Friday, June 6, 2014

Called Meeting by Employees 4 Jun 2014 @ 5p

I am having a hard time uploading the flyer for the meeting that was called about insurance on 4 Jun 2014 @5p.  A copy of the flyer and the email trail is in my possession.  Going to type in the text of the flyer.

Important Information

County Employees
(Sheriff's Office Mandatory)

Insurance Discrepancies
New Insurance

G. W. Henderson Recreational 

Blogger's note:   There was a follow-up email sent from the same person adding the date of 4 Jun 2014.

End of Flyer

The email trail shows this email originated at the email address of

What is known at this time is that Michael Thompson was not invited.  To the best of my knowledge no Supervisor was invited. (I have heard from 2 Supervisors and they were not asked to attend this meeting and were not contacted by Channel 3 as the report stated in their broadcast.)  Nick Floyd and Associates were not asked to attend.  I have in my possession a list of all of the employees who received this notice.

It is my understanding that Administration got wind of this meeting through a phone call from Billy Willis asking if it was okay to let Tunica County employee, Mae Earnhardt, reserve G. W. for this meeting.  Mr. Thompson said to let them have their meeting. 

Mr. Thompson then sent an email to all employees stating the date of coverage and the additional benefits employees and their dependents will enjoy under the new insurance.  Just as soon as I can, I will get a copy of the email...that I can read with these old eyes...and I will post said email here.

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