Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Attention All Candidates...10 May 2011 @ 5p

Does this date ring a bell???? No?

Remember the packet of information you were given by the Circuit Clerk's Office when you paid your fee to run in the upcoming elections? Still no connection?

Okay here it is:

Part of your election packet contained a "Candidate Report of Receipts and Disbursements 2011 Election" from the MS Secretary of State's Office. "All candidates and political committees must submit Periodic Reports by 5:00 p.m. on" 10 May 2011. This report is listed as "Mandatory" and covers the period of 1 Jan 2011 through 30 Apr 2011.

Not having anything better to do yesterday morning, I thought I'd just drop by the Circuit Clerk's Office to see who had and who had not filed their reports.

A total of 18 names were given to me by the Circuit Clerk's Office. Let's leave the new candidates out of this for the moment and let's just talk about the incumbents. Following is a list of those candidates who are now serving and did not turn in this "MANDATORY" report as of 9a on 23 May 2011:

Superintendent of Education: Jerry Gentry
Justice Court Judge: Souther District: Ellis Darby
Constable: Northern District: Eugene Bridges
Constable: Southern District: Joe Anderson
Beat 3 Supervisor: Paul Battle, III
Beat 4 Supervisor: Bobby Williams
Beat 5 Supervisor: Billy Pegram
County Attorney: Charles B. Graves, Jr.

This is ridiculous!!!!

31 May 2011: There is new information regarding this situation posted on this date.

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