Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Went to a TCUD Meeting last night...

Another meeting I attended yesterday was TCUD.

What I have recently learned is that the TCUD Bond was set-up so that if TCUD could not pay their Bond payment, the Board of Supervisors would have to make the payment for them.  This Bond was issued before Williams, Nickson and Daley became Supervisors.  Both Dunn and Burnett were members of the BOS when the TCUD Bond was issued.

Recently, TCUD has had to start coming to the BOS for money to pay their monthly expenses.  The BOS has given TCUD $100,000 to go toward these past due bills.  This donation to TCUD was not reflected in their reports from TCUD.  TCUD is holding several hundred thousand dollars in past due bills.

Then there is the Management Fee of $10,000 per month and rent of $2,500 per month.

After the meeting recessed, I asked some questions:

1.  Who owns the building TCUD is renting?  Answer: It is held by an LLC "who are adult kids."

2.  Who are the principals in the Management Company.  I was told the principals are John Almond and Matt Young's father.

I hope I have all of this information correct. Will be making an appointment with Matt to learn more.

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