Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today's Board of Supervisors' Meeting

This morning's meeting was more then a bit disturbing both in content and presentation. I'm still studying the handouts provided by "Concerned Citizens for a Better Tunica" and an organization named Southern Echo. These groups had an appointment with the Board of Supervisors. Actually, what they did was to make a presentation of another plan for the Redistricting of Tunica County.

First of all, I don't believe they should have been allowed to make the presentation. This type of presentation needs to made at a Public Hearing. However, the Board of Supervisors set a precedent when they held a separate and special meeting with the residents of Tunica Cut-Off who were displaced by the recent floods. In my opinion, neither meeting should have taken place.

What needed to happen was to schedule another Public Hearing so that the displaced residents could hear what everyone else had to say and we could hear what they had to say. The folks from "Concerned Citizens..." and Southern Echo were in attendance at the last Public Hearing so why didn't they make their presentation then? Who knows.

I am going to make a thorough study of the handouts from this morning's meeting and will write more later.

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