Thursday, February 28, 2013

28 Feb 2013: First Report: Lack of signatures...

The following is the first report this Committee made at the Board of Supervisors' Meeting tonight.

While reviewing Public Records, our Committee found that signature lines for various Supervisors on various documents were left unsigned. Most of the documents in question are claims. We did not find any instance where Supervisor Dunn’s or Supervisor Daley’s signature was not on the documents. There was at least one instance for Supervisor Nickson, Supervisor Williams and Supervisor Burnett that were not signed.

Our review did not go back further then Oct 2012 as it became clear that there was a problem.

The procedure is inconsistent as there were instances of the word “Absent” entered on various signature lines. However, this was not always the case.

To leave the signature lines blank is to create opportunity to change records after the fact.

Please consider making sure all documents for the Public Records be either signed or noted as to why there is no signature where indicated.

End of Report

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