Sunday, August 2, 2015

Use your head...think before you vote

Just spent a few minutes on FB blocking a few ladies who just wanted to curse at me rather than discuss our problems and/or offer just one idea to help improve Tunica County.

Yes, I am for change in Tunica County.  Yes, I hope the Beat 1 Supervisor is replaced.  He's been on the Board of Supervisors too long.  Following that, I think we need term limits for Supervisors.  The Beat 1 Supervisor was a member of the BOS when a Congressional Hearing told us not to set our local governments up based on gambling revenue.  They did it anyway.  The Beat 1 Supervisor voted for Schultz, GreenTech and Feuer with no jobs specified for Tunicans.  More recently, the Beat 1 Supervisor applied for HUD money for his Foundation when we have a Housing Dept that could have used this money and he sees no conflict of interest in having done so.  The Public Records will show that this Supervisor consistently votes to not fund the Housing Dept.

There are many other specific reasons that I hope the residents of Beat 1 will elect a different person to represent them.  I don't have a vote in Beat 1 so all I can do is report to you what I have found.

Where I do have a vote AND a voice is in Beat 2.  Over the past years, I have written extensively about the Beat 2 Supervisor. He seems to have a lot of supporters but do these supporters take the time to find out how he has voted and how his votes have hurt our County?  Are they attending meetings to see for themselves how he votes?  If you are a County employee, do you know that this Supervisor consistently votes against authorizing to payroll?

The Beat 2 Supervisor was on the BOS when Schultz and GreenTech and Feuer were voted on and the documents included no job requirements for hiring Tunicans.  He was on the BOS when all of these component units were set up as 501C3. Can anybody tell me why we would want these facilities set up as non-profits?  And what about the Bonds we owe?  This Supervisor's vote has left us with huge debts.

I could go on and on here too.  Somebody tell me something this guy has done for Tunica County that has resulted in a winner for everyone?

I do get a vote in Beat 2 and since the incumbent has withdrawn, we will have a new Supervisor.  But tell me this, if the Beat 2 Supervisor's record is a precursor of things to come, why would we vote to send him to the MS House?

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