Monday, February 16, 2015

11 Feb 2015 Tunica County School Board Meeting @5p

Let me start by saying this meeting was very disappointing.  To begin with, the Board President thought it was her prerogative to remove public comments from the agenda.  NOT.

The room was packed and representatives from the MS Board of Education were in the audience.  Also in attendance was the Tunica Times.  I am hoping the article will be in this week's issue and the facts will be reported accurately.

As for the Transparency Committee, we had a prepared statement to deliver and here it is:

11 Feb 2015 Board of Education Meeting @5p

I want to speak directly to my District 2 Representative, Tomaka Cotton.

When you were running for this office, you visited our Committee and asked for our vote.  On the basis of your visit, I voted for you.  Shame on me. 

Should you decide to run again to represent District 2, I will not be voting for you due to you having voted for a $15K raise for the Superintendent when he has a 69% evaluation and your recent involvement in the removal of Resource Officer Dennis Taylor.  Shame on you.


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