Monday, February 16, 2015

12 Feb 2015 Board of Supervisors' Meeting

I will focus on one item from this meeting and that will be the adjustments in budgets.  As always,  if I have any of this wrong, someone please correct me.

Before listing the dollar amounts, there is a bit of staging that needs to happen.  The vote for these reductions came after the Board came out of Executive Session.  The votes sitting at the table were: James Dunn, Sonny Nickson and Rev. Daley.  (Phillis Williams was out of town and was not in attendance on this date.)  The Sheriff, who does not have a vote and Cedric Burnett were standing at the open back door, on the left as you are facing the judges' bench.

So, the vote was called and Burnett ducked, yes I do mean ducked, out of the room and the Sheriff said something like...Count him absent or he's absent.  Doesn't this sound like a repeat of the payroll fiasco in Sep 2014?  Unbelievable irresponsibility for a public official.

Here are the reductions: all are per month

Sheriff and Jail payroll reduction: $60k

From appropriations:
Mid-State Opportunity: $10k
North Delta PDD: $5k
Tunica National: $13k
Airport: $14k
Chamber: $5k

Lawn & Park Mowing: $6k
Street & Ditch Care: $5k
Miscellaneous: $3k

Updated on 2 Mar 2015: Total Monthly Savings: $121k

The motion passed.

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