Tuesday, April 2, 2013

1 Apr 2013 CEO at Healthcare Authority

Following is a copy of the report this Committee presented to the Board of Supervisors.  The documentation mentioned in this report may be found in the Public Records after 1 May 2013.
1 Apr 2013: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 9a

Our Committee asked for an appointment with you today in an attempt to correct your minutes in the Public Record Book #155 on page 489 and to open a conversation with the Board of Supervisors surrounding the hiring of the CEO at the Tunica County Healthcare Authority and the possibility of hiring a Human Resource Manager.

Attached to our report are the following:

1. A photocopy of the above referenced page.

2. One Freedom of Information letter dated 1 Mar 2013 and addressed to the Tunica County Healthcare Authority requesting:

a. Total number of applicants who applied for the CEO position.

b. Total number of interviews granted for this position.

c. Total number of applicants who both applied and are residents of Tunica County.

d. Total number of interviews granted for applicants who also live in Tunica County.

3. Copies of email correspondence between Dr. Osborn and myself in response to the Freedom of Information letter.

The first thing you will notice from the Public Record of your minutes is that 53 applications were received and 12 of these applicants received telephone interviews. From the telephone interviews, three of the 12 applicants were granted face-to-face interviews.

Next, take a look at the email conversation between Dr. Osborn and myself as a result of the Freedom of Information letter our Committee sent to Tunica County Healthcare Authority.

Here is a recap of the email information:

Dr. Osborn: “In response to your request, 50 applications for the CEO position were received. Of those 50, initial telephone interviews were conducted with 14. In person interviews were conducted with three finalists.

There were no applications received from individuals living in Tunica County. Therefore, no interviews were granted to individuals living in Tunica County.”

Barbara Tuchel: “Thx for your quick response. Would you please recheck one more time about there being no application from anyone in Tunica County. A long time Tunica County resident is saying he/she submitted an application and was not interviewed by phone or in person.”

Dr. Osborn: “Of the fifty applications submitted to me, none were residents of Tunica County.”

It is this Committee’s understanding that an application for this position was given to the County Administrator and a copy of the applicant’s resume was placed in every Supervisor’s mailbox.

What happened?

Secondly, it is our understanding that the new CEO was hired with a salary of $105K. This amount is the approximate salary of Dr. Osborn who has been a Tunica County employee for quite some time. When the Board of Supervisors replaced the Road Manager the difference in salaries between the former and the present was approximately $30K. (Billy Watson was making $110K and Joe Eddie Hawkins is making $80.) So, historically this is the pattern you have set for new hires. Why was this position handled differently?

Using the above reporting as an example, it has become apparent that Tunica County is in need of a Human Resource Manager. Hopefully, you will consider this position a priority and will ensure this person reports directly to the Board of Supervisors.

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