Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Board of Supervisors Meeting 5 Jul 2011

Did you see the Thank You to the Supervisors in the last post? Well, I take it back.

This morning this same item was back on the agenda and the Sheriff showed up to again request approval. This item was to "Consider grant application for Tunica County Sheriff's Department - MS Victims of Crime Program - $38,628.00 federal; $12,876.00 local match."

Again it was brought up that the Sheriff intended to pay for the local match from the funds the Fire Department owes him for dispatch services. Apparently, from what was said, the Fire Department hasn't paid the Sheriff's Department for dispatch services in at least 2 years. The Sheriff said he was going to get the Board's Attorney to help him collect the money from the Fire Department.

So, the Board approved the grant. WRONG! Let the Sheriff get the money and then approve the grant. Doesn't that make more sense?

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