During the Board of Supervisors' Meeting a report of what is on the calendar at the Battle Arena was given.
In this report it was mentioned that the Director of the Arena had met with the Tunica County School Board to ask them to move graduation to a Monday rather then the traditional Sunday so the Arena would be able to secure another contract for this particular weekend. The School Board approved this change. (See note below.)
At the Board of Supervisors' Meeting the Beat #3 Supervisor asked that RFHS Graduation be moved back to Sunday.
Here's the rub: Both Boards are elected separately and independently by the residents of Tunica County. It seems improper for a Supervisor to use his or her position to interfere with a decision made by the Board of Education. If a Supervisor has a personal problem with a decision made by the Board of Education, call your elected member of the Board of Education.
Note: It is now my understanding that the Director of the Arena talked with the County Administrator about changing the date of graduation. I do not know who the County Administrator spoke with to authorize the date change for the graduation ceremony. Somehow, the date was changed.
So, that's one problem.
Here's another: When RFHS holds graduation at the Battle Arena, this occasion is not free to the residents of Tunica County. Each time RFHS holds graduation or cheerleading competition at the Battle Arena, it costs the County around $10K to move dirt and whatever else goes along with a change from a horse show.
The Board of Education has around $7 - $9 million dollars in the bank. If they want to hold graduation or cheerleading at the Arena, why can't they pay for it?
If you think the Board of Education should be paying to use the Battle Arena, what would they be willing to pay? Would the BOE want to pay $10K on a weekday or would they like to pay the entire amount of the revenue lost because the Arena could not be booked by a paying client on a weekend?
Next there is the problem of cross messaging. On the one hand, the Board of Superviosrs' is telling Battle Arena to book everything they can to bring money into the County. On the other hand, some Supervisors are telling the Arena to move graduation back to Sunday and give up a bookable weekend.
You know, we are all entitled to our own opinion but we are not entitled to our own facts. Letting RFHS use the Battle Arena for free is expensive. It is expensive on a Monday but more expensive on a Sunday.
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