Friday, June 6, 2014

Hello James Dunn: You owe Tunica County an apology

To the best of my knowledge, the following is the sequence of events leading up to some Tunicans believing there was a problem with the new health insurance.

On 29 May 2014, the BOS voted to change their health insurance provider to UnitedHealthcare with a vote as follows:
Beat 1: James Dunn: Abstain
Beat 2: Cedric Burnett: No
Beat 3: Phillis Williams: Yes
Beat 4: Sonny Nickson: Yes
Beat 5: McKinley Daley: Yes


On 30 May 2014, there needed to be 2 checks written for the insurance.

On 30 May 2014, the Beat 1 Supervisor told an accounting clerk, Mae Earnhardt, by phone not to write the check.  I believe it is correct procedure when a County elects to hire a County Administrator, the Supervisors go through the County Administrator for any action they wish to take.  Under no circumstances does a Supervisor directly tell employees what to do or what not to do.

On 30 May 2014, James Dunn was contacted by phone and asked to come to the County Administrator's office.  Upon arrival, Dunn found in the County Administrator's office, Michael Thompson, Comptroller Adrian McKay, a Representative from Nick Floyd and Associates and the Beat 4 Supervisor.

After being told that the Cigna insurance was going to end at 11:59p on 31 May 2014 and that the check for the new insurance needed to be written so there would be no lapse in coverage, Dunn again said not to write the check and he wanted to wait until after the BOS's meeting on 2 Jun 2014 @5p.

It was then that the Supervisor from Beat 4 called the BOS's Attorney and received direction as to how to proceed.  This was explained at the BOS's meeting by Mr. Pittman on 2 Jun 2014.

So, listen-up:  It is not...NOT...the new Supervisors who are causing the problems.  In this case if you want to blame someone, that someone would be BEAT #1 SUPERVISOR: JAMES DUNN.

From the facts I have gathered, James Dunn was willing to let employee's and dependents' insurance lapse to show just how big a dog he thinks he is.  The will of the BOS was to change healthcare providers PERIOD.
You are to blame James Dunn and you owe an apology to Tunica County for attempting to put us in a situation where our employees and their dependents would be without coverage.

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