Thursday, February 28, 2013

Executive Session: Healthcare Authority

On 4 Feb 2013, the Board of Supervisors held an Executive Session to discuss the hiring of a CEO for the Healthcare Authority.

Only Dunn and Burnett voted to hire the recommended candidate from the Healthcare Authority.  Williams and Daley voted no and Nickson abstained.  Note the following quote:

"Mr. Nickson stated that he wanted the minutes to reflect that he is abstaining from voting for three primary reason - 1. Lack of the all of the options not being considered fully including pursuing a third party to lease and run the facilities, and/or working out an agreement with Methodist; 2. Lack of Ms. Cobbins being held accountable for not being a Tunica County resident; and 3. an ineffective tinterview process having been utilized."

The above has been copied exactly as it appears in the minutes.

These are all good reasons not to hire a new person at this time.  Kudos to the new Supervisors for seeing through the push to hire by the Healthcare Authority.

Would the new Supervisors consider dissolving the Healthcare Authority and bringing it in house?

Absent the above, would the new Supervisors consider replacing the Healthcare Authority Board of Directors with persons of their choosing?

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