Monday, July 6, 2015

6 Jul 2015 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

This morning's meeting was a disappointment in the way James Dunn conducted himself.  Dunn has this very annoying habit of talking over people who are talking at the podium when he doesn't want others to hear what the speaker has to say.  Very rude.  What are you trying to hide, King James?

And then there was Burnett and his never ending remarks about Michael Thompson not being a resident of Tunica County.  On any level, does Burnett comprehend that there are a lot of us who don't believe he is a full time resident of Tunica County?  Besides, why isn't Burnett mentioning that both Adrian McKay and Hylon Oliver live in Desoto County? What about all of the other employees who live out of the County?

Oh, but wait, there's more.  This morning Burnett added to his diatribe against Thompson by saying there are residents of Tunica County who have Michael's credentials and experience.  Really?  Who?
Cedric, you want to constantly bring this up.  Okay, each time you bring this up, I'm going to post on this blog that you vote "no" on payroll and claims and yet cash your own paycheck.  Now that is SHAMEFUL!!!

Then there was the discussion of hiring an energy consultant to find out what we have to do to cut down on our very expensive utility bills.  Burnett said we could ask the Maintenance Dept to change the light bulbs to energy efficient bulbs and that would take care of it.  Dunn mentioned he had consulted with someone at a Supervisors' Meeting in Biloxi and this guy would do the same thing for free.  The Mayor was sitting behind us and said Entergy would perform the same service for free.  Did any of you think to pass this information on to the County Administrator after the Energy Consultant made his presentation?  Except for Burnett's ridiculous bit about changing the light bulbs, you could have helped the Board to come to some kind of conclusion TODAY.  This is important why?  Because as you all are putting off making the best decision, the meters are running.

Also, this morning the Board voted to increase the monthly allotment to the Chamber of Commerce to $9,300 per month.  All Board members voted yes.  What?  This isn't an essential service.  How about a report about the benefits of this expense.  Since this subject was brought up after the Executive Session and there was no explanation for this expense given to the public, we are left to think something is being hidden from us.

There will be another meeting of the Board of Supervisors on Wed, 8 Jul 2015 @ 9a for the purpose of hiring an attorney to replace Ellis Pittman.  I've been assured there is no other subject on the table.

What is the problem with continuing with Pittman and Associates?  I'm going to step out on a limb here and say that I feel sure that King James and Burnett will try to persuade the new Supervisors to go along with who they propose.  Please, Sonny, Phillis and McKinley, don't listen to them.  You three did a very good job in finding Ellis Pittman.  He was a blessing to us all.

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