Monday, March 2, 2015

And then there was FB

Yesterday there were some false statements about me published on FB concerning Tuchel v Tunica County.  I said that I would ask the Board of Supervisors to release me from this gag order.  Here is the letter:

2 Mar 2015 Delivered via email

To: Ellis Pittman, Esq.
Attorney for the Tunica County Board of Supervisors

From: Barbara R. Tuchel
Independent Candidate for Beat 2 Supervisor

RE: Tuchel v. Tunica County

The purpose of this letter is to ask the Board of Supervisors to withdraw the gag order requested by Tunica County in the above case.

Following is a statement from Raggedy Ann Thomas aka Syreeta Hamp who I understand is the sister of Sheriff KC Hamp.

“In reference to this so called blog…everything “supposedly” has been mentioned except for this: How can you LOVE us and SUE us?  (Sounds like a love/hate affair)  Yet, you’re always inquiring…What’s happening to county funds?  Simple, it’s because “YOU” have it all.  You’ve filed a frivolous lawsuit in which a transcript cannot be found to go along with it.  However the lawsuit has been settled with an “UNDISCLOSED” amount of money.  Funds that you have taken from our schools, our children, and our community!  Barbara Tuchel for Beat 2 (really)?  We the people, find you guilty of being a part of the problem and NOT the solution!!!”

The Board of Supervisors was present when Sheriff Hamp accused me of filing 3 or 4 suits against the County.  Since Sheriff Hamp sits in Executive Session with the Board of Supervisors, he is well aware his statement was false. 

Additionally, the Board of Supervisors is aware that the Transparency Committee is seeking to find out how many lawsuits against Tunica County were originated in the Sheriff’s Department.

Again, I am requesting a letter from the Board of Supervisors releasing me from the gag order requested by Tunica County in my settlement with the same.


Barbara R. Tuchel

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