Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kicked again.....

If the front page article in the 8 Jul 2016 issue of the Tunica Times is correct, our Board of Supervisor's have again made a self-serving and bad decision.

In my previous post I talked about the discovery of an unpaid building permit for Maud Elevator.  Oh, the almost $7k fee was paid, after the project was discovered.  Wonder how many more fees are owed to Tunica County and what about some late fees for those who didn't pay before starting construction?

So, according to the Tunica Times, Supervisor Billy Pegram is quoted as stating: "We can't afford him" when Supervisor James Dunn asked the Board if they wanted Tunica Architect Bill Wenzel to continue working for us.  The Board said no and hired the MEMPHIS company Code Solutions.

Next thing we know, Michael Johnson is going to insist on giving jobs to his political opponents Lynn Henson and Robert Leflore, Jr.

Don't expect any TRANSPARENCY from Code Solutions.  If what I'm reading online about this company is correct, Richard Howe is a "Consulting Partner" of Code Solutions...not a principal.

When is Tunica going to stand-up together and demand that everyone play by the same rules?

UPDATE: Since writing this post, I have learned that Supervisor Sonny Nickson voted against terminating Bill Wenzel and against hiring Code Solutions.

It's my understanding that Lynn Henson is being employed by Code Solutions to work in Tunica. This was a complete guess on my part but there it is.

Additionally...there is more...isn't there always more in Tunica?  We are going to be paying Code Solutions $10k per month so I'm not sure what Billy Pegram was talking about when he said we couldn't afford Bill Wenzel.  And since when do we not have to bid a contract for $120,000?

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