Saturday, August 8, 2015

7 Aug 2015 School Budget Hearing

Only a few citizens were in attendance at last night's budget hearing.  From what was said, parents are use to having notices sent home from school in addition to the required legal publications.  After hearing from the public, perhaps Dr. Pulley will re-institute this practice.  We also asked these notices be placed on the Tunica County School District website.

We, the citizens, also have to read the legal publications more carefully.  Those few of us who attended went straight to the Elementary School Auditorium...where we always go.  The notice said in the Board Room.

From the presentation:

We learned that $14,590,143 is being budgeted for Salaries.  Bob asked for a break-down into Teaching, Support and Administration.  Dr. Pulley was kind enough to ask Ms. Austin to put this information together and Ms. Austin and Bob will get together about the same this coming week.

We learned that all teaching vacancies have been filled by licensed and certified teachers.  There may be some vacancies in the Special Education Department (SPED).

We learned that there is a public meeting at noon next Fri, 14 Aug 2015 to finalize the 2015-2016 Budget.

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