Monday, September 15, 2014

Report at 15 Sep 2014 BOS Meeting

15 Sep 2014: Board of Supervisors’ Public Hearing Meeting @ 5p Thank you for the appointment this evening. To begin, we have a few questions to ask: 1. Are we correct in understanding that the Tunica County School District receives 36.38 mills in taxes and 12% of the gaming revenue received by Tunica County? (Answer: There is also a 4% teachers’ stipend.) 2. The 12% is backed up with legislation? (Answer: The 12% and the 4% are both backed by legislation.) 3. I believe Mr. Willis stated that he was limiting his Job Readiness Program to 75 participants. Have the funds for the Summer Jobs Program been included in the Parks and Recreation budget? 4. We have asked before without receiving an answer. Would you all consider talking with the Tunica County School District to have this Job Readiness Program and the resulting Summer Jobs Program moved to the School District? The seminars for this program have been held in the Votech school for the last 3 years. It just makes no sense to have this program run by Parks and Recreation. 5. Has there been a decision made about moving the Tunica National groundskeeper position to Kemper Sports? *** 6. We were told there would be a report from Economic Development showing how much money Tunica County has spent and how much Tunica County has receive due to the various Economic Development projects. Will this report be forthcoming? ***Note: By moving the Job Readiness Program to the School District and moving the salary and benefits of the Tunica National groundskeeper to Kemper Sports, Tunica County stands to save $250,000. At the Public Hearing on 28 Aug 2014, I asked how much money was being lost due to lawsuits in the Sheriff’s Department. It was at that time that the Sheriff was heard saying I had filed suit against Tunica County 3 or 4 times. Since the Sheriff is included in all Executive Sessions, he knows this is not true. At this time, I would like to give Sheriff Hamp a chance to withdraw his statement. (Answer: There was no response from the Sheriff.)

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