Sunday, January 31, 2016

Been thinking....

One of the things Bernie Sanders has been saying is that change cannot come unless millions and millions of citizens stand up and demand change.  Isn't this true in Tunica County also?

Why did we keep Jerry Gentry as our Superintendent of Education year after year?  He didn't make our schools excellent.

Why did we elect Steve Chandler?  He didn't have the experience.  Look what happened to our schools under his leadership.  Why wasn't all of Tunica County standing up to make him step down?  Why did you leave this job to a small number number of our citizens?

Why did we re-elect Hamp as our Sheriff when there are so many lawsuits against his department. Do you really think he's done an excellent job?  Do you think it is okay for Michael Thompson to be entrapped by your Sheriff and treated like a common criminal over a traffic ticket?  Or would you only be upset if this happened to you?

Why do we keep electing Sharon Granberry?  Wasn't the voter roll disaster in our last primary the last straw for you?

And our Election Commission. Why can't they keep our voter rolls updated and in good condition?  Are you going to replace them in our next election?

And why would anyone vote for any Supervisor who was responsible for building all of these facilities that we are struggling to pay for?  Our debt service is killing us.

And what about all of these manufacturing plants. How are they contributing to our General Fund?

We did Cedric Burnett get elected to the MS House?  Do you believe he lives here?  Did you think his voting record and his behavior while sitting at the Board of Supervisors' table served you well?

Do you think replacing Michael Thompson with Adrian McKay was a good move for our County?  As we have learned, McKay somehow had the notion he didn't have to take orders from Thompson. Those of you who are complaining about the 2014 audit seem to want to put this blame at the feet of Thompson too.  But isn't this the responsibility of  Comptroller McKay?  And now you think this same former Comptroller needs to hire his own staff?  Does he think the Comptroller should takes orders from him?

So Tunica, when are you going to stand-up and demand the changes we need?

Saturday, January 30, 2016

To be clear...

It has become necessary to change the settings on this blog due to some people continuing to comment and not identify him/her self.  I find this kind of behavior cowardly. I don't mi d negative comments and will respond to anyone's alternate idea(s).  I don't even mind the name calling as long as it is directed at me and not others who may be commenting.

So here is the new deal: all comments will now go into a holding file and I will publish or not publish them when I sign-on.  Be patient. This ole gal has lots of projects to get done.

Friday, January 29, 2016

28 Jan 2016: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

Let's start with this: The Sheriff didn't show but there were plenty of Officers there.  One of them set-up a camera and through-out the meeting the camera remained in the same position...aimed at me.  Hamp, I am a Whistleblower and you are harassing me and you are using public money to do it.  

Billy Pegram was at the Board table again and kept trying to vote.  He was ignored.  I am hopeful that the AG's Opinion will show up soon as I believe it will reflect what Attorney Perry has already stated.

And here is our report:

28 Jan 2016 Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p

Thank you for the appointment this evening.

On 14 Jan 2016, we hand delivered several requests for Public Records to the Board, Rechelle Siggers and Adrian McKay.  Tonight we would like to follow-up on these requests.

  1. The first request was to ask that Adrian McKay’s resume be made public.  This request was backed-up with our reasons for the request and those reasons were posted on our website.
  2. The second request was for copies of invoices to support expenses from the Housing Department account.  We have repeatedly asked for these supporting documents since 2011.  Now, it is my understanding that no supporting documents can be found and that the Housing Authority in Clarksdale is not cooperating.  The total amount of these claims is: $376,368.  This delay and reporting back to the public is unacceptable and unlawful.  This money belongs to the citizens of Tunica County and if Clarksdale thinks they have the right to deny this information, we need you to make them available to the public and to look for another authority that understands the public’s right to know.
  3. The third request is also about Housing.  On Sep 2014, we asked for the names of the person(s) or company that sold the new home covered in claim #25579.  Additionally, we are asking that in the future you all consider disclosing the names of the person(s) or company that is involved in these sales.  Here is the reason: Transparency.  Mr. Dunn is involved in real estate and the building and selling of homes in Tunica County.  We the public have a right to know who is involved with the housing dollars in our budget.  Mr. Dunn has, for whatever reason, made an exception in his vote to approve the Housing claims when you all vote to approve claims.  That is his choice and it is his business.  However, we’re asking that if there is nothing to hide, make the public aware.
  4. The last item in our report is a suggestion we would like you to consider.  We are asking you to consider officially changing the name of the Battle Arena to the Tunica County Arena and Expo.  If Paul Battle’s name can be place under this new name, there would be no honor lost.  This just makes more sense when trying to market this facility.
About comment #1: McKay told Sonny Nickson there would be no problem with releasing his resume.

A comment about #3.  I don't think James Dunn was very happy with this request.  Sorry about that James. The public needs to know who is the seller of the homes that are coming through our Housing Dept.  Why would you have a problem with that?

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The proof is in the action of the would be candidates....

Why do some people keep saying that Billy Pegram won the Beat 5 Supervisors' election in Nov?

Let's look at the facts:

Rev Daley won the Primary election on 4 Aug 2015.

Judge Lackey vacated the Primary on 26 Oct 2015.

Therefore, there was not a winner of the Primary to move to the General on 3 Nov 2015.

Billy Pegram had qualified as an Independent to run in the General Election.

Are you saying that Billy Pegram won against Rev Daley or are you saying Billy Pegram won because there was not a candidate from the Primary to run in the General.

Here is the answer:  By Judge Lackey's order, there was no Primary.  Therefore, there was no General for the position of Beat 5 Supervisor.

So, here is another question: How come it is okay to ignore Judge Lackey's order in the Beat 5 Supervisor's election but enforce Judge Lackey's order in the Boykin problem?

And now Craig Jones wants to withdraw?  Why is that?  Answer the question Craig.  Why are you withdrawing now?  Because you too think Billy Pegram won the election and now there is no reason to continue pursuit of the Beat 5 Supervisor position?  Come on Craig,  Tell us why you are withdrawing now.

This is my take: This whole election was a set-up to regain power.

1. Beat 1: This was an honest effort to win an election.  No problem.

2. Beat 2: This contest had too many candidates.  Secondly, there were too many candidates who were not qualified in the area of knowledge about our County government.  Most of the candidates didn't even bother to attend BOS's meetings.  The Supervisor we have in Beat 2, won the election but has a long way to go in understanding the ins and outs of operations.  I will say however, that the new Supervisor did vote to approve payroll and travel.  So, what is the difference between Dec 2015 and Jan 2016?  In Dec 2015 Burnett continued to vote against payroll and claims and travel and even approving the previous month's minutes.  In Jan 2016, Johnson voted for payroll and travel.  In my opinion, Burnett was playing games and it looks like Johnson is at least trying to learn.  I do however, still object to all of the white people who turned out to vote for Johnson but continue to not attend BOS's Meetings.  Oh and Michael Johnson, I object to you abstaining on the vote to remove Billy Pegram from the BOSs' table.  Did you abstain because you didn't understand what the Board's attorney reported or did you abstain because you didn't want to vote against a fellow farmer?

3. Beat 3: I can't remember the lady's name that ran against Phillis Williams.  But why?  She sure seemed friendly with Clara Burnett and to me, she didn't appear knowledgeable about County government.  I still don't think Williams voted in the best interest of the County in replacing Michael Thompson but otherwise Williams has done mostly a good job.

4. Beat 4:  Who put Craig Harris up to run against Sonny Nickson.  Harris doesn't live here.

5. Beat 5:  I don't know why Judge Lackey approved Craig Jones to run in Tunica County.  He claims homestead in Desoto County.  Why do people think they can live outside of our County and run in our elections?  Why was Curley Matthews running?

By the way, I still don't believe Cedric Burnett lives in Tunica County.  He has a house here but where does he lay his head at night?  Tunica, you keep putting up with this game playing.  Why are you doing that?

And what about our current County Administrator trying to vote in our Primary when he lives in Olive Branch, MS?  I have presented the evidence to the BOSs and they still voted to make him our County Administrator.  Crazy.

It seems to me that most of these people were encourages to run in the Primary and expected to lose in the General to regain old power.  I feel sure that is the case in Beat 5.  And what about Jacqueline Boykin?  Was she expected to beat Wes Ryals or was she a sacrificial lamb to displace Judge Linzy?
And how dare she go after individual citizens for $15,000 when she knows she voted in TN on 14 Nov 2014?  Dishonest Jacqueline, dishonest.  And why is MBI Captain Peter Clinton no longer employed at MBI?  And why hasn't Attorney General Jim Hood acted on the MBI report suggesting Boykin be charged with 2 counts of voter fraud?  And why didn't Gov Bryant set a date for a Special Election in Beat 5?  As I've stated in a previous post, by not setting a date for a Special Election, Gov Bryant has effectively called the Beat 5 Election.  Special Elections have been set before.  Why is this any different?

And then there is Circuit Clerk, Sharon Granberry.  Why do some folks keep repeating that the messed up voter rolls were the fault of the DEC?  They were not.  The Election Commission and the Circuit Clerk are responsible for those massive errors.  And why didn't Granberry replace the erroneous lists on 4 Aug...just as soon as she discovered they were wrong?  And I understand it was Granberry who called Attorney Kim Turner in the Sec of State's office to have me removed from the Library where I was a poll watcher for Marilyn Young.  To say I was disrupting the voting process is a lie.  That is unless you count knitting and drinking Powerade as disruptive.  Oh, and then the Sheriff's dispatch sent the Town of Tunica Police to do what?  They didn't find anything amiss.  Total harassment.  It is really quite laughable what some people will do to show just how powerful they are not.

And now we have the ongoing problem of Billy Pegram sitting at the Board of Supervisors' table and suing Rev Daley and the Board of Supervisors for a place at the table.  Billy Pegram: YOU DID NOT WIN THE ELECTION.  THERE WAS NO ELECTION.


So, you thieves think you can keep breaking into houses and stealing?  Let me tell you something, the Tunica Police Department is tenacious and so are the Tuchels.

My husband works hard for the things that we own.  What makes you think you are entitled to other folk's stuff?  And on top of that, you crushed my tomato plants.  I have been nursing those plants for three months so we could have really good tomatoes in the middle of winter.  And just when they are starting to ripen, you break into our home and crush them.

You thieves are despicable.  Get a job and buy your own stuff.

And this is what we know so far:  Prior to our break-in, the Tunica Police Department caught 2 of the thieves who are committing these burglaries.  They were two 15 year old kids with records.  And what did the judge do?  Released them to their parents.  Are you kidding me?

I don't know if these kids are the same people who broke into our home but why would these kids be released rather then sent to jail?  At the very least, they needed to be locked up until these break-ins stopped.  I'm going to find out the name of the judge who released these juvenile delinquents.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

14 Jan 2016 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

Tonight's meeting began with Board Attorney John Perry explaining his research surrounding the Beat 5 Supervisor position.  Perry has also requested an Attorney General's Opinion on the same.

From what Perry reported, it was clear that Billy Pegram is not the Supervisor for Beat 5.  James Dunn asked Pegram to leave the Board table.  Pegram responded that he had as much right to sit at the table as he (Dunn) did.  The BOS then voted to ask Pegram to remove himself.  Dunn then asked the Sheriff to escort Pregram from the table.  And guess what Sheriff Hamp did?  He refused.

I was sitting next to Dollie Hudson who made a very hushed noise.  Sheriff Hamp stood up and pointed at Hudson and asked one of his deputies to escort Hudson from the room.  As Hudson was leaving the room Hamp said something about don't say anything else or you will be arrested and taken to jail.  Hamp then lectured the audience about being quiet during Board Meetings.

This was all very upsetting.  In the past, I have asked and asked the BOS to remove Hamp from their table.  Maybe now they will think about doing this.  Serve and protect Hamp NOT lecture and threaten.

And about James Dunn.  Dunn handled the removal of Hudson with professionalism.  He got up from his chair; went into the lobby; brought in Hudson's chair and Hudson.  Thank you Mr. Dunn.  That is exactly what needed to happen.

14 Jan 2016 Special Delivery

Tonight I delivered printed information and requests to the Board of Supervisors.  The following were given to Chancery Clerk Rechelle Siggers for distribution.

14 Jan 2016: Hand delivered @ 5p Board of Supervisors’ Meeting

To:       James Dunn
            Michael Johnson
            Phillis Williams
            Sonny Nickson
            Rev. McKinley Daley

I am writing to you today to request that you make available to the public a copy of the resume used in the hiring of the Tunica County Comptroller, Adrian McKay.  McKay is now our County Administrator and it seems important that the public see for themselves the qualifications he brings to the job.

This request is being made due to the history of others who have served as our County Administrators.  Here is a brief recount:

1.      At the beginning of this century, Kenneth Murphree was the Tunica County County Administrator.  Under his leadership, many facilities were built and bonds issued.  Because of these actions and with the approval of past Boards, Tunica County now finds itself in a financial crisis.
2.     The next County Administrator, Clifton Johnson, oversaw the refunding of many of these bonds; a reduction in our income; a less than favorable employee health plan; the building of manufacturing plants that do not contribute jobs or taxes to Tunica’s General Fund.  Additionally, there was not a suggestion of a tax increase until late in 2013 and the administration under Johnson was not very transparent.
3.     The next County Administrator, Michael Thompson, came to us with credentials in place that were easily verified.  Under Thompson’s leadership, it became apparent that our government was not sustainable in its present form.  Thompson was moving us toward sustainability and yet you chose to replace him.

The public has a right to know the qualifications of each and every County Administrator.  Hence our request.

Following please find a Freedom of Information letter asking you to provide a copy of the original resume that was used to hire Adrian Mckay.  


Barbara R. Tuchel

Cc:       Rechelle Siggers
            Adrian McKay
            Robert Tuchel

14 Jan 2015: Hand delivered at Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p                          

To:       James Dunn
            Michael Johnson
            Phillis Williams
            Sonny Nickson
            Rev. McKinley Daley

Pursuant to the state open records law, MS Code Sections 25-61-1 to 25-61-17, I write to request a copy of the resume used in the hiring of Adrian McKay as the Tunica County Comptroller:

It is provided by the MS open records law that a response is expect within fourteen (14) business days (MS Code Section 25-61-5(1)). 

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely.

Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records.   I would note that willful violation of the open records law can result in a fine of up to $100 and all reasonable litigation expenses (MS Code Section 25-61-15).
Thank you for your assistance.

Barbara R. Tuchel

Cc:      Rechelle Siggers
            Adrian McKay
            Robert Tuchel


14 Jan 2016: Hand delivered @5p Board of Supervisors’ Meeting

To:       James Dunn
            Michael Thompson
            Phillis Williams
            Sonny Nickson
            Rev. McKinley Daley

The following is a copy of a Freedom of Information letter that was never answered.  After this letter was sent, I verbally requested the information on more than one occasion. 

This information is being requested because the worksheet for this budgeting period shows only the $19,500, $13,000 and the $15,800 from May 2010 until the end of Sep 2010.  The $104,711 and $223,357 amounts were found in the listing of claims for Housing. To my recollection the budget for Housing was reduced to $300,000 for 2009 – 2010.

We would like to see the supporting documents for each of these claims.  Additionally, I have great concern that information and documents that are sent to the Housing Authority in Clarksdale are not available to the public.

Here is the letter:

28 May 2015: Hand delivered at Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p                     

Dear Mr. Thompson:

Pursuant to the state open records law, MS Code Sections 25-61-1 to 25-61-17, I write to request copies of the supporting documents for the following claims:

Invoice: 11232009
Invoice Date: 11/23/2009
Post Date: 11/30/2009
Check Date: 12/07/2009
Check Number: 92998
Claim: 1270
Invoice Amount: $19,500.00
Status: P

Invoice: 0126210
Invoice Date: 1/26/2010
Post Date: 1/31/2010
Check Date: 2/1/2010
Check Number: 93516
Claim: 1903
Invoice Amount: $13,000.00
Status: P 

Invoice: 03242010
Invoice Date: 3/24/2010
Post Date: 3/31/2010
Check Date: 4/05/2010
Check Number: 94135
Claim: 2522
Invoice Amount: $15,800.00
Status: P

Invoice: 05252010
Invoice Date: 5/25/2010
Post Date: 5/31/2010
Check Date: 6/7/2010
Check Number: 95129
Claim: 3472
Invoice Amount: $104,711.00
Status: P

Invoice: 08212010
Invoice Date: 8/21/2010
Post Date: 8/31/2010
Check Date: 9/7/2010
Check Number: 96478
Claim: 5069
Invoice Amount: $223,357.00
Status: P

It is provided by the MS open records law that a response is expect within fourteen (14) business days (MS Code Section 25-61-5(1)). 

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely.

Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records.   I would note that willful violation of the open records law can result in a fine of up to $100 and all reasonable litigation expenses (MS Code Section 25-61-15).

Thank you for your assistance.


Barbara R. Tuchel

Cc:          Michael Thompson
            Ellis Pittman
            Robert Tuch

Next: Handwritten note attached stating this letter was never answered.

DELIVERED Via Email 8 Sep 2014                                     

Dear Mr. McKay:

Pursuant to the state open records law, MS Code Sections 25-61-1 to 25-61-17, I write to request the name(s) of the company or person(s) who sold the homes covered by the new homeowner claim #25579.  There were 2 claims for $10,000 each in the Aug 2014 claims.  It is my understanding that $12,000 of this $32,000 claim is the monthly payment by Tunica County to Tunica County Housing, Inc.

It is provided by the MS open records law that a response is expect within fourteen (14) business days (MS Code Section 25-61-5(1)). 

If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory exemption(s) upon which you rely.

Please be advised that I am prepared to pursue whatever legal remedy necessary to obtain access to the requested records.   I would note that willful violation of the open records law can result in a fine of up to $100 and all reasonable litigation expenses (MS Code Section 25-61-15).
Thank you for your assistance.

Barbara R. Tuchel

Cc:       Michael Thompson
            Ellis Pittman
            Robert Tuchel

UPDATE: 5 Feb 2016...Tunica Times...Media Release

Here we go again...

Front page; 15 Jan 2016 issue; Year in Review: Complex issues impact schools, town, candidates in 2015; reported by Meg Coker.

Third paragraph down; talking about our schools:

"In the months leading up to the state takeover, a citizens' group formed and petitioned State Superintendent Dr. Cary Wright to remove Tunica County Superintendent Steve Chandler.  The group alleged that Chandler was creating a hostile work environment and organized a sick out for teachers, administrators and staff within days of starting the new semester."

This group is the Educational Improvement Committee.  The committee is made up of Tunicans who are willing to stand-up and be counted for our children.  Additionally, we realize that the very first thing a prospective business owner looks at is the local public school system.  Any citizen of Tunica County is welcome to join as long as you are willing to work for the betterment of our public schools.

To say that this group "organized a sick out for teachers, administrators and staff within days of starting the new semester" is false.  

Please print a retraction in your next issue.

A request for a retraction has been sent via email to the Publisher of the Tunica Times: Brooks Taylor.

UPDATE: Evening of 14 Jan 2016

In response to my request for a retraction from the Tunica Times, I received the following article from Meg Coker.  Hmmm, it looks like this isn't the first time the Educational Improvement Committee has been cited for organizing the sick out at our schools.  As you can see, Robert Hall was mentioned in this article.  If some committee member(s) helped with the organization of this event, it was not done with the permission or under agreement of the committee.  I have spoken to more then a few committee members and they were not involved with the sick out event either.  However, most of the members do not take the Tunica Times nor do they make an effort to read the Tunica Times.  

But hey guys, I'm not the Tunica Times Police.  I don't like some of the stuff they print either but I still read it.  Don't count on me to do all of the rebuttals.  Just because I didn't catch this the first time doesn't make it true in the recap.

My response to Meg Coker: 

"Because I did not remember the article from Jan 16, 2015, does not make the statement true then or now.  Please print the retraction."

Here's the article:

Printed in the Jan. 16, 2015 edition

"In the remaining months of a four year term, Superintendent of Education Steve Chandler is fighting battles on several fronts.

In December, the Tunica County Committee for Educational Improvement in Tunica County, MS petitioned the Mississippi Board of Education, State Superintendent Dr. Carey Wright and the Mississippi Department of Education to remove Chandler as Tunica County Superintendent of Education. And last Friday, as the district’s spring semester was just getting underway, an undetermined number of teachers and administrators at Tunica Middle School and Rosa Fort High School staged a “green flu” sickout organized by the same committee.

Spokesperson Robert Hall, a retired public school teacher, said about 40 teachers and administrators from the high school and middle school participated in the sick out, about half of the faculty from each campus, he added.

A media release from the group last Friday states, “The teachers and administrators are sick and fed up with Superintendent Bernard Stephen Chandler,” saying Chandler “cursed and ridiculed” RFHS teachers and administrators during a staff development meeting last Tuesday, January 6.

“The teachers and administrators at both schools have tried to tell the public about the harsh, hostile and toxic education learning environment that Superintendent Chandler has created....

“The teachers and administrators feel threatened by Superintendent Chandler’s unprofessional, unethical and terrorist behavior that is not conducive to the learning environment,” the release continues.

Students and teachers returned to district classrooms last Wednesday, January 7, from the holiday break.

In statements last week to Memphis media, Supt. Chandler said he holds teachers, parents and students accountable and that he is making the school system better. Chandler points to a rising graduation rate and the district’s kindergartners’ recent ranking as #2 in the state in preparedness.

The sick out follows on the heels of a petition drive mounted late last year that asked state education officials to remove Chandler from office and “temporarily appoint a highly qualified, experienced, knowledgeable, educated, compassionate, stable education team building person.”

The group claims to have garnered 1,000 signatures to its petition, which was submitted by committee members Ernest “Gu” Redman, Beat 5 Slate, District #5; Robert Hall, Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica County, District #1; Barbara R. Tuchel, Tunicans for Transparency in Government, District #2; Dollie Hudson, Beat 5 Slate, District #5; Mildred P. Conley, Tunica Teens in Action, District #4; Mark E. Hudson, NAACP-Tunica County, District #2; Pastor Evelyn Hubbard, community leader, District #1; Ashley N. McKay, Tunica Teens in Action, District #1; Joe Eddie Hawkins, community leader and activist, District #5; Damien Jackson, student president of Rosa Fort High School District #3; Carolyn Steele, Tunica County retired staff, District #2; Bertha Watson, Tunica County business owner, District #4; Yulanda Harris, Tunica County business owner, District #4; and Melvin Young, Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica County, District #1.

The petition drive was drawn up under Section 37-1-7 of the Mississippi Code, which states, “for continued neglect of duty, drunkenness, incompetency or official misconduct, the state board of education may remove a county superintendent....”

Hall said he was not sure if the latter and petition had been submitted to the state officials yet or the exact number of signatures collected countywide.

The law also states that the officer would have ten days’ notice of the charge and the opportunity to make a defense.

Chandler is expected to seek re-election this fall. He has already drawn two opponents for the post, Dr. Valerie Davis of Tunica and recently ousted high school principal Derrick Dace. At presstime, however, Chandler had not filed paperwork to qualify to run. The deadline to file is Feb. 27."

Meg Coker
Tunica Times Managing Editor

UPDATE: 5 FEB 2016

I asked for a copy of the Press Release that was sent to the Tunica Times about the Green Flu.  To me the Press Release is confusing and after having read it, I would have taken the information just as the Tunica Times did.  I have highlighted the first paragraph because it does say the Educational Improvement Committee had just been informed.  I have highlighted the last paragraph because it states that the Spokesperson for the organizers is Robert Hall who is also a member of the Educational Improvement Committee.

In actuality what really happened was that the teachers and administrators organized the Green Flu.  Because they were afraid of being retaliated against by then Superintendent Chandler, they reached out to former teacher Robert Hall to speak for them.  Robert Hall does not have email.  Therefore, he reached out to another member of the Educational Improvement Committee to write a media release.  The Media Release was written on the Educational Improvement Committee's letterhead.  Further, the contact info was stated as the Educational Improvement Committee...again because Robert Hall doesn't have email.

Again, the entire membership of the Tunica County Educational Improvement Committee was not involved in the organization of the Green Flu.  However, I can certainly understand why the Tunica Times thought this was the case.

Here is the Press Release:

Tunica County Committee for Educational Improvement in Tunica County, MS 
Post Office Box 2249 Tunica, MS  38676 
Telephone:  662-363-1228 Fax:  662-357-0412 

MEDIA RELEASE  January 9, 2015  RE:  Rosa Fort High School & Tunica Middle School “Green Flu” Sickout 

To All Media Outlets  We were just informed that the Faculty and Administration of Rosa Fort High School and Tunica Middle School, 1100 Rosa Fort Drive, Tunica, MS  38676 are staging a “Green Flu” sickout today, Friday 01/09/2015.   

The  teachers  and  administration  of  the  Rosa  Fort  High  School  and  Tunica  Middle School  are “sick and fed up” with Superintendent Bernard Stephen Chandler for the following reasons: 

1.  Superintendent Chandler’s insane protocols are preventing the teachers from teaching the children in a manner to guarantee high academic performance.  

2.  Superintendent  Chandler  cursed  and  ridiculed  the  Rosa  Fort  High  School  teachers  and administrators at the Tuesday, 01/06/2014, Professional/Staff Development Meeting. 

3.  Superintendent Chandler continues to abuse and berate the teachers at the Rosa Fort High School and Tunica Middle School through many unprofessional acts. 

4.  The  teachers  and  administrators  at  both  schools  have  tried  to  tell  the  public  about  the harsh,  hostile,  and  toxic  education  learning  environment  that  Superintendent  Chandler has created in the Tunica County School District with  a special emphasis  on Rosa Fort High School and Tunica Middle School. 

5.  The  teachers  and  administrators  feel  threatened  by  Superintendent  Chandler’s unprofessional,  unethical,  and  terrorist  behavior  that  is  not  conducive  to  the  learning environment.  

For more information, please contact the spokesperson for the “Green Flu” @ Tunica County Committee for Educational Improvement in Tunica County, MS:  Robert Hall 901-487-5891 or email us back.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

About those bonds...

Tunica County's bond rating has been reduced.  I'm not surprised. Are you?

And it is our own fault.  Time and time again we have elected and hired people because they are our friends or family or because they are from Tunica and look where it has gotten us.

What the reduction in our bond rating says is that for way, way too long we have been living above our means.

Let's take a look at our history:

1.  During the early part of this century our elected officials put in place a County Administrator who helped them build all of these building without any feasibility studies.  Not only that, they didn't even wait to see if the first project could sustain itself before they were on to the next.

In 2001, bonds were issued for the arena and the museum. The arena was for $30M and the museum for $3M.

In 2003, a $15M bond was issued for an airport expansion.

In 2004, bonds were issued for the RiverPark and Museum and the golf course and tennis complex.

None of these ventures has ever made money. And yet James Dunn, Cedric Burnett, Paul Battle, III, and Billy Pegram continued to be re-elected.

2. Starting in 2007, we started to see a reduction in our gaming revenue. Our income from this source went from 46.1M in 2007 to 25.9M in 2014.

From 2007 until 2011, Supervisors James Dunn, Cedric Burnett, Paul Battle, III, Bobby Williams and Billy Pegram watched as our income went south.  There was another County Administrator advising the Supervisors but it was not until the election of Phillis Williams, Sonny Nickson and McKinley Daley that this CA advised the BOS that there needed to be millage added to support our debt service.  This 15.77 millage was passed in Sep 2013.

3. In Dec 2013, these three new Supervisors voted to replace the second County Administrator with a highly qualified individual who wasn't born and raised in Tunica County.

Our government became more transparent under the new CA. Progress was being made. In the middle of all of this, a cry continued to be heard. "He doesn't live here". Did you ever stop to think that maybe be need expertise that doesn't exist in Tunica County?

Look at our history.  What made us think that the individuals we elected, continue to elect and hire, had or have the knowledge to run Tunica County?

Our bond rating proves we are our own worst enemy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

UPDATED 7 Jan 2016: Last night....

If I thought I didn't feel well yesterday, what the Board of Supervisors did last night and what they allowed to go on during their meeting has really made me sick.

So, you now have a County Administrator who is less qualified ... I mean really less qualified ... then Michael Thompson.  Here's the rub: He doesn't live here either.  So, what about all of the complaining about Michael not living here?  How about all those principles you were squawking about?

To Phillis, I never would have supported you on this blog had I known you were in favor of making Adrian our County Administrator.  Shame on you.*  If you wanted someone different with the same qualifications as Michael, that might be reasonable.  But not Adrian.  He's not even a CPA and Tunica County is in need of this level of expertise.

UPDATE/CORRECTION: What I have now learned is that Sonny Nickson made the motion and Phillis Williams seconded the motion to replace Michael Thompson with Adrian McKay as our County Administrator.  All Supervisors voted in favor of this move.  Shame on all of you.  Had I known Phillis and Sonny and McKinley were not going to keep the highly educated Michael Thompson as our County Administrator, I would never have supported your re-election on this blog...not that I think my support would have changed the outcome one bit.  Had you come up with an equally qualified alternative, that would be a different story.  But you didn't.  You caved to the unwarranted outcry to replace Thompson because he does not live in Tunica County.  Adrian does not live in Tunica County either.  AND he attempted to vote in our Primary Election last Aug. What is wrong with you?

To the rest of you: Why did you allow Billy Pegram to sit at your table?  Don't you have a voice and a backbone?

It seems to me that Tunica wants to pick and choose what court orders they want to pay attention to. And quit blaming everything on the DEC.  The mixed up voter rolls during the Primary were the fault of the Circuit Clerk.  The falsely certified election for the position of the Beat 5 Supervisor's position is the fault of the Election Commission.

What kind of Kool Aide is being served in Tunica?

BTW, don't think Bob and I are moving because we are giving up on what we believe.  We are moving home because Bob is sick and we need to be with our family and friends.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Anyone want to buy a house...

Bob and I are selling our home at 1268 Hickory Lane in the Town of Tunica.

This house was built in 2000.  It's around 3,000 square feet and sits on 2 and 1/2 lots.  Three bedrooms; 2 baths; formal dining; 2 car garage; large screened in back porch with a fireplace.  Upstairs there is a large craft/sewing room; an unfinished bath that has been plumbed and a library that is under construction.

$250,000 Firm.  Call for an appointment.  662-671-9481.

Please share.  Pictures coming in the next couple of weeks.