Saturday, May 23, 2015

Justice Court Judge for the Southern District

I want to start by saying I don't know Jacqueline Dishmon-Boykin.  What follows is what I have taken from documents regarding this case.  For the life of me, I can't see how this candidate was allowed to be on the 2015 Tunica County Ballot.  The single question to be answered by Boykin is where she was living on 4 Aug 2013.  This date is 2 years prior to the 4 Aug 2015 Tunica County Primary.

From the MS Secretary of State’s Candidate Qualifying Guide: 

Justice Court Judge: A candidate for Justice Court Judge shall be a qualified elector and resident of the county for two (2) years next preceding his selection and shall have a high school graduate or a general equivalency diploma unless he shall have served as a justice of the peace or been elected to the office of justice of the peace prior to January 1, 1976.  Miss Code Ann. 9-11-3; Miss Const. of 1890, Article VI, 171.

From the documents: 

  1. Boykin worked for the Shelby County Sheriff from 2 Jan 1990 until 31 Jan 2015. 
    1. Boykin’s job with Shelby County required her to “reside in Shelby County by date of employment and must remain a resident of Shelby County.”
    2. Records from Shelby County show Boykin’s residence to be 3451 Birdsong Ferry Road, Memphis, TN 38118 and she last voted in Tennessee on 4 Nov 2014 using this address.
    3. Boykin’s voter record from Shelby County shows she voted in Shelby ­­­­­County Elections from 1 Aug 1994 through 4 Nov 2014.
    4. Boykin canceled her voter registration in Shelby County on 9 Mar 2015 stating she had moved out of the County.
  2. Boykin registered to vote in Tunica County on 13 Jan 2015.  Note: Boykin’s voter registration in Shelby County, TN was not canceled until 9 Mar 2015.
    1. Boykin’s Tunica County voting record states she lives at 3465 Dishmon Cove in Tunica, MS 38676 (PO Box 1814)
    2. With this address Boykin will vote in Precinct 8 at the Tunica Auditorium: Beat 4.
    3. On 10 Feb 2015 Boykin submitted a Qualifying Statement of Intent to run in the Democratic Primary for the office of Justice Court Judge in the Southern District.
    4. Boykin’s Qualifying Statement of Intent shows the 3465 Dishmon Cove in Tunica, MS 38676 (PO Box 1814) address.  Note: She ­­­­­did not cancel her Shelby County, TN voter registration until 9 Mar 2015.  Additionally, Boykin used the Cedar Drive address to register to vote on 13 Jan 2015 and she used the Dishmon Cove address on her Qualifying Statement of Intent on 10 Feb 2015.
    1. Boykin’s Tunica County Voter Registration on 13 Jan 2015 lists an address at 1168 Cedar Drive and states she has lived at this address Tunica County, MS from Feb 1998 until the present.
    2. Boykin’s Voter Registration on 13 Jan 2015 using the 1168 Cedar Drive, Tunica, MS address would put her voter registration in the White Oak Area: Beat 3.
    3. If Boykin told TN she lived in TN when she stated on her Tunica County Voter Registration she lived at 1168 Cedar Drive from 2/1998 until the present, she wasn’t being truthful to the requirements of her Shelby County, TN employer. 
    4. If Boykin told Tunica County she’s lived in Tunica County, MS for “at least 2 years”, she wasn’t being truthful to Tunica County, MS. because she was telling Shelby County, TN, she lived at 3451 Birdsong Ferry Road, Memphis, TN.   All this while she was telling Tunica County, MS she lived at 1168 Cedar Drive, Tunica, MS.
    5. If Boykin wants to satisfy the 2 year requirement for the office of Justice Court Judge for the Southern District, she needs to tell us where she was living on 4 August 2013.  This would be 2 years before the primary election.  Of course, she would have to explain to Shelby County why she voted in Tennessee as their records clearly show. 

Which is it Jacqueline?  On 4 Aug 2013 did you live at 3451 Birdsong Ferry Road in Memphis, TN or did you live at 1165 Cedar Cove in Tunica, MS?


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