Friday, June 13, 2014

Tunica County BOS Summer Schedule


12 Jun 2014

30 Jun 2014

7 Jul 2014

16 Jul 2014

31 Jul 2014

12 Jun 2014 BOS Meeting @ 9a

For everyone who doesn't know, the BOS Meetings have been changed back to 9a for the Summer.  So, the report I am posting here was not delivered because I missed this information.  This is just plain nuts.  We've being seeing more and more Tunicans at the evening meetings so why was this changed?  For the convenience of the Supervisors?

12 Jun 2014: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p

Thank you for the appointment this evening.

The Transparency Committee would like to voice our concern over the $233,000 that was recently asked for by the Recreation Department for the purpose of funding their Summer Jobs Program.  Let’s call this what it is, a quarter of a million dollars.

We understood Tunica County’s financial position at the moment is requiring the funding for mostly “essential services.”  It is all well and good to have young people come to a Board meeting and tell us what their Summer Employment has meant to them over the years.  Many in the audience applauded their presentation.  I did not.  Why?  Because we were not telling these young people the truth.

The truth is: Our General Fund cannot afford this program this year.  What is wrong with telling these students the truth and asking them to volunteer their time in the Summer Jobs Program?

Okay, so you don’t like this idea.  How about this: The Board of Education has more then a few million dollars put away.  How about they pay for it this year?  Have you asked for their help?  And while we’re on the subject of the Board of Education, why not move the mentoring program to the school system so our Recreation Department can get back to developing “recreational” programs for all of our citizens…especially our Senior Citizens.

There are other possibilities to fund the Summer Jobs Program too.  It is my understanding there is a county in MS who applied for and received a grant to pay for their program.  I haven’t spent the time to investigate this possibility nor do I intend to do so.  But somebody needs to look into this possibility.  It needs to be the policy of this Board to make sure a Department head has exhausted every possibility for funding before they request undesignated funding from the County.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Insurance Rates

Updated 17 Jun 2014:  New information has been changed in the New UnitedHealthcare category below.  These rates are for Option 1.  We are not including Options 2 or 3 because these categories are offered to employees should they choose additional insurance.

To the best of my knowledge and from the printed information I have, these are the new insurance rates compared to the renewal rates with our former carrier.

Employee Only:
Renewal under Cigna: $762.95
New UnitedHealthcare: $696.62

Employee Spouse:
Renewal under Cigna: $998.16
New UnitedHealthcare: $883.77

Employee Child:
Renewal under Cigna: $950.54
New UnitedHealthcare: $847.34

Employee Family:
Renewal under Cigna: $1,175.90
New UnitedHealthcare: $1,026.53

I truly do not know what all the fuss is about.  Tunica County employees pay not one penny for their own insurance.  I've never heard of such a good deal for employees.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Hello James Dunn: You owe Tunica County an apology

To the best of my knowledge, the following is the sequence of events leading up to some Tunicans believing there was a problem with the new health insurance.

On 29 May 2014, the BOS voted to change their health insurance provider to UnitedHealthcare with a vote as follows:
Beat 1: James Dunn: Abstain
Beat 2: Cedric Burnett: No
Beat 3: Phillis Williams: Yes
Beat 4: Sonny Nickson: Yes
Beat 5: McKinley Daley: Yes


On 30 May 2014, there needed to be 2 checks written for the insurance.

On 30 May 2014, the Beat 1 Supervisor told an accounting clerk, Mae Earnhardt, by phone not to write the check.  I believe it is correct procedure when a County elects to hire a County Administrator, the Supervisors go through the County Administrator for any action they wish to take.  Under no circumstances does a Supervisor directly tell employees what to do or what not to do.

On 30 May 2014, James Dunn was contacted by phone and asked to come to the County Administrator's office.  Upon arrival, Dunn found in the County Administrator's office, Michael Thompson, Comptroller Adrian McKay, a Representative from Nick Floyd and Associates and the Beat 4 Supervisor.

After being told that the Cigna insurance was going to end at 11:59p on 31 May 2014 and that the check for the new insurance needed to be written so there would be no lapse in coverage, Dunn again said not to write the check and he wanted to wait until after the BOS's meeting on 2 Jun 2014 @5p.

It was then that the Supervisor from Beat 4 called the BOS's Attorney and received direction as to how to proceed.  This was explained at the BOS's meeting by Mr. Pittman on 2 Jun 2014.

So, listen-up:  It is not...NOT...the new Supervisors who are causing the problems.  In this case if you want to blame someone, that someone would be BEAT #1 SUPERVISOR: JAMES DUNN.

From the facts I have gathered, James Dunn was willing to let employee's and dependents' insurance lapse to show just how big a dog he thinks he is.  The will of the BOS was to change healthcare providers PERIOD.
You are to blame James Dunn and you owe an apology to Tunica County for attempting to put us in a situation where our employees and their dependents would be without coverage.

Letter sent to Michael Thompson from United Healthcare

Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 @ 10:27 AM

Hi Mr. Thompson,

Welcome to UnitedHealthcare!  Your assigned Policy Number will be 902568 effective 6/1/2014.  

As the Implementation Manager assigned to Tunica County Board of Supervisors, my role is to facilitate the implementation process for you in conjunction with your Strategic Account Executive (Elizabeth Bailey).

The remainder of your UnitedHealthcare team will include your Field Account Manager (Malorise Martin), your Billing Analyst (Kathy Paulsen), your Eligibility Analyst (Chris Pasquarello) and your Dedicated Client Service Manager (pending).  We will work to exceed your expectations in delivering a better health care experience for you and your employees.

I will complete the initial build and send to Quality Control before conducting a final audit for release.  This build is the foundation/source of truth that will be utilized by all downstream areas going forward.

The next steps involve the creation of your location codes, setting up your customer service data base containing all of your plan information and building your plan benefits in our claims payment system.

I will continue to send email updates throughout the entire implementation process until overall ready, which includes ID Card Postmark and Prior carrier Credits being loaded.

We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to provide benefits and services to Tunica County Board of Supervisors.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions!

Thanks and have a great day, 

Kaylea Crabbe
Client Implementation Manager (Gulf States)

Implementation Management Organization, UnitedHealthcare

(office) 601-718-6531

(UnitedHealthcare (logo))

We have a dedicated service team that can help with all of your service issues via our service line, 1-888-UHC-HLP1 or 1-888-842-4571.  This team includes experts in claims, billing, and eligibility as well as your assigned Service Account Manager.

Blogger's note:  The copy of this letter was sent to me by Nick Floyd and Associates.

Called Meeting by Employees 4 Jun 2014 @ 5p

I am having a hard time uploading the flyer for the meeting that was called about insurance on 4 Jun 2014 @5p.  A copy of the flyer and the email trail is in my possession.  Going to type in the text of the flyer.

Important Information

County Employees
(Sheriff's Office Mandatory)

Insurance Discrepancies
New Insurance

G. W. Henderson Recreational 

Blogger's note:   There was a follow-up email sent from the same person adding the date of 4 Jun 2014.

End of Flyer

The email trail shows this email originated at the email address of

What is known at this time is that Michael Thompson was not invited.  To the best of my knowledge no Supervisor was invited. (I have heard from 2 Supervisors and they were not asked to attend this meeting and were not contacted by Channel 3 as the report stated in their broadcast.)  Nick Floyd and Associates were not asked to attend.  I have in my possession a list of all of the employees who received this notice.

It is my understanding that Administration got wind of this meeting through a phone call from Billy Willis asking if it was okay to let Tunica County employee, Mae Earnhardt, reserve G. W. for this meeting.  Mr. Thompson said to let them have their meeting. 

Mr. Thompson then sent an email to all employees stating the date of coverage and the additional benefits employees and their dependents will enjoy under the new insurance.  Just as soon as I can, I will get a copy of the email...that I can read with these old eyes...and I will post said email here.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2 Jun 2014 BOS Meeting

Most of this meeting and the Executive Session was taken up by employment issues.

There seems to be difficulty in each department using the same policy to fill vacancies.  After reviewing the Tunica County Employee Handbook, it appears an update is in order.

On page 4 there is a paragraph C. Equal Employment Policy.  This paragraph reads as follows:  "It is the policy of Tunica County to provide equal opportunity in employment to all employees and applicants for employment.  There will be no discrimination against any employee because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, veteran status or handicap.  Equal opportunity in employment is an essential priority for Tunica County and one to which it is deeply committed.  Equal employment opportunity is concerned with every aspect of employment policy and practices, including selection, recruitment, conditions of work, training, overtime, promotion, demotion, testing, assignment, pay, discipline and separation.  Tunica County is dedicated to providing an equal opportunity climate and work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment."

Maybe we need another paragraph spelling out the hiring practices.  Suggestion: Post a vacancy internally in each department with an internal closing date. Interview any employee who applies for the vacancy.  If this action is not successful advertise in the Tunica Times with a closing date.  Interview the applicants.  If this action is not successful, advertise elsewhere: Commercial Appeal, Trade Papers, etc.

Another area that needs attention is found on page 23 of the Tunica County Employee Handbook: G. Transfers.  "Vacancies may, but are not required to be, posted on employee bulletin boards, and the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to re-assign or transfer any employee without posting.  As soon as is practicable, the department head of the department in which the vacancy exists will interview all qualified employees who have applied.  Before an existing employee can transfer to another position in a different department, both the employee's existing department head and the department head of the department to which the employee wishes to transfer must approve the transfer."

Hmmm, let's start by removing "but are not required to be".  Then follow through with what a department head is required to do.  He or she "...will interview all qualified employees who have applied."  This sort of takes care of some of the problems under the Equal Employment Policy.

All of this being said, there are 2 departments that I know of who want to hire from their "stack" of applications that they already have on file.  Pulling new employees from these applications does not give other employees an opportunity to apply nor does this practice give other Tunica County residents an opportunity to be employed by Tunica County.

Easy fixes.