Sunday, July 10, 2011

3. I don't like the way my Supervisor runs his personal business.

So, why is this any of my business? Because the current District 2 Supervisor, as President of Henderson Funeral Home, has people working for him who already have well paid jobs with Tunica County Government.

These Tunica County employees and elected officials are listed below with their county salaries:

Sheriff K. C. Hamp, Elected Sheriff: $62,000.00 (Salary set by State Legislature)

Eugene Bridges, Sheriff’s Patrol Commander: $55,166.83 (Bridges is also an Elected Constable and earns between $4,000 and $5,000 per month on commissions.)

Ann Johnson, Juvenile Court Dept. Head: $62,745.54. (Johnson also does the funeral programs for Henderson Funeral Home and is the wife of County Administrator, Clifton Johnson.)

Dr. Henry I. Hargrow: Adolescent Offenders Program: $50,608.50.

John Pickett, Administration: $46,673.36 (Pickett is assigned to Administration but actually runs the Meals-on-Wheels program through an agency Tunica County supports.)

Glen Grant, Elected Coroner: Grant’s salary is unknown through the Public Records.

As a point of information, when asked through a Freedom of Information letter that the salaries and rate of pay for Tunica County employees be made a part of the Public Record as of 1 Oct 2010, we didn’t specifically ask that elected officials be included. Therefore, the County Administrator didn’t include them. We will not be making this mistake again.

Back to the subject at hand: At the moment, the unemployment rate in Tunica County is hovering around 18%. As a Supervisor, wouldn’t you think if you had jobs available at your company that you would offer them to the unemployed rather then to people who already have jobs?

I have no idea whether District 2 Supervisor, Cedric Burnett, as President of Henderson Funeral Homes, is paying the above Tunica County Employees or if they are working for him free. Either way, it just feels wrong. It makes me feel we have a “sub government” of sorts going on in our county.

So, reason #3 is the current District 2 Supervisor is able to and chooses not to help cut the unemployment rate in Tunica County and I am uncomfortable with his personal business practices.

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