Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Supervisor Debates are OVER....

The Supervisor debates are over.  There are rumors flying all over the place that some candidates for Supervisor didn't think it was necessary for them to participate in these 5 events.  We know of one candidate who told the sponsor that he didn't have to participate as everyone knew who he was and what he stood for.  Absolutely ridiculous.

In light of these circumstances and the importance of electing Supervisors who are willing to serve you and can be counted upon to show up, I am posting each debate in the order they were held.  One thing I know for sure is that those who did not show up for the debates, do not show up for each and every Board of Supervisors' Meeting.  Some of the candidates for Supervisor who showed up for the debates hardly ever attend Board of Supervisors' Meetings. If their name isn't listed, they didn't show for the debates and I am not listing them because I am not going to advertise for them on this Blog. You be the judge.

District 3 Supervisor:
Incumbent: Phillis Williams
Candidate: Keith Willis

Other Supervisor Candidates for other Districts who came to the podium and spoke:
Robert Hall: District 1
Mario Watts: District 1
Barbara Tuchel: District 2
Sonny Nickson: District 4

District 5 Supervisor:
Incumbent: McKinley Daley

Other Supervisor Candidates for other Districts who came to the podium and spoke:
Robert Hall: District 1
Mario Watts: District 1
Barbara Tuchel: District 2
Phillis Williams: District 3
Sonny Nickson: District 4
McKinley Daley: District 5

District 4 Supervisor:
Incumbent: Sonny Nickson

Other Supervisor Candidates for other Districts who came to the podium and spoke:
Robert Hall: District 1
Mario Watts: District 1
Robert LeFlore: District 2
Barbara Tuchel: District 2
Perry Turner: District 2
Phillis Williams: District 3
McKinley Daley: District 5

District 2 Supervisor:
Incumbent: No Incumbent
Candidate: Lynn Henson
Candidate: Barbara Tuchel
Candidate: Ed Walls

Other Supervisor Candidates for other Districts who came to the podium and spoke:
Robert Hall: District 1
Mario Watts: District 1
Phillis Williams: District 3
Sonny Nickson: District 4
McKinley Daley: District 5

District 1 Supervisor:
Incumbent: James Dunn
Candidate: Robert Hall
Candidate: Mario Watts

Other Supervisor Candidates for other Districts who came to the podium and spoke:
Barbara Tuchel: District 2
Ed Walls: District 2

Yes, I am highlighted and underlined and blown-up.  I want you to know that not only will I show up, I will do the job as is evidenced by this blog. I've worked to find answers and I've worked to share what I have learned with you.  My full platform is located elsewhere on this blog.  Find my platform under:

 Beat 2 Supervisor Platform dated 6/8/2015.  

I am ready, willing and able to do the job
and I am ready to go to work.

I am asking for your vote in the General Election on 3 Nov 2015.

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