Friday, March 17, 2017

The Supreme Court Vacancy

Another reason to reject Neil Gorsuch.

"With his history of favoring corporate interests above everyday people, it should be no surprise that the New York Times just reported that Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch has ties to reclusive Colorado billionaire Philip F. Anschutz. Formerly a lawyer representing Anschutz’s companies in court, Gorsuch now owns property in Colorado with some of Anschutz’s closest associates. Anschutz is reported to have provided funding to both the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society, the two far-right organizations to which Trump outsourced the job of creating his list of Supreme Court nominees, from which Gorsuch was chosen.

Between his close relationship with an ultra-conservative billionaire and his decisions that have favored corporations and harmed workers and consumers, it’s clear that the majority of Americans who want to save our democracy from the influence of big money have a lot to worry about when it comes to this nominee."*

*Rio Tazwell

This is what I think about the Supreme Court vacancy.  This seat belongs to Judge Merrick Garland.  The only way the Republican Party can correct their error is to approve Judge Garland.  If another vacancy occurs, then maybe Gorsuch.

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