Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Did you forget?

Tonight was the meeting with the County Administrator to talk about the 2015-2016 Tunica County Budget.  Did you forget?

Although this meeting was announced on this blog and on the front page of the Tunica Times, only a handful of people showed up to discuss the upcoming budget.  And, only one sitting Supervisor (Sonny Nickson) showed up.  What were you all thinking?

What is very disturbing to me is that I was the only candidate for the office of Beat 2 Supervisor, that bothered to show-up.  And the other 4 candidates want a seat at the table?  How in the heck to you expect to do a good job when you don't have a working knowledge of our government?  This upcoming election is not a popularity contest.  The 4 of you are too late to the game.

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