Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Attention Cedric....

Tonight at the Board of Supervisors' Meeting we were given a report from the independent auditor, Michael Thompson.  This particular report was a partial report on Tunica County Utility District (TCUD).

The Beat 2 Supervisor made a big fuss about the cost of Mr. Thompson's services.  Hello Cedric:  It doesn't matter how much money this audit costs. It has to be done. 

Why are you protesting so much?  Why do you so strongly object to this audit?  Is there something you know that we don't?  Just incase you have forgotten, we are reposting the letter, signed by three organizations, asking for this audit on behalf of the residents of Tunica County.

Here's the letter:
15 Oct 2012

Hand Delivered to the Tunica County Board of Supervisors at their 5p Meeting

This letter is being written to request an independent audit of each and every department, commission, facility and component unit attached to or established by the Tunica County Board of Supervisors.

Recently, the Tunica County Board of Supervisors voted to levy a tax increase on its residents. At your Public Hearing prior to voting on this tax increase, the public voiced their concern over the debt inherited by this Board of Supervisors as well as the past decisions made to spend the monies of the residents of Tunica County.

We have reviewed the last two Audited Financial Statements and Special Reports contracted for with Williams, Pitts and Beard, LLC and have found certain entities were not audited by Williams, Pitts and Beard, LLC. As stated in the above Report, these would be “the financial statements of Tunica County Airport Commission, Tunica County Public Projects, Inc., Tunica County Tourism Commission, and Tunica County Utility District.” These Component Units were audited by other auditors and submitted to Williams, Pitts and Beard, LLC. Specifically, we are asking for an independent audit as stated in the opening paragraph. One audit, one report.

Overwhelmingly, the voters of Tunica County chose to replace three members of the former Board of Supervisors. Along with this fresh start, we the undersigned organizations are making this request for an independent audit to know exactly the state of our finances. By fulfilling this request, the Tunica County Board of Supervisors will establish a path forward for our County.

Barbara R. Tuchel
Tunicans for Transparency in Government

Mark E. Hudson, President
Tunica County NAACP Branch

Robert Hall, President
Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica County

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