Friday, May 29, 2015

28 May BOS's Meeting: Election Commission and Homestead Exemption

Following is the Transparency Committee report.  Along with this report, we delivered the supporting documents to the Chancery Clerk. These documents will be available to the public after the 1 Jun 2015 BOS's Meeting.  I will also try to upload these documents as soon as I can.  It may be awhile.  If you are interested in helping to clean up our voter rolls, I ask you to attend the Tue, 9 Jun 2015 Election Commission Meeting @ 5:30p in the Courthouse.
28 May 2015: Board of Supervisors’ Meeting @ 5p

We have 2 subjects in our presentation tonight.  

I.            Election Commission:

a.    In Feb 2015, I ordered and received a voter roll for Beat 2.

b.    I examined the roll and found there to be the following:

                                          i.    31 Voters who have not voted since 2004 and needed to be purged from the active voter rolls and placed in the inactive file.

                                        ii.    17 Voters whose voter registration date is more recent then the last time they voted.  Note: There could be a good reason for that in that these voters may have voted in other MS elections and then moved to our area.  Later in this report, it will become obvious with the information we have on a Beat 3 voter, why this might be concerning.

                                       iii.    6 Voters whose address is showing as a P. O. Box.

c.    Armed with this information, I attended the March Election Commission meeting and talked about the above concerns.

                                          i.    After presenting the above information, I was told these errors would be investigated and/or corrected.

                                        ii.    I was asked to return to the May meeting which I did.

                                       iii.    When I returned, the Beat 2 Election Commissioner had a hand written list of his own examination of the Beat 2 Voter Rolls.

d.    If you take the results of this examination from the Beat 2 Voter Rolls and extrapolate these number to the other four Beats, our findings are pretty upsetting.

e.    We are including with this information a copy of a subpoena for one Michael Shirley who was a witness in the Democratic Executive Committee’s with Craig Jones.

                                          i.    I was present throughout this trial.

                                        ii.    Shirley testified that his Homestead Exemption, his car, his driver’s license and other records were in Desoto County.

                                       iii.    Shirley went on to say he worked in Tunica and voted in Tunica.

                                       iv.    The question now is, how many Tunica County voters think they can vote in Tunica County and live somewhere else because they work in Tunica County or are from Tunica County?

                                         v.    Again, Phillis, Michael Shirley is a registered voter in Beat 3.

II.          This leads us to our second subject tonight: Homestead Exemption. 

a.    Realizing that Homestead Exemption is not required to be taken by a homeowner, the following scenario is also concerning.

b.    Back in the Fall of 2009, former County Administrator, Clifton Johnson, advised the BOS that money was tight and funds would not be allotted to the Housing line item until after the first of the year.

c.    The line item amount for Housing in the 2009-2010 fiscal year was shown to be $600,000.00.

d.    Due to budgeting constraints, the former County Administrator, indicated in a BOS’s Meeting that the Housing budget would be reduced to $300,000.00 and be available in Jan 2010.

e.    However, we found a charge to Housing for $19,500 in Dec 2009.

                                          i.    Invoice: 11232009

                                        ii.    Invoice Date: 11/23/2009

                                       iii.    Post Date: 11/30/2009

                                       iv.    Check Date: 12/07/2009

                                         v.    Check Number: 92998

                                       vi.    Claim: 1270

                                      vii.    Invoice Amount: $19,500.00

                                     viii.    Status: P

f.    We found a charge to Housing for $13,000 in Feb 2010.

                                          i.    Invoice: 0126210

                                        ii.    Invoice Date: 1/26/2010

                                       iii.    Post Date: 1/31/2010

                                       iv.    Check Date: 2/1/2010

                                         v.    Check Number: 93516

                                       vi.    Claim: 1903

                                      vii.    Invoice Amount: $13,000.00

                                     viii.    Status: P

g.    We found a charge to Housing for $15,800.00

                                          i.    Invoice: 03242010

                                        ii.    Invoice Date: 3/24/2010

                                       iii.    Post Date: 3/31/2010

                                       iv.    Check Date: 4/05/2010

                                         v.    Check Number: 94135

                                       vi.    Claim: 2522

                                      vii.    Invoice Amount: $15,800.00

                                     viii.    Status: P

h.    The above three charges equals $48,300.00.

                                          i.    This $48,300.00 is the same year-to-date expenditure that appears on the 10 Sep 2010 Budget Worksheet.

                                        ii.    However, there is more:  There are two other expenditures showing for our 2009-2010 fiscal year.

1.     The first is for $104,711.00.

a.    Invoice: 05252010

b.    Invoice Date: 5/25/2010

c.    Post Date: 5/31/2010

d.    Check Date: 6/7/2010

e.    Check Number: 95129

f.    Claim: 3472

g.    Invoice Amount: $104,711.00

h.    Status: P

2.    The second is for $223,357.00.

a.    Invoice: 08212010

b.    Invoice Date: 8/21/2010

c.    Post Date: 8/31/2010

d.    Check Date: 9/7/2010

e.    Check Number: 96478

f.    Claim: 5069

g.    Invoice Amount: $223,357.00

h.    Status: P

3.    Tonight we are submitting an Open Records’ Request for the above information.  We want to know the end recipient of these funds  What we think will be the result of all of this research is that these funds went to the Housing Authority in Clarksdale and they will refuse to tell us how these funds were disbursed.

4.    All of this leads back to the question of Homestead Exemption that was brought to our attention during the Craig Jones trial on 14 May 2015.

5.    The question is, why would someone invest in a home, maintain this is his residence and not claim Homestead Exemption Tax Benefits?

6.    As you know, the Transparency Committee has been compiling information about the residence at 1370 Beat Line Road.

7.    This is what we have:

a.    Picture taken by me of a construction dumpster of the 1370 Beat Line Road.  This picture was taken on 1 Jan 2010.

b.    Picture taken by me of construction debris at 1370 Beat Line Road.  This picture was taken on 18 Mar 2010.

c.    Picture taken by me of construction site at 1370 Beat Line Road.  This picture was taken on 18 Mar 2010.

d.    Picture taken by me of construction site at 1370 Beat Line Road.  This picture was taken on 31 Mar 2010.

e.    Picture taken by me of a contractor’s TN license plate parked at the 1370 Beat Line Road.  This picture was taken on 31 Mar 2010.

f.    Picture taken by me of the construction site at 1370 Beat Line Road.  This picture was taken on 31 Mar 2010.

g.    A copy of the stop work order issued by Tunica County because there was not a building permit issued for 1370 Beat Line Road.  This stop work order was issued on 15 Apr 2010.

h.    A copy of the Residential Building Application (RBA) dated 15 Apr 2010 showing the owner as Cedric Burnett. Note:  This is not true.  This house was not transferred to Burnett until 30 Jun 2010.

                                                                                          i.    Other information on the RBA states the cost of renovations to be $30,000.00.

                                                                                        ii.    Question: Doesn’t this Supervisors know he too must obtain a building permit for renovations?

i.      A copy of the Cover Sheet to Warranty Deed from Dulaney Law Firm.

                                                                                          i.    The Grantor is listed as Clara Burnett. (mother)

                                                                                        ii.    The Grantee is listed as Cedric Burnett. (son)

                                                                                       iii.    The property being transferred is 1370 Beat Line Road.

                                                                                       iv.    The date of the transfer is 29 Jan 2010.  Note: Remember, Cedric Burnett said he owned the property on 15 Apr 2010.

                                                                                         v.    Copy of the Property Record Card dated 24 Feb 2011 for 1370 Beat Line Road.  This copy shows Clara Burnett to be the owner of this property.

                                                                                       vi.    Copy of the Property Record Card dated 3 Nov 2014 for 1370 Beat Line Road.  This copy shows Clara Burnett is still the owner of this property.

                                                                                      vii.    At this point, we let it be known in the community that the tax records for this property were still in the name of Clara Burnett.

                                                                                     viii.    On 15 May 2015, Bob and I visited the Tax Assessor/Collector’s office and spoke with Norma Anderson.  We learned that the property tax records were now in Cedric Burnett’s name and he had paid the taxes in Apr 2015.  Hmmm.

j.     So what does all of this get us?

                                                                                          i.    If you lay the dates of this renovation of the 1370 Beat Line Road property on top of the Invoices from the Housing Authority, you get more questions.

                                                                                        ii.    If you question the $30,000.00 renovation investment, you would wonder why a bank would make a construction loan on a property that was not in the borrower’s name.

                                                                                       iii.    A light bulb moment came to me during the trials of the three candidates that were rejected by the DEC.  It was all of this talk about Homestead Exemption.

                                                                                       iv.    Another question we asked Norma Anderson on 15 May 2015 was who had filed for the Homestead Exemption at 1370 Beat Line Road?  The answer was no one had filed for Homestead Exemption at this address.

                                                                                         v.    So now the question is, who would put $30,000.00 in a house and not live in it or rent it out?

                                                                                       vi.    Further, if you are claiming this is your residence and you have invested $30,000.00 of your own money in this property, why wouldn’t you file for Homestead?  This doesn’t seem like a sound decision to me.

                                                                                      vii.    And there is one more piece of information we found in the documents of the Craig Harris file.

1.     On 11 May 2015, there was a subpoena issued for Cedric Burnett to be a witness in this trial.

2.    As of 13 May 2015, the process server, Louis Harris, could not find Burnett anywhere in the County.

3.    That would include, not at his house and not at his place of business.

4.    The question is, was he just out-of-town or was he avoiding being served?


These above problems with our Election Commission and people trying to get on the ballot without meeting the residency requirements is heartbreaking and just no longer acceptable.  Citizens of Tunica County are being hurt by both of these problems.  We are asking you to consider speaking with your Board Attorney about what you can do to eliminate these ongoing problems.   We have a right to live in a community that is honest and not being manipulated by those who want to benefit personally rather than serve this Community.  I encourage you to stand up with you constituents as we fight to make Tunica County a better place to live for all of our citizens and not just the few who are attempting to take advantage of the citizens of Tunica County.

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