Sunday, July 24, 2016

UPDATED: 25 Jul 2016: Truth, Lies and My Opinions

24 Jul 2026:. I watched the Republican Convention...gavel to gavel...on Direct TV Channel 347.  It is here that I can watch and listen and make-up my own mind.

Over the next several months, I am going to use this post as a diary of sorts on our way to electing our next President of the United States of America.  Full disclosure: I am supporting the Clinton/Kaine ticket.

Until yesterday, I didn't know much about Tim Kaine's voting record.  I'm looking forward to learning more.

At first blush, I was disappointed that Bernie Sanders was not tapped for VP.  Maybe having Bernie and the first woman on the same ticket is too much at once in 2016.  So, I will happily support the Clinton/Kaine ticket.

Now back to the Republican Convention:

On day one the sitting First Lady was plagiarized by the nominee's wife.  How sad and what a mess.

And the Convention went down hill from there.

On the second day, the theme was Make America Work Again.  Really?  The GOP controls both houses of Congress.  Put a jobs bill on the President's desk.  Your obstruction of this President is hurting our Country and her people.

During the Convention there were more than a few comments made about our President being a Muslim when he says he is a Christian.  Those who are making those comments are showing their ignorance and unwillingness to learn.

Here's what I think:. Does anyone believe that Michelle Obama is anything other than a Christian?  Now that we have that out of the way, you can Google Muslim interfaith marriage and you will find that there is virtually no accepted interfaith marriage in the Muslim religion.  So, can we put this discussion aside and move on to subjects that effect the American people?

Then there was the brouhaha about Ted Cruz not endorsing the Republican nominee.  To my way of thinking this is one thing Ted got right.  The statement they all signed said they would support the nominee.  It did not say endorse the nominee.

And then there was the Trump speech.  All I have to say here is: Please God, do not let this man become President of these United States of America.

25 Jul 2016:

Some things I found yesterday....

"I like imaging what certain Trump supporters would say if Hillary Clinton accepted the Dem nomination with her 5 kids by 3 different men.". 23 Jul 2016 John Fugelsang

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg will speak at the Democratic Convention.

"It is time to lift the federal ban on marijuana". 24 Jul 2016 Bernie Sanders

"None of the speakers at last week's Republican Convention mentioned the party's plans for Social Security.  Digging into the GOP platform reveals the reason why - they support cutting and privatizing Social Security.  That's incredibly unpopular with voters of ALL parties". 24 Jul 2016 Social Security Works

BT: Social Security is not an "entitlement". We paid for this benefit and we pay for Medicare coverage every month through deducted premiums.  Keep your hands off!

BT: The Democratic Rules Committee just voted to reduce the Superdelegate count by two thirds for the future.  This is something I wanted to see happen.  Actually, I would like to see all Superdelegate gone; all Caucasus changed to primaries and the elimination of the Electorial College.  I think that these actions would support one person one vote in this 21st century world.

Send Cory Booker (D-NJ): "America, we will rise.". What an inspiring speech.

First Lady Michelle Obama:. The words of our elected officials matter because our children are listening.  "When they go low, we go high."

Send Elizabeth Warren (D-MA): To all of the Republicans in Congress who have obstructed progress...this Nov, America is coming for you!  Overturn Citizens United...

Keith Erickson,(D-MN): Paul Ryan will not allow a vote to restore the Voting Rights Act.

Sen Bernie Sanders: (I-VT): Ending the 40 year decline of the Middle Class.  Ending income inequality.  Thank you to Pres Obama and VP Biden for pulling us out of the Recession. Raise the minimum wage to a living wage.  Overturn Citizen United.
Universal healthcare.

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