Thursday, March 30, 2017

Action: 30 Mar 2017

Senators Schumer, Whitehouse and Blumenthal held a press conference about Neil Gorsuch and the dark money being spent to get him confirmed.

There are some other interesting facts in the clip that Senator Whitehouse brings up about our Supreme Court and their voting history.

Senator Schumer explains the history and reasoning behind the 60 votes needed to confirm a Supreme Court Justice. Schumer's point being, if you can't get 60 votes, don't change the rules, change the candidate.

So, take a look at the YouTube press conference and then call our Senators.

Senator Roger Wicker: 202-224-6253

Senator Thad Cochran: 202-224-5054


This is ______.  I live in _____, MS.

I'm calling today to voice my objection to the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

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