Thursday, February 28, 2013

28 Feb 2013: Second Report: Tunica National

The following report was presented to the Board of Supervisors' tonight.  The attachments referenced in the report have previously been published on this blog. To find them, look under Freedom of Information and Tunica National.  The Ledger is a running total and monies are noted in item #5.

Oh, BTW, Supervisor Burnett left the meeting when I got up to do the presentation.  As is said by my girlfriends: "Put your big panties on and deal with it" Cedric.  So childish.  He reminds me of John Boehner.

Here's the report:

Our Committee asked for an appointment with you tonight for the purpose of submitting documentation of our research of Tunica National and Tunica County Public Projects (TCPP).

Attached are the following:

1. Four Freedom of Information letters requesting expenses paid by Tunica County for TCPP. These months include: Oct 2012, Nov 2012, Dec 2012 and Jan 2013. All requested information was received in a timely manner.

2. Three Freedom of Information letters requesting income and expenses for Tunica National from TCPP. These months include: Oct 2012, Nov 2012 and Dec 2012. We did not send a letter for Jan 2013 as it became apparent TCPP was not going to supply the requested information.

3. Letter from Nolan Canon who is the President of TCPP.

4. Letter from Barbara Tuchel to TCPP.

5. Ledger showing what we know at this time pertaining to the expenses the citizens of Tunica County has paid to TCPP.  (Note: Total to date: $398,659.33.  We are on track to spend $1.6 million with no off setting income.)

Additionally, we have reviewed the Public Records for information about Tunica National, TCPP and Kemper Sports. From their own reporting, it seems that Tunica National is consistently over budgeting their expected rounds of golf. We have also found errors in reports submitted from Kemper Sports.

Example: Book 154 page 476: Kemper Sports reported a total of 2521 rounds of golf for the month of Oct 2012. Kemper further reported this 2521 number included 2211 preferred rounds and 1877 paid rounds. This is an error in addition of 1567 rounds. Didn’t any Supervisor notice this?

The citizens of Tunica County have a right to know the financial position of our publicly owned golf course.

Questions for the BOS:
Does any Supervisor have the information we requested from TCPP?
Has any Supervisor tried to get this information from TCPP?

If not, please consider cutting off funding to TCPP until they supply the requested information.

End of Report

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