Sunday, September 7, 2014

Going out on a limb...

I'm going out on a limb here because of something I heard. It is important for employees of the Tunica County Sheriff to understand that the Sheriff makes the decision to employ you or not to employ you. Don't for one minute think that by securing a statement from the County Administrator about there being no job lay-offs or reductions in salaries you have secured your job. I believe it to be true that what the County Administrator was telling you was that budget wise, there would be no reduction in staffing or salaries. Now, what the Sheriff decides to do about not being given his $250,000 for more cars is up to him. If you saw the news on Channel 3 after the Public Hearing then you saw the Chief Deputy stating that the Sheriff's Department was 13 employees down. People we can't manufacture money. We have been living way above our means in this county for a very long time. If you don't like the way our Sheriff runs his department, then there is something you can do about it. You can vote him out of office.

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