Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Candidates' Report of Receipts & Disbursements

Previously, this blog posted the names of incumbents who had not filed the above report as of 9a on 23 May 2011. Today, our committee delivered a Freedom of Information letter to the Circuit Clerk's office asking for the names of those who filed after the 10 May 2011 deadline along with the date of filing. Unfortunately, there are still some candidates with outstanding reports.

Following is the report we received from the Circuit Clerk:

Candidates who filed after May 10, 2011:

McKinley Daley: 11 Mary 2011
Cedric Burnett: 11 May 2011
Henry "Lil Sonny" Nickson: 11 May 2011
Louise Linzy: 11 May 2011
Calvin (K.C.) Hamp: 17 May 2011
Glenn D. Grant: 18 May 2011
Robert Hall: 23 May 2011
Byran Vaughn, Sr.: 23 May 2011
Recelle R. Siggers: 23 May 2011
Kelvin L. Hibbler: 24 May 2011
Lil Joe Anderson: 24 May 2011
Arthur "Hot Shot" Ankston: 24 May 2011
Larry D. Ball: 24 May 2011
Bobby E. Williams: 24 May 2011
A. L. Steele: 25 May 2011
Paul Battle: 25 May 2011
Jerry Gentry, Sr.: 26 May 2011
William E. Pegram: 26 May 2011
Tommy Gibbs: 27 May 2011
Eugene Bridges: 27 May 2011

Candidates who have not file their Report of Receipts and Disbursements as of 9a on 31 May 2011:

Lawyer Porter, Jr.
Tammie Turner
Tyrone "T.Y." Hall
Christopher Thomas
Casey L. Johnson
Charles B. Graves, Jr.
"Big" Brian Smith
Curtis "Rerun" Jackson

Thanks to the Circuit Clerk and her staff for her help in gathering this information.

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