Before we get started on the above subject, kuddos go out to the 3 new Supervisors (Nickson, Daley and Williams) for insisting Tunica County move forward and voting for the same.  It took Mr. Nickson raising his voice and pounding on the table and insisting on a vote and not another "tabling until".  Thanks to the three of you.

Grand Oak Subdivision took up quite a bit of time and this is not the first time this issue has been brought before the Board. 

What is happening over there?  It seems that some homes were built on a "hill" overlooking homes below and thus causing the lower homes to flood when the retention pond is full.  In the Delta, if a home is built on a "hill", land had to be moved to create this "hill."

Let's cut to the chase: Pull the original records: survey, building permits, ... all of it.  Find the error(s) and make the corrections.  If the error(s) lie with the developer, tell him to fix it.  If the error(s) lie with the County, fix it and make sure this never happens again.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Social Security Information

The following is information I just received from "Social Security Works."  As many of you know, I have signed and have asked many of you to sign a petition to remove the cap from Social Security earnings.  To me, this just makes sense.

Here you go:

The annual Social Security Trustees Report is in and it shows that Social Security's surplus is large and growing, and can pay out 100% of promised benefits through 2033.

On 1 Jun 2013, Social Security’s board of trustees will release their annual report on the financial outlook of Social Security’s trust fund, and it will find that the surplus is continuing to grow and will be around $2.8 trillion in 2013.

Social Security will take in more money than it pays out, roughly $40 billion more in 2013—and cannot by law contribute to the deficit.

"It’s the rest of the retirement system that’s in crisis. Traditional pension protections are greatly diminished, housing is down, health care costs are up and 401k plans are unreliable. With over half of working-age American households unable to maintain their standard of living in old age, we need to focus on expanding Social Security—not cutting it."

If you agree, write to your Senators and Representatives in Congress.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Our report to Board of Supervisors 6 May 2013 @ 9a

At the last Board of Supervisor’s meeting, there was quite a discussion around the Independent Auditor’s Report. I have here a copy of the letter that was submitted to this Board asking for this audit. You already have a signed copy of this letter in your minutes. You are being given this copy as a reminder that three different citizens groups asked for this audit. Quite frankly, we don’t care how much it costs. This letter is backed by the citizens of Tunica County’s right to know.

During the recent presentation by Mr. Thompson, we learned that the Financial Statements for TCUD were in the possession of Clifton Johnson and not a part of our public records. May I remind you all that the Transparency Committee sent a Freedom of Information letter to Tunica County Public Projects asking for their income and expenses. What we received was the letter attached to this report. How different would our feelings toward TCPP and Tunica National be if we were told something like…”can we start with our financial statements?” As you know, that just wasn’t the case. We sent another letter to TCPP on 9 Jan 2013 asking for a copy of their letter to their contact in Jackson. Since today is 6 May 2013 and we have not had a response to our second letter, I am assuming there really wasn’t a letter sent by TCPP’s to an “official in Jackson”.

So, please stop trying to interrupt this auditing process because each time you object citizens are sitting here wondering what is being hidden. We need you 3 new Supervisors to stand strong and to insist this audit continue and let the chips fall where they may.

Now, onto why the Transparency Committee asked for this appointment with you.

We sent a Freedom of Information letter to the Recreation Department through your attorney, Andy Dulaney. The letter asked for “the schedule of membership fees for the Tunica County Parks and Recreation Department.” The information was received very promptly and we thank Billy Willis for his cooperation.

It has been brought to our Committee’s attention that Tunica County Seniors are now required to pay the same membership fee as Corporate Members. This fee is $30 annually. A few obvious questions would be: Why are Seniors who are most likely not working but living in Tunica County asked to pay the same membership fee as Corporate Members who are working and most likely not living in Tunica County? (Note: Until recently, Tunica County Senior Citizens were not charged for membership.)

However, this is not the question that brought our Committee to write the Freedom of Information letter. What caused us to write the letter was learning that only some Tunica County Seniors were being charged the membership fee. Those Seniors who come to the Rec on Tue, Wed and Thu are not being charged a membership fee. Tunica County does not have means testing for charging membership fees. Therefore, our Committee is asking the Board of Supervisors to drop the Tunica County Resident Annual Membership Fee for Seniors as our gift to our older residents for all that they have done for our community during their working years.

By the way, have you all noticed that Membership at the Rec fluctuates between 1000 and 2000 members year in and year out? Why is this?

Secondly, since 2008 this Committee has asked that a weekly schedule of Rec Dept. offerings be advertized in the Tunica Times. It is said that we are all entitled to our own opinions but we are not entitled to our own facts.

In Tunica County it is a fact that the Black Community communicates through their churches and schools. The White Community communicates through their local newspaper. Both of these statements are facts. This Committee has asked for a weekly schedule of Rec happenings to be advertized in the Tunica Times for 5 years. That’s a fact. So, what is the problem?

This Board recently approved the building of yet another Community Center in North Tunica? Okay, so you can afford a new Center but you can’t afford to tell the White Community what is going on at the 3 Centers we’ve already got? How is that right?

Here’s another fact: Personally, I am not a member of the Rec because I am determined that I am not going to participate until the Recreation Department makes an effort to reach all Tunica County residents.

It is my understanding that the Tunica Times was summoned to Billy Willis’ office this past Jan and told “he” couldn’t afford to advertize in their newspaper. “He” could only afford to post what’s going on at the Rec in schools and churches. First of all, the budget monies that are budgeted for Parks and Recreation belong to the residents of Tunica County; not to the Director of Parks and Recreation. Secondly, what is really being said here? The Recreation Department can only afford to advertize to the Black Community?

During this Freedom of Information process between the Transparency Committee and the Recreation Department we received a brochure prepared by the Recreation Department called “Take Time for Fun.” So, why isn’t this being distributed? Why can’t the Rec Department take info from this already prepared document and advertise to the White Community?

Actually, I found in this brochure an activity that interests me but how was I supposed to know? Through osmosis? It has to be advertized to all residents of Tunica County. That’s what advertising is…you finding out how to reach your customers.

There is one more thing we need to bring to the attention of the Board of Supervisors. It is our understanding that a female white employee has been suspended from the Recreation Department for something that was actually done by a female black employee. Will you please check into this? If this is true, it will be just another indication of why we need a Human Resources Manager.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Attention Cedric....

Tonight at the Board of Supervisors' Meeting we were given a report from the independent auditor, Michael Thompson.  This particular report was a partial report on Tunica County Utility District (TCUD).

The Beat 2 Supervisor made a big fuss about the cost of Mr. Thompson's services.  Hello Cedric:  It doesn't matter how much money this audit costs. It has to be done. 

Why are you protesting so much?  Why do you so strongly object to this audit?  Is there something you know that we don't?  Just incase you have forgotten, we are reposting the letter, signed by three organizations, asking for this audit on behalf of the residents of Tunica County.

Here's the letter:
15 Oct 2012

Hand Delivered to the Tunica County Board of Supervisors at their 5p Meeting

This letter is being written to request an independent audit of each and every department, commission, facility and component unit attached to or established by the Tunica County Board of Supervisors.

Recently, the Tunica County Board of Supervisors voted to levy a tax increase on its residents. At your Public Hearing prior to voting on this tax increase, the public voiced their concern over the debt inherited by this Board of Supervisors as well as the past decisions made to spend the monies of the residents of Tunica County.

We have reviewed the last two Audited Financial Statements and Special Reports contracted for with Williams, Pitts and Beard, LLC and have found certain entities were not audited by Williams, Pitts and Beard, LLC. As stated in the above Report, these would be “the financial statements of Tunica County Airport Commission, Tunica County Public Projects, Inc., Tunica County Tourism Commission, and Tunica County Utility District.” These Component Units were audited by other auditors and submitted to Williams, Pitts and Beard, LLC. Specifically, we are asking for an independent audit as stated in the opening paragraph. One audit, one report.

Overwhelmingly, the voters of Tunica County chose to replace three members of the former Board of Supervisors. Along with this fresh start, we the undersigned organizations are making this request for an independent audit to know exactly the state of our finances. By fulfilling this request, the Tunica County Board of Supervisors will establish a path forward for our County.

Barbara R. Tuchel
Tunicans for Transparency in Government

Mark E. Hudson, President
Tunica County NAACP Branch

Robert Hall, President
Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica County

Circuit Clerk Asks for Pay Increases...Our Response

Following is a report from the Transparency Committee:

30 Apr 2013: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p

At the last Board of Supervisor’s meeting, the Tunica County Circuit Clerk appeared before you to request an increase in salaries for her employees. Our Committee has asked for an appointment with you this evening to present documents and information to consider before you grant this request.

At the forefront of our thinking is that Tunica County needs to move toward a merit based raise system rather then the “across the board” system of the past.

Whether Tunica County is holding a Primary Election where the Democratic Committee is in charge or a General Election where the Election Commission is in charge, the Circuit Clerk’s office is always involved. Tunica County residents depend on the Circuit Clerk for accuracy and efficiency.

The first documents we are presenting are from the Primary Election of 2007. These documents are copies of pages 39 through 41 of the Record of Absentee Voters. You will notice on these copies that 20 Absentee Ballots were sent to P. O. Box 772. (Note that none of these ballots are marked with a received date by the Circuit Clerk’s Office.) At what point does an employee stop to think this might be wrong? We all need to be reminded that someone went to prison based in part by this record.

The second insert into this report comes from our report at the Public Hearing on Redistricting that was held by the Board of Supervisors on 6 Jan 2011.

1. As of 31 Mar 2011, Tunica County had 6255 registered voters.

2. By our hand count, we discovered there are 399 people who remain on the active voter rolls even though they registered prior to 31 Dec 1999 and these same people have never voted in Tunica County.
3. By our hand count about 80 people are using a P. O. Box as their official address for voter registration purposes. This address has to be the physical address (of the registrant.)

4. We’ve found instances of married couples being registered for different precincts and at least 2 of these mistakes have these couples voting in different Beats. Example: Marilyn Young #1 and Melvin Young #6.

Our third area of concern is the $56K refund to the Circuit Clerk in 2012. Truly, I can’t begin to talk about this because I still don’t understand what happened. What I do understand is that some action in the Circuit Clerk’s Office caused this expenditure from the General Fund of this County.

Our fourth concern is around the slowness with which ballots are counted in this County. Again, whether it is the Primary or the General election the Circuit Clerk’s Office is involved. What is etched in my memory is the last General Election when the whole United States of America had been called for President Barack Obama and Tunica County was still tallying our 12 little Precincts.

In conclusion, the Transparency Committee is asking the Board of Supervisors to do a little more investigation of your own before granting this request by the Circuit Clerk. It is important for our County and for the County’s employees that we begin to transition to a merit based raise system. Just because the employees across the lobby from the Circuit Clerk’s Office earned and were granted raises does not necessarily mean raises need to be granted in the Circuit Clerk’s Office.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1 Apr 2013 BOS and Rosa Fort High School Graduation

During the Board of Supervisors' Meeting a report of what is on the calendar at the Battle Arena was given.

In this report it was mentioned that the Director of the Arena had met with the Tunica County School Board to ask them to move graduation to a Monday rather then the traditional Sunday so the Arena would be able to secure another contract for this particular weekend.  The School Board approved this change.  (See note below.)

At the Board of Supervisors' Meeting the Beat #3 Supervisor asked that RFHS Graduation be moved back to Sunday.

Here's the rub:  Both Boards are elected separately and independently by the residents of Tunica County.  It seems improper for a Supervisor to use his or her position to interfere with a decision made by the Board of Education.  If a Supervisor has a personal problem with a decision made by the Board of Education, call your elected member of the Board of Education.

Note:  It is now my understanding that the Director of the Arena talked with the County Administrator about changing the date of graduation.  I do not know who the County Administrator spoke with to authorize the date change for the graduation ceremony.  Somehow, the date was changed.

So, that's one problem.

Here's another:  When RFHS holds graduation at the Battle Arena, this occasion is not free to the residents of Tunica County.  Each time RFHS holds graduation or cheerleading competition at the Battle Arena, it costs the County around $10K to move dirt and whatever else goes along with a change from a horse show.

The Board of Education has around $7 - $9 million dollars in the bank.  If they want to hold graduation or cheerleading at the Arena, why can't they pay for it?

If you think the Board of Education should be paying to use the Battle Arena, what would they be willing to pay?  Would the BOE want to pay $10K on a weekday or would they like to pay the entire amount of the revenue lost because the Arena could not be booked by a paying client on a weekend?

Next there is the problem of cross messaging.  On the one hand, the Board of Superviosrs' is telling Battle Arena to book everything they can to bring money into the County.  On the other hand, some Supervisors are telling the Arena to move graduation back to Sunday and give up a bookable weekend. 

You know, we are all entitled to our own opinion but we are not entitled to our own facts.  Letting RFHS use the Battle Arena for free is expensive.  It is expensive on a Monday but more expensive on a Sunday.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1 Apr 2013 CEO at Healthcare Authority

Following is a copy of the report this Committee presented to the Board of Supervisors.  The documentation mentioned in this report may be found in the Public Records after 1 May 2013.
1 Apr 2013: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 9a

Our Committee asked for an appointment with you today in an attempt to correct your minutes in the Public Record Book #155 on page 489 and to open a conversation with the Board of Supervisors surrounding the hiring of the CEO at the Tunica County Healthcare Authority and the possibility of hiring a Human Resource Manager.

Attached to our report are the following:

1. A photocopy of the above referenced page.

2. One Freedom of Information letter dated 1 Mar 2013 and addressed to the Tunica County Healthcare Authority requesting:

a. Total number of applicants who applied for the CEO position.

b. Total number of interviews granted for this position.

c. Total number of applicants who both applied and are residents of Tunica County.

d. Total number of interviews granted for applicants who also live in Tunica County.

3. Copies of email correspondence between Dr. Osborn and myself in response to the Freedom of Information letter.

The first thing you will notice from the Public Record of your minutes is that 53 applications were received and 12 of these applicants received telephone interviews. From the telephone interviews, three of the 12 applicants were granted face-to-face interviews.

Next, take a look at the email conversation between Dr. Osborn and myself as a result of the Freedom of Information letter our Committee sent to Tunica County Healthcare Authority.

Here is a recap of the email information:

Dr. Osborn: “In response to your request, 50 applications for the CEO position were received. Of those 50, initial telephone interviews were conducted with 14. In person interviews were conducted with three finalists.

There were no applications received from individuals living in Tunica County. Therefore, no interviews were granted to individuals living in Tunica County.”

Barbara Tuchel: “Thx for your quick response. Would you please recheck one more time about there being no application from anyone in Tunica County. A long time Tunica County resident is saying he/she submitted an application and was not interviewed by phone or in person.”

Dr. Osborn: “Of the fifty applications submitted to me, none were residents of Tunica County.”

It is this Committee’s understanding that an application for this position was given to the County Administrator and a copy of the applicant’s resume was placed in every Supervisor’s mailbox.

What happened?

Secondly, it is our understanding that the new CEO was hired with a salary of $105K. This amount is the approximate salary of Dr. Osborn who has been a Tunica County employee for quite some time. When the Board of Supervisors replaced the Road Manager the difference in salaries between the former and the present was approximately $30K. (Billy Watson was making $110K and Joe Eddie Hawkins is making $80.) So, historically this is the pattern you have set for new hires. Why was this position handled differently?

Using the above reporting as an example, it has become apparent that Tunica County is in need of a Human Resource Manager. Hopefully, you will consider this position a priority and will ensure this person reports directly to the Board of Supervisors.

Friday, March 1, 2013

NEWS Flash

Last night at the Board of Supervisors' Meeting a 10% raise was awarded to 2 employees in the Chancery Clerk's office.  This was a merit raise based on their performance.

And yet, Supervisor Burnett said these raises were unfair because they did not include everyone.

Here's the NEWS Flash:  Cedric, giving across the board raises breeds complacency.  We need to be conveying to all Tunica County Employees that a good job will be rewarded.  Get with the program.

Please study the issues at hand and come to the table prepared.  Raising your voice is not prepared.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

28 Feb 2013: Second Report: Tunica National

The following report was presented to the Board of Supervisors' tonight.  The attachments referenced in the report have previously been published on this blog. To find them, look under Freedom of Information and Tunica National.  The Ledger is a running total and monies are noted in item #5.

Oh, BTW, Supervisor Burnett left the meeting when I got up to do the presentation.  As is said by my girlfriends: "Put your big panties on and deal with it" Cedric.  So childish.  He reminds me of John Boehner.

Here's the report:

Our Committee asked for an appointment with you tonight for the purpose of submitting documentation of our research of Tunica National and Tunica County Public Projects (TCPP).

Attached are the following:

1. Four Freedom of Information letters requesting expenses paid by Tunica County for TCPP. These months include: Oct 2012, Nov 2012, Dec 2012 and Jan 2013. All requested information was received in a timely manner.

2. Three Freedom of Information letters requesting income and expenses for Tunica National from TCPP. These months include: Oct 2012, Nov 2012 and Dec 2012. We did not send a letter for Jan 2013 as it became apparent TCPP was not going to supply the requested information.

3. Letter from Nolan Canon who is the President of TCPP.

4. Letter from Barbara Tuchel to TCPP.

5. Ledger showing what we know at this time pertaining to the expenses the citizens of Tunica County has paid to TCPP.  (Note: Total to date: $398,659.33.  We are on track to spend $1.6 million with no off setting income.)

Additionally, we have reviewed the Public Records for information about Tunica National, TCPP and Kemper Sports. From their own reporting, it seems that Tunica National is consistently over budgeting their expected rounds of golf. We have also found errors in reports submitted from Kemper Sports.

Example: Book 154 page 476: Kemper Sports reported a total of 2521 rounds of golf for the month of Oct 2012. Kemper further reported this 2521 number included 2211 preferred rounds and 1877 paid rounds. This is an error in addition of 1567 rounds. Didn’t any Supervisor notice this?

The citizens of Tunica County have a right to know the financial position of our publicly owned golf course.

Questions for the BOS:
Does any Supervisor have the information we requested from TCPP?
Has any Supervisor tried to get this information from TCPP?

If not, please consider cutting off funding to TCPP until they supply the requested information.

End of Report

28 Feb 2013: First Report: Lack of signatures...

The following is the first report this Committee made at the Board of Supervisors' Meeting tonight.

While reviewing Public Records, our Committee found that signature lines for various Supervisors on various documents were left unsigned. Most of the documents in question are claims. We did not find any instance where Supervisor Dunn’s or Supervisor Daley’s signature was not on the documents. There was at least one instance for Supervisor Nickson, Supervisor Williams and Supervisor Burnett that were not signed.

Our review did not go back further then Oct 2012 as it became clear that there was a problem.

The procedure is inconsistent as there were instances of the word “Absent” entered on various signature lines. However, this was not always the case.

To leave the signature lines blank is to create opportunity to change records after the fact.

Please consider making sure all documents for the Public Records be either signed or noted as to why there is no signature where indicated.

End of Report

More on the Healthcare Authority

Well, that didn't last long.

Tonight at the Board of Supervisors' Meeting, the Healthcare Authority's recommended candidate was hired at $105K.  And it was decided to keep the old CEO for a period of no more then 60 days to transfer paperwork, etc.

Another stipulation is that the new CEO move to Tunica County in the next 24 months.  Oh, here we go again.  So, she'll get a PO Box or use someone else's address...we've seen this play before.

I know of one person who already lives in Tunica who is qualified for this job.  So, what is the problem?

I am surprised that Supervisor Dunn did not push to hire the Tunica County resident as Dunn knows this person very well.  Let's see, Dunn you can hire an ex-con because he is a friend of yours but you say no to hiring a friend who is an upstanding citizen of Tunica County?

What about you Burnett?  What's your excuse?

To Nickson, Daley and Williams, you have made a mistake.  At some point the three of you are going to have to stand up to Dunn and Burnett and in this case the Healthcare Authority and do what is right for the citizens you represent.

What was gained by hiring a highly paid individual who does not live in Tunica County?  I have an answer for you: Just about as much was gained tonight as has been gained in Tunica County by that dang pipeplant.

Executive Session: Healthcare Authority

On 4 Feb 2013, the Board of Supervisors held an Executive Session to discuss the hiring of a CEO for the Healthcare Authority.

Only Dunn and Burnett voted to hire the recommended candidate from the Healthcare Authority.  Williams and Daley voted no and Nickson abstained.  Note the following quote:

"Mr. Nickson stated that he wanted the minutes to reflect that he is abstaining from voting for three primary reason - 1. Lack of the all of the options not being considered fully including pursuing a third party to lease and run the facilities, and/or working out an agreement with Methodist; 2. Lack of Ms. Cobbins being held accountable for not being a Tunica County resident; and 3. an ineffective tinterview process having been utilized."

The above has been copied exactly as it appears in the minutes.

These are all good reasons not to hire a new person at this time.  Kudos to the new Supervisors for seeing through the push to hire by the Healthcare Authority.

Would the new Supervisors consider dissolving the Healthcare Authority and bringing it in house?

Absent the above, would the new Supervisors consider replacing the Healthcare Authority Board of Directors with persons of their choosing?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The expenses are adding up...Tunica National

Just got the list of expenses for Jan 2013 for Tunica National.  It cost Tunica County $63,553.95 for this facility.

Of course, we still don't know what the income and expenses are for Tunica County Public Projects because their Board of Directors think they don't have to tell the public this information.

Okay Supervisors, when are you going to cut off their monthly appropriation and when are you going to stop paying their expenses?  We already know Dunn and Burnett think this way of doing business is fair to the citizens of our County.  Why?  Because Dunn and Burnett were on the Board of Supervisors when this situation was set up. 

To the three new Supervisors:  The citizens of Tunica County are counting on you to make Tunica County Public Projects transparent to the people who are funding this facility.  It is our money and we have a right to know.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NEWS Flash...

Last night at the Board of Supervisors' Meeting, I found one item that I actually agreed with that came out of Cedric Burnett's mouth.

Burnett asked Board President, James Dunn, to turn the BOS's Meeting over to Vice President Sonny Nickson when the BOS are discussing the Cypress Creek development.  As it turns out, last night we found out that James Dunn is the developer of Cypress Creek. 

We will be keeping a close watch on this project.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Update on Tunica National Expenses and a Request of the Board of Supervisors

What we know as of today is that Tunica County has sent $335,105.38 to Tunica County Public Projects for the operation of Tunica National. 

As we understand it, there are 2 extra monthly allotments of $39,583.33 within this total to tie TCPP over the winter months.  These 2 additional payments were paid with the Dec 2012 claims.  There should be no allotments paid to TCPP in Aug or Sep 2013.

It looks to me like we are on our way to spending $1.3M for Tunica National.  We have no idea what is coming into Tunica National because TCPP thinks this is not any of our business.  What we do know is that any monies TCPP is collecting are not going into the Tunica County General Fund.

Hmmm, so what do we have here?  We have a Board of Supervisors who are attempting to make the Battle Arena more profitable by investing in upgrades and we have another facility that APPEARS to be draining our limited resources.

Supervisors, what are you going to do about this?  This Committee is doing our part by continuing to send Freedom of Information letters to TCPP every month.  How about a little help from the Board of Supervisors.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tunica National Update

So far, Tunica County has spent $227,818.43 on Tunica National.  This does not include expenses outside of the appropriations for Nov and Dec 2012.  We have requested this information and should have it in hand by the end of Jan 2013 and will post the same on this blog.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Sheriff, this just isn't right...

I’ve just returned from the first 2013 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. There was a lot on the agenda.

One item added to the agenda was a $150,000 request from the Sheriff for communication devices that apparently are 15 years old and not repairable. So, how come the Sheriff cannot find $150,000 in his $7M dollar budget for this equipment? Why didn’t he know this last summer when he submitted his budget? This is one concern.

The Board of Supervisors elected to table this item until the 15 Jan 2013 meeting. This didn’t seem to be acceptable to the Sheriff. He apparently wanted a decision now and since this was not the will of the Board, the Sheriff brought up other decisions previously made by the Supervisors for things such as improvements to the Battle Arena. After the Board President tried to move on to the next subject, the Sheriff continued with what he wanted to talk about and thus controlled the Board of Supervisors’ Meeting. Personally, I’m offended because I would have been escorted out of the meeting if I had behaved in such a manner. This is the second concern.

Next, a gentleman from the Sheriff’s Liaison Committee used the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary to “scare” the Board and the audience into approving the Sheriff’s request. The intimation was that we could be facing the same situation here in Tunica County if the Sheriff’s request was denied.

Maybe no one else will say it, so, I will. The tragedy at Sandy Hook occurred because the shooter’s mother did not lock up her guns and her irresponsibility cost her life, her son’s life and the lives of 26 others. There can be other viable discussions about assault guns, how many bullets in a clip, etc. but the bottom line is this: If you have children in your house lock up your friggin’ guns.