Most of this meeting and the Executive Session was taken up by employment issues.
There seems to be difficulty in each department using the same policy to fill vacancies. After reviewing the Tunica County Employee Handbook, it appears an update is in order.
On page 4 there is a paragraph C. Equal Employment Policy. This paragraph reads as follows: "It is the policy of Tunica County to provide equal opportunity in employment to all employees and applicants for employment. There will be no discrimination against any employee because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, veteran status or handicap. Equal opportunity in employment is an essential priority for Tunica County and one to which it is deeply committed. Equal employment opportunity is concerned with every aspect of employment policy and practices, including selection, recruitment, conditions of work, training, overtime, promotion, demotion, testing, assignment, pay, discipline and separation. Tunica County is dedicated to providing an equal opportunity climate and work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment."
Maybe we need another paragraph spelling out the hiring practices. Suggestion: Post a vacancy internally in each department with an internal closing date. Interview any employee who applies for the vacancy. If this action is not successful advertise in the Tunica Times with a closing date. Interview the applicants. If this action is not successful, advertise elsewhere: Commercial Appeal, Trade Papers, etc.
Another area that needs attention is found on page 23 of the Tunica County Employee Handbook: G. Transfers. "Vacancies may, but are not required to be, posted on employee bulletin boards, and the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to re-assign or transfer any employee without posting. As soon as is practicable, the department head of the department in which the vacancy exists will interview all qualified employees who have applied. Before an existing employee can transfer to another position in a different department, both the employee's existing department head and the department head of the department to which the employee wishes to transfer must approve the transfer."
Hmmm, let's start by removing "but are not required to be". Then follow through with what a department head is required to do. He or she "...will interview all qualified employees who have applied." This sort of takes care of some of the problems under the Equal Employment Policy.
All of this being said, there are 2 departments that I know of who want to hire from their "stack" of applications that they already have on file. Pulling new employees from these applications does not give other employees an opportunity to apply nor does this practice give other Tunica County residents an opportunity to be employed by Tunica County.
Easy fixes.
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